47. Ashley-Still Undecided

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"Girl, I see why your girl likes it out here!"

Just as she loved Jamaica, she loved the sun in L.A. almost more. It was a different kind of sun. As it gleamed on her face as she lay out on the beach in her two-piece bikini, it felt cleansing. She needed this, a life of leisure. She had not been to work since before her trip to Jamaica and she was not mad at that. Her hair salon ran itself, she was not needed.

At this point, maybe she should live off the money she had stashed away and not work every day. Working wasn't helping her condition, rest seemed to help. Between Jamaica, fun at the Grammys and now chilling in L.A. with her daughter, Tennille, and AKA.

Feeling bad she had not bought Atiya to L.A. when she was there for the Grammys, she told her for her Spring Break she would bring her out there for the week.

"Mommy, I love it here!" Atiya lay beside her on the beach towel in her matching two-piece, sunscreened down, big Hollywood-style sunglasses on, curly hair pulled up in a high ponytail, and a mocktail by her side. She looked like a mini her and she was not ashamed. Actually, her little mini-me looked like her big sister Sarena with her wild, curly hair and her light brown complexion. It was weird to her sometimes, she could see her sister in the baby that came out of her.

Meanwhile, both Sarena's kids looked like replicas of Sarena, they looked nothing like their father.

Genetics were weird like that. She looked like her father and she resented that. Thinking of him gave her a headache. She closed her eyes and relaxed, letting the sun bathe over her body.

"Girl, L.A. suits you," AKA said to her, interrupting her relaxing. "The both of y'all, looking like twins."

"Everything suits me girl, I am fine! Sun, rain, snow, I can make it all look good."

AKA groaned then laughed. "I see Tennille gets that arrogance honestly."

"Well bitch, we do look good!" Tennille said on her other side, high-fiving her. "Sis, you need to stay out here with me. I'm trying to get a crib out here so I can live with the rest of the superstars. This town is calling my name!"

As much as she liked L.A. she could never live out here. They were too fake for her. Fake breasts, fake asses, fake lips, fake attitudes. And why would she want to be this far away from her family? Being away for two years in St. Louis was enough for her, and at least she was in the same state and could come back home on a whim. Nola was the only other one that went away for school, and look at her now, back home acting as if her life was over.

"Auntie NiNi I will visit all the time! Wait till I tell all my friends. Can we go meet some celebrities?"

"Yes niecey poo, I will take you all around and show you off. You're going to be a superstar like me."

"Excuse you?" Ashley asked with a raised eyebrow.

"And your mom...her stank attitude and all."

"I know you didn't!" She pushed her sister. "AKA, how do you put up with this chick with the big head? I mean, there are other celebs you could hook up with...and I love my sister, no shade, but she ain't right sometimes."

AKA only snuggled closer to Tennille. "I was all about them groupies till I met her. She's a keeper."

"Auntie NiNi is the best and she's so pretty."

"Aaaaa!" Tennille grabbed Atiya in a hug. "See, that's why you are my favorite niecey-poo."

As if Tennille needed someone else hyping her up, her mini-me was adored by all her aunties because she knew how to suck up the most. She was a little con artist for sure.

She checked her phone and of course there were texts from Malik and Dallas. She smiled because she did kind of miss them, both of them. Whenever she went back home she wanted to spend some quality time with them. How was she so lucky to have two great guys love her?

Malik did not hold it against her that she said no again to his proposal in Ocho Rios.

Dallas still tried to get her to move to St. Louis with him, but she was done with that city.

Maybe if one of the guys chose to move to Springfield with her, maybe that would make the choice easier.

Or if she could not decide, what if one made the decision for her and left?

Or she could just do what was right and end it with both of them. She knew she was not worthy of not one, but two great guys that were the type that women begged for. Never cheated on her, always romantic and affectionate with her, patient with her even when she was unclear of her feelings, and let's not forget both were drop-dead gorgeous.

The only problem was her.

She let out a heavy sigh and stepped inside AKA's house so she could return a few text messages without interruption. Tennille and AKA had watch over Atiya, she didn't need to be guarded. In fact, they were in L.A. without her guards. Tennille had hers and they were deep because she thought that made her special. Tennille really did love the Hollywood lifestyle, while she only liked to visit.

While she was sitting alone in AKA's nice spare bedroom, she felt like someone was watching her. Made the hairs on her neck creep up. She looked around the room but there was no one there.

Shrugging it off, she sat in the bed and replied to Dallas first.

I miss you. Want to see you too.

She smiled, went to her messages with Malik.

I miss you too. Can't wait to see you.

She was so wrong. Call her a player if that's what it seemed like she was doing, but how was she a player if both guys knew about each other and were cool with it? Maybe not totally cool, but they had no complaints.

One day Dallas or Malik could get fed up and be done with her. Seemed like an appropriate guy reaction, they tended to not like to share.

That made her stomach rumble. The idea of losing them both made her sick to her stomach.

She rushed off to the bathroom and threw up everything she ate that day, which was not much. Why was she feeling sick all of a sudden? She washed her mouth and her face.

She went to her bag and pulled out some blunts she packed with her. She went over to the balcony to light it up. She didn't want Atiya to know she smoked. She did not tell her about the cancer because she was now in remission, the cancer all gone. Her baby didn't have to know she went through that.

That medical ganja was taking effect and she felt like she was floating, her nerves relaxed, her stomach feeling better. She saw visions of another man, not Malik or Dallas. She had no idea what that was about. It was crazy enough balancing the two.

Anyway, she liked the vision of this new man. Maybe he was the one. It made her feel really good.

She didn't remember much else that night except waking up in a cold sweat feeling like death. The house was quiet, and Atiya was in bed with her asleep. She checked her daughter, then got out of bed.

What was happening to her?

The cancer was back.

A/N: Ashley is stressed over these two guys and making herself stress out. I feel, if they are good with the situation, roll with it as long as you can.

And she still has not told her child she had cancer?

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