Chapter 14

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"Hold on, what?" Jack asked. Bee listened to me, despite everyone being so confused. He did a U turn, quickly heading back towards the base.

"Ratchet's calculations were right, but he didn't account for other planets," I said. "What if the Dinobot isn't on Earth because they never made it? What if they just crashed into another planet, or even a moon? They could have even been knocked of course by an asteroid or something."

Realization grew on the three's faces.

"Ohhhhh," Miko said.

"That makes sense," Raf muttered, his mind already thinking. Bee buzzed an agreement. "How did you figure that out just now?"

"The car. When Bee slammed on the brakes, I lost my air for a second and saw stars, which made me think space, and in turn, the pod."

"The one time that kind of thing helps," Miko chuckled.

"The question is if we can track it that far across the galaxy. I mean, how many planets are from here to Cybertron? And moons?" Jack raised a fair question.

Bee said something, which Raf, thankfully, translated for the rest of our benefits.

"Over a hundred, easily."

"Would we be able to figure out their precise locations at the exact time and all that?" Miko asked. "It seems like a lot of numbers we don't have."

"Yeah, but if anyone can do it, it's Ratchet." I had no doubt Ratchet would find a way to pull this off.

Nods and agreement went around the car.

The guards at the military gate didn't question Bee as he pulled up to the gate. With one look at him they called for the gate to open, allowing Bee to drive in. Raf's guardian didn't waste anytime driving to hanger E, our new base.

Bee parked, and we all piled out. Confused looks were given to Miko, Jack, Raf and I; we were supposed to be at home.

"I thought you guys were leaving?" Ratchet asked, looking over at us.

"Is everything okay?" Arcee asked. The rest slowly gathered, looking down upon us with concern.

"Everything is fine," Jack assured his guardian.

"We came back because Lora was a genius," Miko exclaimed, beaming.

I didn't need any prompting before launching into my idea. "The Dinobot, he's not on Earth," I started.

"We already established that," Ratchet said, looking very confused.

"What if they never made it? What if the pod hit a planet or moon along the way? You never accounted for that."

And just like an idea sparked in Ratchet's eyes. "That would make so much sense." Swiftly, he turned, typing furiously on his keyboard. The other Autobots and Dinobots watched him, hope rekindled. My fingers were crossed, and I couldn't help but be impatient as Ratchet muttered and calculated. The suspense was high, everyone eager.

"Got it," Ratchet exclaimed. "The only astronomical object in the trajectory path of the remaining pod was Earth's moon."

"It has to be there," Grimlock said. "It explains that darkness Lora saw in her vision."

I nodded my head.

"The only issue is that we're going to have to fly there, the ground bridge can't reach that far." Ratchet paused. "Safely," he added after a second.

"Well, the Iron Will and the Jackhammer are both in tip-top shape. They can make the trip," Wheeljack said.

"About time," Ultra Magnus muttered, looking at Wheeljack. Apparently he still wasn't over the wrecker damaging his ship.

"Ratchet, Ultra Magnus, and I will go," Grimlock said. Optimus firmly nodded his head, fine with the arrangement and Grimlock taking the led. It was his bot after all, his mission.

"Lora will accompany you," Alpha Trion said, stepping in as he rose to the forefront of my conscious. "If this Dinobot is in desperate need of medical attention and won't last until we can get them here, Lora can save them. The amulet has enough power. The dinobots were launched during the war, it is more than likely that the remaining's energon reserves are going to be dangerously low."

"Umm, I'm not sure if you know," Bulkhead started. "But humans can't breath in space."

"Do you humans not have a way to get to space? I've heard it was done before." Alpha Trion asked. He turned to look at Fowler.

"Space suits. I can call in a few favours." Agent Fowler stepped onto the platform, his hands on the railings.

"Lora, are you comfortable with this?" Optimus asked. Alpha Trion slipped into the far reaches of the amulet, letting me control myself again.

"We need to save whoever this is," I said. "And if that means I have to go to space, then I'll go to space."

"Very well," Optimus nodded.

"Scorn, you're coming too, just to keep Lora safe encase," Grimlock said.

"You've got it," Scorn stepped up beside me.

Grimlock nodded his head "Okay, let's get ready."

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