Chapter 11

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"I hate that he'll only talk to me," I grumbled, fidgeting with my bracelet. Wheeljack stepped out of his alt-form, arriving to my side.  Agent Fowler waited at the front door to the prison, opening it for Wheeljack and I. He had confronted Derek as soon as he left the base, only to get the same response: "I'll only talk to Lora."

No one like me going, myself least of all, be we needed answers. So, I would do this. Everyone, including myself, agreed that I shouldn't go alone, so Wheeljack would accompany me After everything Derek had put me though, I couldn't stand being in a room alone with him. Actually, I couldn't stand being in the same room. Period.

"Don't worry, he won't be able to touch you," Wheeljack assured me, his holoform resting a hand on my shoulder.

"And the bots and I will be watching the whole thing. You can leave at any time, don't feel pressured to stay any longer than you feel comfortable with," Fowler said, passing a nod to the front desk guy. He led the wrecker and I down a relatively short route, stopping in front of a steel door with two guards. "These guys will be out here at all times, ready to step in if needed; I promise you, we have every angle covered. Stick to what we talked about, and this will be all done before you know it. After today, you will never have to lay eyes on his grubby face again."

I managed a small nod of my head before Fowler left, passing me a rare, reassuring smile. Pulling in a steadying breath, I raised my head high, passing a neutral look over my face. I quickly checked to see if the hidden camera on my sweater was still good and tested my headphone with the newly set up communication system. Everyone back at the base could hear and see everything. With that, I nodded my head to a guard beside the door. He opened it, and Wheeljack and I entered.

Even after bracing myself, seeing Derek in person caused me to pause. The door shut and as soon as it did I considered leaving. Derek looked the same as he had the last time I had seen him, the same man I had grown to hate.

In a quick moment, I steadied myself, reining in my look of shock and fear. I only hoped it was soon enough.

At the sound of the door, Derek looked up from his scared hands. "Ah, Lora. It's been too long," he said. A fake smile grew on his face. I suppressed a shiver. Wheeljack moved closer to me, giving me his presences.

"Not long enough," I said, glaring at him. I forced myself to walk a little closer. Let him believe that I wasn't afraid of him. Let him think he hadn't scarred me for life.

"I was expecting someone else," Derek continued, looking over at Wheeljack. "Smokescreen, I think was his name."

"He wanted to be here, he really did, but had a much more important mission than seeing you," Wheeljack lied fluidly. A wicked grim was on his face as he spoke. "So I was left with this horrendous job of seeing your ugly mug again."

Derek chuckled, his attention returning back to me. "And to what do I owe this visit?"

"You know damn well what we want," I spat, unable to rein in my anger.

"The location of the pod, or someone who can tell you."

"And? Can you?"


"On what?"

"On whether or not you help me."

"Help you? Help you?!" I forced a chuckle. "You are in no place to make any demands."

"Oh, but I think I'm in the perfect place to be making demands." Derek leaned forward, uncrossing his legs and resting his hands on the steel table. "You two are desperate for this information, I can see it in your eyes. That agent demanded the answer with just as much need. I know what this information might do for you, so why not give it a price?"

I snarled. "You—"

"Ah ah ah Lora," Derek warned, raising a finger. "Wouldn't want that anger to ruin the only chance you have, now would you?"

I gritted my teeth, my fists clenched in rage, barely holding back my anger. He knew he was right and he held that against me.

"She's right; you have no place to make any demands," Wheeljack said. "You have two choices: either you help us, or I make you help us. Your choice."

Derek grinned. He leaned back in his chair, still confident that he had the upper hand in this. My eyes narrowed.

"We'll let you think it over, I know you'll make the right choice," Wheeljack said. He turned and head for the door, I followed in his footsteps.

"I bet he died a coward."

We both stopped. Slowly, I turned, my voice murderous. "Pardon?"

"I bet he died in the dirt, his life meaning nothing. He was nothing more than another casualty of war, left to rot in the hell you dragged him into."

"You know nothing," I snarled, turning to face Derek.

"Lora," Wheeljack warned, his hand touching my shoulder to hold me back. I shrugged him off, stepping forward.

"I know enough. Lora, I raised you, I can tell when you hate yourself, as you do now. You hate yourself for not saving him, and within all rights, you couldn't even save yourself. You're weak, and I can't believe Smoke—"

Derek never finished, as I had jumped the table, knocking his chair backwards. It hit the ground, clanging. Derek let out a groan of pain, as he hit the ground. I planted my feet on either side of him, my staff pushing against his throat.

"You have no right to utter his name," I snarled.


"You know nothing," I continued, ignoring Wheeljack. Hands grabbed my arms and pulled me away, letting Derek cough as air rushed back into his lungs. All the while he smirked, watched at Wheeljack dragged me out of the room. The door slammed shut behind us, the two guards entering. I quickly saw them righten the chair before Wheeljack pulled the door shut, leaving just the two of us in the hall.

"What was that?" He demanded. "Fowler warned you that he would try and throw you off, find a weakness in your mind. He did, and you let him."

"Sorry," I said, lowering my head in shame. "I just... I just didn't like him putting me down. He's always done that to me, and I couldn't stand it anymore. And when he attacked Smokescreen like that...."

Wheeljack gave me a lopsided smile, reassuring me. "I get it," he said. "But you have to hold back. Don't let him get a reaction out of you, that's what he wants."

I nodded my head.

"What does Derek want in the first place?" Arcee asked, reminding me that everyone had just watched my outburst.

"Probably freedom," Fowler said, walking up to Wheeljack and I. "That or special treatment of some sort."

"He's getting neither," Bulkhead said.

"We may have to come to a compromise, we need those coordinates," Optimus said

"If it's better accommodation, I can live with," Fowler said. "We just need to get information out of him, one way or another. We'll try for free first, then we'll have to resort to bartering with him." The last sentence seemed to disgust Fowler as much as it did me.

"Are you good to go in Lora?" Grimlock asked.

"Yeah," I said. "I'll keep my emotions in check this time. No promises if he brings Smokescreen up again."

"Keep it in check." Fowler placed a hand on my shoulder, looking me in the eye. I nodded, and with the two guards leaving the cell, Wheeljack and myself entered again, Agent Fowler coming with us this time.

Derek sat in his now rightened chair, a smug grin on his face as we entered. His eyes landed on me. I could tell he was pleased he had taunted me. I gave him a not-so-nice smile.

"So, Mr. Selvick, let's start with you giving us this information?" Fowler placed his knuckles onto the table as he leaned forward, his eyes levelling wth Derek's. "And I suggest you think your next response through very carefully."

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