I closed my eyes, trying to find sleep. A minute later there was another knock at my window, this time it really sounded like a knock. I slowly climbed out of bed and made my way towards the window, and I carefully pulled back my curtain.

“Zayn?” I asked, squinting at the figure on the other side of my window,

I realized he couldn’t hear me, stupid me, I pushed up the window,

“Zayn,” I repeated,

“Great, you aren’t asleep… can I come in,” He whispered,

“Well, Yeah,” I said bewilderedly,

I stepped back as he wormed his way through the window, he looked funny- I couldn’t help but giggle.

He fell on the floor and I winced, I looked back towards the door wondering if my mother could hear- no, she was probably far asleep.

“Don’t laugh at me,” Zayn said, although he was laughing himself.

“Sorry,” I said, pretending to zip my mouth, lock it, and throw away the key.

“No, I still want you to talk,” Zayn whispered, surprising me by grabbing me and pulling me into a hug,

I smiled, taking in his scent, it smelt like he showered, and he changed into pajamas too.

“What made you come back?” I asked

“You had a rough day, I didn’t want you to be alone,” He said, letting go and walking towards the bed, climbing in.

I laughed at him, it’s like he read my mind and he was making himself right at home again.

I climbed in next to him, we both lay their wordlessly, lying on our sides facing each other. A sudden thought came into my head and I had to ask,

“Werewolves can’t read minds or anything can they?”

“No, but when you’re a wolf there’s kind of like a… pack messaging system, but you don’t really use words… it’s just like, if someone in your pack is in trouble you know where they are and how you need to help, it’s hard to explain, you’ll understand soon enough,” He explained,

I didn’t know what to say, so I just nodded in response. To say I was afraid was an understatement, but I was really glad I didn’t have to do this alone.

“Zayn what’s going to happen when you have to go back to Alaska,” I asked, barely audible.

“Um, I was kind of hoping you’d come back with me,” He said slowly,

“Go back with you?! I can’t do that, I have family here, friends, school, my life,” I replied quickly,

“When I turned I left that all behind, and I don’t mind anymore because my pack is a better family than I ever could have asked for,” Zayn said, trying to convince me,

“My mom already lost my dad, I’m not about to let her lose me,” I replied, almost too harshly,

“I’m so sorry India,” Zayn said, reaching up to brush a strand of hair off my face, “I don’t want you to have to go through this; I’m pissed at Liam,”

Liam, just his name made my stomach flutter. I felt like I was betraying him by lying in bed next to Zayn. I wanted to see him again.

I tried to stop my mind, the only reason I liked him was because he bit me- he bit me, I reminded myself. Why would I like someone that bit me, I tried to convince myself.

I took a deep breath,

“What?” Zayn asked,

“Liam,” I said,

He nodded like he knew,

“Zayn, who turned you?” I asked after a moment,

Even in the darkness, I sensed a blush was forming on his cheeks, “Liam… But it’s not like that, he’s really my best friend, I love him but it’s just different... It’s like if Louisa would have bit you, we wouldn’t have this problem,”

I giggled, I imagined Zayn and Liam together and the thought just made me laugh.

“So he’s been a wolf longer than you? But you’re the alpha?” I asked, trying to make sense of it all,

“Yea, well Liam was born a werewolf, his parents are both wolves. The difference between Liam and I is the fact I actually like being a wolf, he used to despise it… not take his role in it seriously, but he’s changed since then.

I nodded,

“You’re getting tired aren’t you,” Zayn said,

I nodded again, too tired for words,

He chuckled, pulling me closer so our bodies were now touching,

“Sleep,” He said, kissing me on the forehead,

I wanted to reply, I wanted to smile or kiss him, or cuddle him tighter. But before I knew it I was asleep, stuck in my mind.


I was dreaming; I was a wolf- I couldn’t see myself, but I felt it. I just knew. For some reason I was running through a forest. I was running quicker than I ever had; I looked behind me just to see two wolves chasing me.

I could hear yelling, telling me to keep going, but I could also hear yelling telling me to stop. The voices didn’t sound like voices, but gradually they started to sound familiar. It took me a moment to realize it was Zayn and Liam yelling, but now I couldn’t understand what they were saying- they sounded so far away, almost under water.

I looked forward; ahead of me looked like a giant lake. The moon was glistening on the surface, I slowed my run and when I hit the edge of the lake I stopped. I stared down at the surface of the lake. Finally I could see myself, I was a wolf.

It looked so natural to see myself this way, but part of me wanted to rip my skin and fur off until I was a human again. I didn’t want to be a wolf. No, I couldn’t want to be a wolf- why could it feel so natural.


“India wake up,” I felt someone shaking me, I slowly pealed my eyelids apart. I saw Zayn standing above me, his hair looking cute and disheveled.

“Huh?” I said groggily,

“It’s time for school, go in and tell your mom you’re sick,” Zayn said, flipping on my light switch,

I winced at the sudden brightness; I climbed out of bed and stumbled into my mom’s room,

“Ma, my stomach kills,” I lied, groaning slightly,

“Are you okay sweetie?” she said sleepily,

“I don’t think I can go to school,” I replied, it was almost too easy to lie,

“Okay sweetie, I’ll call the school,” She said,

Score, I thought.

“I have to work tonight, will you be okay alone? Maybe you can invite Nessa over,” She said, slightly more awake.

“Uh-huh, sure,” I replied, “I’m going back to bed,” I said, retreating back to my room.

“That was too easy,” I told Zayn when I got back to my room; I noticed he was back in bed and he flipped the light off. It took me a moment to realize he had fallen asleep again.

I smiled, climbing back into bed. I tensed when I felt his arm drape over my waist. I relaxed when I remembered he was asleep.

Before I fell back asleep I thought to myself, ‘what has my life become,’


(A/N) yeah see nothing exciting happened in this chapter i guess its just kind of a filler chapter.

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