Chapter 20

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The next few days were busy and calm all at once.

The Iron Will had picked everyone up, and we all returned back to Earth. Miko, Jack, and Raf were all excited to hear all about the journey. During the time we were up there, June had arrived at the base. She had fussed over me, but I was fine, minus the small scratch on my arm from Unicron, which was nothing. Ratchet had confirmed that.

The Dinobot had recovered enough to speak once everyone had returned. His name was Snarl. He told us how he had been awake for most of the time he had been stuck up in space, his rough landing ruining the stasis mechanisms in his pod.

Predaking and the other Predacons had returned, sending us the coordinates of their location, as promised. We had brought them into the base, and didn't expect to be treating one of their own. The female, who's name was Ripclaw, had sustained serious injures while leaving the Deception warship. Sadly, she didn't make it in the end. Skylynk, the other predacon (and the one who had killed Smokescreen), was pretty torn up over her death. In the four days until school started up again, the predacons and dinobots remained in the base, all of them waiting for Snarl.

On multiple occasions, Snarl had told everyone to leave him here with us while they go and look for the other Dinobots. Grimlock had refused, the other Dinobots backing him up. If they were to find anymore of their kind, it would be together, as one group.

Finally, Sunday hit, and the Predacons and Dinobots left.

"Don't cry Lora." Grimlock bent down, his large finger tipping my head up to look him in the eyes. He smiled warmly at me. "We'll be coming back to visit. If there any more of us out there, we have to find them."

I sniffed, rubbing the tears from my checks. "It's just hard to see you go."

"We've been through a lot together," Grimlock agreed, nodding his head. "And we will be through more together, I promise you that."

I nodded my own head, not trusting my voice. Grimlock rose.


The leader looked down at me. I approached him, resting a hand on his calf. Closing my eyes, I concentrated, doing as I had learned a few days ago. I left a little piece of the amulet's power in Grimlock. I pulled back, and Grimlock looked a little confused. "So I can contact you. It's a one time use, for emergencies only, but it's better than nothing. No matter the distance." My voice cracked at the end, and I pulled a tissue out of my pocket, wiping the tears and my nose. Grimlock gave me a smile and a nod before he left to say his farewells to the others.

I was pulling into a hug. "Thank you," Slash breathed, her holoform holding me tight. Still with my tissue in hand, I hugged Slash back. "For everything." The female Dinobot pulled away, taking in my tear streaked face.

"Thank you," I said. Slash smiled on more time, before fading away. Scorn approached me next.

"You going to make it?" He asked, looking down at me.

"Yeah." I pulled in a quivering breath. I squared my shoulders. "I'll be good."

"Not going to lie, getting off this rock is going to be nice."

"You liked it."

"Every moment of it," Scorn chuckled. We both looked around, watching as the Dinobots said goodbye to everyone. Slash and Arcee were hugging, an abnormality for the two of them, and Wheeljack was giving Slug a grenade. Scorn and I both rolled our eyes.

"Dinobots," Grimlock called both him and Predaking stepping away from Optimus. A final wave of farewells came from all of them as they moved over to the predacons and Grimlock. I heard Swoop limp up behind me.

"Take care of yourself," I said, looking up to him.

Swoop grinned. "I don't know about that; Ratchet just cleared me for the field. You know how trouble always seems to find me."

"That makes two of us," I laughed.

Swoop's tone changed to a more serious one. "I'll be safe."

"I know you will."

Swoop continued on, limping to the remaining Dinobots: Slash and Scorn. Everyone else was leaving, the receding shapes of the flying figures in the sky. Swoop leapt into the air, transforming swiftly. Slash vaulted onto his back, and in one move, Swoop grabbed Scorn and started climbing after his companions. Wheeljack moved beside me, the other Autobots and humans clumping up. Together, we all watched as our allies faded away into the sky.

I stayed there long after, sitting on the pavement of the military base and watching the sky. The sun had left for the night a while ago, the stars clear against the cloudless night. Jasper, Nevada had a lot of these nights, but it was never the same without Smokescreen.

A star shot across the sky, a single lonely shooting star.

"I wish I could have said goodbye." I thought, Smokescreen's smiling face in the front of my mind. His gentle blue eyes, his constant cheerful attitude, the smile that always seemed to dance on his lips, but most of all, the deep caring look in his eyes. The look that was for me.

Footsteps sounded behind me. I didn't turn as they approached, nor did I look at them as they sat down.

"It's beautiful." I looked at Wheeljack as he spoke. "You ready to go home?" He asked.

I heaved a sigh, standing up. I brushed the dust from my pants. "Yeah. I probably shouldn't let June worry too much. Plus, school starts tomorrow."

"Arcee's driving you," Wheeljack automatically said.

I started to laugh. "Yeah, okay."


School started slow, like it always did after a small break. It was only two months away from exams, yet I wasn't stressed. I was a lot happier in the morning, and my schedule was very different. June packed me my lunch, made sure I had everything, and checked that I was wearing a helmet. Arcee drove Jack and I to school, and the rest of the day was normal. We didn't go to the base after school, but returned to Jack's house. I finished up all of my homework quickly, changed into better jogging clothes, and headed out.

After our return from space, I had picked up a jogging schedule, whether it was around the neighbourhood or the military base. It was a way for me to de-stress and to think, and to mull over the past and forget about the present. It was relaxing, and I never knew I could enjoy running.

Soon, it was a week into school, and over a week since the Dinobots had left. We had heard nothing from them, but if they needed anything, we knew they would get into contact with us, somehow.

I stopped on the side of the road, hands on my knees as I breathed hard. I really needed to bring some water with me. I fixed my hair, tightening the elastic that kept if out of my face.

"Okay." I started walking, waiting until I had my breath back so I could jog again. It didn't take long.

My feet thrummed against the pavement. I was almost home. One back ally, then I was there.

A car screeched behind me.

I rolled my eyes. "Boys."

The guys in this neighbourhood were always testing the limits of their fancy cars.

The car screeched in front of me, spinning so the driver door faced me. I planted my feet, automatically getting into a defensive position. The car narrow missed me.

The door swung open, revealing a driverless car.

"Lora, get in. We need to talk."

Transformers Prime: Shrouded Truth (#4) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now