37. Not So Baby Sister Nola

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No one puts baby in the corner!

She blamed herself for her sisters continuing to treat her like a baby. She acted like one. Letting them shield her for years about the bad things in their life, it was luck that she was around when things happened to Tennille. If she was away at college, they would not have called her and she would not have witnessed how fierce her sisters were.

The things she heard about her sisters in the past, were like a fairy tale to her. Not real. The whispers when she was still too young to understand. Switch-blade sisters? Who were they? Not her twin sisters, but in fact they were. When she first heard people say that, she wondered what girls were so scary they went around cutting people up.

Or two-gun-toting hot momma. Sounded like one of those old western movies. That was a person? When she found out it was her big sister Sarena, she was even more afraid of her. Guns and knives? Why couldn't they just use their hands to fight?

Knowing everyone called her brother-in-law, Killer Victor behind his back was nothing. Knowing Sarena carried two guns and knew how to use them, and had, she did not want to believe that. Not her big sister that was more like a mother to her.

And Ashley...she was too pretty to be so deadly, why did other women fear her? She looked like the type of girl that would cry if she broke one of her long, manicured nails.

No, Ashley was not afraid to get dirty, or bloody, and nor should she.

"Victor, why didn't you teach me the same things you taught my sisters?" She was at his house ready for a boxing lesson. Serena and the girls were out, so it was just her and her brother-in-law.

"Because you didn't need it."


"Because I knew you could use your brain in any situation."

That did not make sense to her. "How can I use my brain when someone is attacking me? What if that monster came up to me and grabbed me, how will I defend myself?"

Victor only grinned and patted her head like she was a puppy. "I won't let anyone harm one hair on your pretty little head."

"But I-"

"Look, if you want more lessons, I will give them to you. Always a good idea to brush up on things." He looked her over, dressed in her baggy sweats and an oversized sweater. "Change, come downstairs."

"Change into what? These are my workout clothes." She looked herself over, thinking she was fine.

"Go get some of Brandy's clothes, she's about big as you now," Victor said, as he made his way downstairs.

Should that be a compliment that her thirteen-year-old niece was taller than her and they wore the same size four clothes? And even when she found some nice athletic leggings and a tank top, it was big on her. It would have to do.

She made her way downstairs, and Victor was setting up the large open space with a hanging heavy bag and several reflex bags, and another gadget she could work on some kickboxing. There was everything you could think of down there. Various gloves in all sizes, mats, striking sticks, and other mannequin-looking things to strike. It had all been there since when she lived with them before going off to college, but she never took it seriously.

"Show me some of the moves you remember."

That was asking a lot. Victor was all about technique, she wanted to come out swinging on someone if she had to fight. So that's what she did, swung at Victor St. James.

He was a big guy at seven feet tall, but he was fast and when he moved, he moved like the wind, and somehow that made her lose her balance and fall face-first on the nicely padded floor.

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