Chapter 36

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Guns at the ready, and ready to react instantly, team prime stepped out of the ground bridge, ready for instant conflict. My staff glowed in my hand, and I could hear my amulet letting out a soft hum. Yet, there was no attack, no voices, no movement. We were alone. For now.

Everyone relaxed, still ready for anything though. I let myself take in the surroundings.

The cavern—if I could even call it that—was vast around us, the roof stretching above even Optimus' head. Purple bridge like structures, which I assumed were veins, ran from wall to wall and in all directions. I became a little grossed out. A shower was going to be necessary after this.

Wheeljack and Ultra Magnus were looking around as much as I was, while the original members of team prime seemed to dread being here. From what they had told me, it was with good reason.

"All clear," Arcee said.

Optimus nodded. "Let's move."

Our group mobilized, wary steps as we proceeded. There were no words as we moved. The element of surprised had to stay on our side.

"I don't know about you all, but I don't have very good memories of this place," Bulkhead muttered. He shivered as we walked, thinking back to the day.

Bee buzzed in agreement.

"Was it this easy for you guys?" Wheeljack asked. "Something feels... off with all of this." He gestured around with his sword.

He was right, this seemed too easy.  We shouldn't have been able to just walk in, no fight, no one waiting for us. Something was wrong.

"Maybe we have fate on our side?" Bulkhead said, doubting that statement even as he said it. And, of course, he jinxed it. My amulet's hum went up a tone, growing louder with a second.

"Something is coming," I said. There were no other words needed before everyone readied themselves. From high in the air, a group of flying objects plummeted towards us. I didn't get a chance to react or even question what these flying things were before they began firing.

"Scatter." At Optimus' command, everyone moved. I rolled towards Arcee, shield up as the amulet absorbed the shots. Everyone began firing back, every source of firepower at our disposal being used. The enemies rank's were so dense that every shot hit.

"What are these?!" I demanded, sending a volley of energon orbs out after the enemies. They circled back upon us, covering the team from all angles.

"Antibodies," Arcee said.


"Less talking, more fighting," Arcee said.

I ducked under a shot, the attack enforcing Arcee's point. I threw my shield up, letting it take the brunt of the attacks. My staff slashed at the antibodies as they dive bombed me, all the while throwing energon attacks of my own. A vast majority of the attack force seemed captivated on me, determined to stop me. It only made sense, we were in Unicron, and I was the biggest threat to him. My attention could not waver, not now.

Wheeljack danced with his swords, slashing, leaping, and spinning. Occasionally his whip would flash out and take out a clump off our attackers. Optimus' tactics were much the same, involving a sword and a gun, all the while staying back to back with Ultra Magnus. They were quite the pair, protecting the other and moving to stay with them at all times. That kind of understanding came with the skills they both had.

"We need to keep on moving," I yelled. "Every second that we are are stuck here, the Decepticons get closer to their goal."

"Does anyone have a plan?" Arcee asked.  The enemies kept on coming, more and more by the second. Everyone tighten our ranks, keeping close and covering each other.

Transformers Prime: Shrouded Truth (#4) [Completed]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang