18. Sarena and Family

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Forget what her sisters were saying, she never wanted to see that deadbeat that did not deserve the title of father again in her life. How could her sisters not see that he only wanted in their life because they were famous? Not even that damn famous, but Kitty was married to a millionaire, and Tennille and Ashley's faces were everywhere, locally anyway.

She was sure his hand was out. Why else was now a good time to contact them? With his hand out.

She tried to not give him any focus in her life, but it was hard. Seeing her daughters every day and wondering if maybe they had a grandfather out there that truly wanted to meet them.

"Mom, I want to work with Uncle Icee when I get big," Brandy told her while she braided her thirteen-year-old's hair.

"Doing what?"

"Singing! Like Auntie NiNi. Or making clothes, like Auntie Kryssy! Or a model, like Auntie LeyLey. Or, being a boss like Auntie Kitrina."

She chuckled. She loved her child, but she knew her daughter's abilities, and it did not lay in singing for sure. Though she had a voice herself, Brandy couldn't carry a tune to save her life.

"Baby girl, you can do whatever your heart desires, but use your talents, don't follow a dream that's not yours. And don't take an easy route because you think you have connections. Work hard for it, nobody is going to hand it to you."

Like her job at Da Hitz Factory was handed to her. Sure, she felt some way telling her daughter to work hard for something, when she knew the only reason she got her job was because T-Zack had a thing for her and now they were sleeping together. She still believed in hard work paid off. She wanted both her girls to go to college. She wanted them to make something of themselves and not depend on a man.

And not make their way by laying on their back.

Yes, she felt guilty as hell having an affair with a married man. She loved Victor, but there was no way to explain the excitement she felt when she was with T-Zack.

"And I want to marry a guy just like daddy!" 

Her little tomboy oldest child never had any interest in boys, so hearing her talk about marriage already was shocking to her.

"I still want you to have your own life, your own career. Be your own woman before you get married."

"Like you and daddy?"

Not like her and Victor. Maybe that was the issue. She married too young, but that was all she wanted at the time. To marry Victor. She decided to marry soon after she graduated high school. He decided to have kids so early, she would have preferred to wait. If she left it up to Victor, they would have six kids by now, because that is what he wanted, a large family to make up for him not having one.

She made the decision she was done at two and had a tubal ligation without letting Victor know. He was furious. It was her body, her decision. They would argue about it for months after, but they made it through that. They were good.

Till now.

Maybe she still held some resentment toward him. Maybe she was not as happy and in love as she was in the beginning.

Victor was a dream guy. Tall, gorgeous, sexy, and loved her no matter what. Even after that big disagreement, he never faltered in showing her how much he loved her.

"Mommy, I'm next!" Monica walked in with her hair freshly washed from her father doing it in the kitchen sink. Her thick curls dripped water all over her floor, and a towel wrapped around her shoulders.

"Mo, girl stop getting water everywhere. Let me finish your sister's hair."

"I can do hers," Victor said, walking into the room, a comb and brush in hand. He was a hands-on father and did everything for the girls, including bra shopping when Brandy needed it and buying her feminine products. Doing their hair since they were born was second nature to him because he had done the same for Nola since she was two years old.

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