Chapter 31

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"I don't think it worked."

"I agree," I said, looking to Solus.

We were in my cell/room, and I had finished telling her all about the five hour drive I had been on.

"You should have pulled up beside them and honked or something: they would had recognized your holoform's face," she said.

I shook my head. "Yeah, I was thinking about that. But would that have been me 'contacting' the Autobots? I don't know?"

"No. Contacting is speaking to, so I think waving at them wouldn't have been considered contacting."

"You're making me regret my choices," I groaned.

"Well, there is always the chance they did recognize you, or you at least put that hope in their minds."

"True." I nodded. "How'd they react to you messing with their computers?"

Solus grinned. "They were confused at first, then after a few hours, just straight up mad. Megatron was furious that they couldn't figure out the problem; even Soundwave seemed to get angry."

"Oh, now that... that is beautiful."

"Primus, it was so enjoyable. I wish you could have seen it."

"Me too. There is always next time though. I mean, if we can't get our plan to work with the Autobots, we can always just mess with the computers and hinder the cons."

"Correction, I mess with the computers and you annoy everyone else." Solus held up a digit as she corrected me. We both started laughing.

"Yeah, that," I said, still laughing. It took a moment for the two of us to calm down. "You know, we make a pretty good team."

"Primus knows we do," Solus said, grinning.

Her form phased, more transparent then earlier.

"Scrap," she cursed. Then, she was pulled back to the amulet of death's location. I was alone. Surprisingly, this happened often.

A knock on my door startled. I barely had any time to face it before a vehicon burst in.

"Autocon, Lord Megatron has asked that go to the bridge."

I let out a sigh. "Now?"


"I'm in the middle of a very important session of staring at the wall. I would gladly go from staring at an interesting wall to talking to the ever boring Megatron."

"You will speak about our leader with respect," the vehicon snapped.

"Your leader, not mine," I said, raising my hands. I brushed past the vehicon, walking towards the bridge. I wasn't worried about Solus, she would be back.

"Autocon? That's a new one," I chuckled to myself. "Not sure how I feel about it."

I arrived in the bridge, only, Megatron wasn't there. The ship was located in space, positioned a far away from a space bridge. I couldn't help the shock. How had they hidden this from us? How long had they even had this for? And why was I called up to the bridge for this reason?

My last question was answered by an explosion. It covered the space bridge. I was relieved, momentarily, until the explosion dissipated and showed the space bridge unharmed. A purple barrier covered it. My stomach dropped. Then, coming from the direction of earth's moon, was Optimus and Grimlock. Although, the Prime had a jetpack. That was new.

Swoop was right behind them, a few figures in his talons and one on his back.

The Autobots, right there. They were right there, closer than ever. If I could contact them...

The standing order from Megatron came back to me, freezing my body and stopping me from even thinking about talking to the Autobots.

"Decepticons, protect the space bridge at all costs," Megatron's voice came over the communication system.

I watched as shots erupted in space, only for a blue shield to block them all.

"Lora!" She was here too. I didn't know how I felt about that, but it didn't matter, not now. The shield dropped, and the Jackhammer flew into the Decepticon ranks. I watched as the Autobots fled to the space bridge. In front of me, fire blazed into space, along with energon shots from both sides. There was a battle going on, and all I could do was sit here and watch. Wait, that wasn't all.

I turned and ran, leaving the bridge and everyone present.

I knew exactly where I was going, I only hoped that they were still there.

The door opened, and four sets of optics turned to me. Predaking let out a growl, his dragon like form rising to his feet. I stood were I was, keeping my optics locked on his.

"We need to talk," I said, my voice stern.

The leader of the Predacons transformed, stalking towards me as if I was prey. "Do we now? And what does an Autobot have to say to us?" The three other predacon rose to their feet, walking closer to me and their leader. It was an intimidating move, but I didn't let that show on my face.

"I want to ask you for your help," I said. "And tell you the truth."

"About what?" Predaking snapped.

"Megatron. He's using you for his own personal gain. He doesn't care about the revival of your kind, and he's not going to keep his promise."

"Predacons, Lord Megatorn calls your aid," a vehicon said through the over head speaker. I mentally cursed.

Predaking didn't move, only raised his hand to stop the others from leaving. "Go on, Autobot. You have my interest."

Good. This plan might just work.

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