Chapter 24

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They left me in the cell for the next few days, letting me think and deal with the shock. Megatron would come in every once in a while, asking the same question: where was the Autobot's base? I never said anything, just remained sitting in the back corner, never looking at him or moving. He always left, grumbling to himself.

Solus had left after my mental break down, giving me space. I knew she would be back. I was the only one who could see her, the only one that could kill her boredom. Sadly, she was also the way I could kill mine. She never showed up with Megatron, but I knew she wasn't too far.

"On your feet."

I raised my head. Two vehicons stood in the entrance, the light from the hall outlining them. I let out a sigh, remaining where I was. I dropped my head back down. I heard the vehicons grumble. They came over, hauling me to my feet. I didn't resist. Together, they walked me to Knockout's lab. I was shoved roughly onto the table and restrained before they left. I was left there.

"It's taking too long," Megatron grumbled. "The Autobots are causing too much of issue. We just lost another mine. This can not keeping on happening."

"That is why I have suggested this," Shockwave said, his own thundering steps echoing Megatron's.

"Let's get on with it then."

I knew what they were going to do, the cortical physic patch. There was nothing I could do to stop them. Megatron laid down near me, Shockwave moving to him first. I didn't fight or anything, there was no point.

As soon as Shockwave locked the line onto the back of my table, I was out.

I don't know what I was expecting, but I didn't relive any of my memories, or get Megatron demanding information from me in my head. Rather, it was only darkness.

I was pulled out of it, and the world was dark. Everything was foggy, including all sounds. Instantly, I knew it didn't work. I was happy, but the world was fading. Looking over to Megatron, I couldn't hear a word he was saying, only see that he was angry. The last thing I made out before I went completely unconscious was the hazy form of Solus Prime.


I woke in my cell, face to the floor. The vehicons didn't seem to like me all the much.

"You're finally awake."

I groaned and rolled over, staring up into the face of Solus. 

"Yeah." I sat up, servo to my head. It was pounding, like someone was beating on it.

"Why don't you fight anymore?" Solus demanded, backing up as I stood.

"What's the point? I'm not even supposed to be alive. I'm full of dark energon, my optics are purple!"

"But you are alive, and that's what matters," Solus said. I stopped, the prime standing behind me. "And even though it wasn't through the best means, you have a second chance. You can go back, continue your life. It may not be the same, but you are still you." Solus moved in front of me, her servo going to lift my face to look at her, but stopped, as she realized that she couldn't touch me. "No matter what happens, you are still the same, in here." Her servo stopped just before my chest, hovering over my spark. Finally I looked to her. "Smokescreen: autobot, friend, warriors, guardian. That's who you are. Nothing will change that."

She was right. Nothing had changed. I may have been brought back to life, by the amulet of death, but I was still me. It wasn't like me to sit around, letting the cons push me around. That was someone I would never be. I had to fight through this, for the team. For Lora.

Solus smiled. "Good, I got through to you."

"Yeah, you did. Do you normally not get though to bots?"

Solus shrugged. "In the past, yes. It's been a few centuries though." We chuckled together. "But, no matter what, I'm helping you, whether you want it or not."

"I thought no one else could see you?"

"They can't, but I can still be a voice of reason, and give you an extra set of optics. I've been in this fight a lot longer than you kid. Plus, I've figured out that I can disrupt data streams."

"The physic patch," I realized.

"They think it was because you where brought back from the dead, but we know otherwise." She winked.

I grinned. "So, what's the plan going to be?"

"Wait until they come for you, break out, then run for the exit."

"Simple enough," I nodded.

Solus sat down, patting a spot beside her. "let's chat while we wait. I haven't talked to anyone in ages."

So, I sat down beside the prime. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Earth. Tell me about it."

I smiled, the memories already coming to the surface. "It's incredible," I started. "It's not like Cybertron at all, but I enjoy it. It's like a second home to me. The inhabitants don't know we exist, but the few that know of us aren't scared, they are just as invested in the war as us."

"Is that who Lora is?" I furrowed my brows. "Lora isn't exactly a transformer name," Solus explained

"Fair. Yeah, Lora is a human, and my charge. She's amazing. She's so strong, despite everything she has been through, and is such a fighter. I am worried for her though."


I stood up, Solus' optics following me.

"Because of how close we are. She is like a sister to me, we are family, and now, with her believing me to be dead, I can't imagine what that would have done to her." I stopped at the wall, looking at my reflection again. "And even if she did know I was alive, what would she think of this?" I gestured to me, my purple optics more specifically.

Solus rose to her feet. "If she cares for you as much as you do for her, I doubt it would matter to her."

"Yeah." I nodded, looking back at my reflection. The bot staring back at me was so foreign; I didn't recognize him. "How long has it been since my death? Do you know?" I turned to Solus, putting my back to the wall.

"Six days, not counting the day you died," Solus said, no hesitation. "Why?"

I smiled, seeing Lora's face in my mind. "Because today is Lora's birthday."

"What's a birthday?" Solus asked, now confused.

"In our words, it is the anniversary of someone's creation. For humans, it's the day they were born. It is human tradition to celebrate it, sometimes with presents, cards, and cake." I noticed Solus' growing confusion. "Cake is something humans can consume, and cards are just folded pieces of parchment that humans write messages on. I'm assuming you know what a present is?"

"I may be out of the loop and haven't lived amongst humans like you, but even in my age we had presents," Solus said, her face dead serious. I smirked. "Did you do any of this for Lora?"

"Well, I was planning on it," I said. "Miko, Raf, Jack—who are humans— and I were planning to do something special for Lora. I hope they still go through with it. Although, before I... um... died, I was able to buy her a gift. It is a bracelet Arcee helped me pick out. I hope Arcee still gives it to her."

"I think you worry to much," Solus stated, looking up to me.

"You know, that's probably true."

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