Chapter 4

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"Sorry it took so long to get you," Wheeljack said. The Iron Will—Ultra Magnus' ship that Wheeljack was now flying—flew steadily above the night clouds. Wheeljack didn't glance at me as he spoke. "Ultra Magnus came limping back after the fight, and the Jackhammer isn't big enough to carry me, Optimus, and Grimlock, so I had to do some quick repairs on her—" he patted the controls—"She'll get us back to the new base."

"I speak for both of us when I say that late is much better than never," I assured the wrecker. I look back to Grimlock and Optimus. They were talking, and the words 'base' and 'ground bridge' came up. Hopefully, our operation would be up and running soon.

"Did you see what happened to the base?" I asked, turning back to Wheeljack. He passed me a quick glance before looking towards the front window again. I shifted my position.

These seats weren't overly comfortable to sit on. Then again, they were made for Cybertronians, not us humans.

"Well, it's definitely gone," Wheeljack sighed. "The silo went up in a huge explosion. The smoke covered the whole sky, and honestly, I wasn't even sure if everyone had made it out in time. Thankfully, we all did.

"The base happened to give Ultra Magnus and I one last favour; we were able to escape through its smoke. The Predacons weren't to keep up with us, and we managed to slip out. I'd imagine Megatron is furious about that."

"Probably," I chuckled. "You know, the one good thing that probably came out of losing the base was that we have the element of surprise on our side once again. Megatron probably thinks we all—or most of us—are dead."

"That's until he finds nothing in the wreckage, bodies or artifacts."

"Wouldn't he assume that it was all obliterated in the explosion?" I asked.

Wheeljack looked to me, all joking leaving him. His expression turned deadly serious. "Megatron never assumes anything."


Throughout the warship, Megatron's rage could be heard.

"I want proof!" He yelled, his voice echoing off of all the surfaces. "I want to see bodies, artifacts, something."

"Are you sure they weren't just destroyed in the blast?" Knockout asked. He was largely unfazed by his leader's rage. "We don't know how much energon they had holed up in there."

"I want assurance that Optimus and his insufferable Autobots are rusting in pieces. I need proof!" Megatron's fist slammed down on the warship's console. A few of the Vehicons gathered took a few steps back. Megatron shook with rage. "Do whatever you have to, but find me those bodies!"


"Hold on everyone, we're coming in hard!"

I was jostled from my sleep as Wheeljack tired to keep the Iron Will steady, but it wasn't doing so well. Apparently all of quick repairs Wheeljack had done to it weren't enough to keep it flying any longer.

I stumbled as I tired to keep my balance on the shaky ship. Grimlock grabbed me and held me close to his chest, noticing my struggling. I mentally thanked him. With his other hand, he held onto the back of the chair, giving him extra support. Optimus stood behind the leader of the dinobots, retaining his balance extremely well.

On the ground, I could see the Autobots and Dinobots gathered, watching as we limped our way home. Five small dots were on the ground too, and where the humans stood only confirmed who they were.

"Brace yourself!" Wheeljack exclaimed as the ground approached fast.

"Level the ship out," Grimlock commanded, noticing the trajectory we had.

A wild grin grew on Wheeljack's face, but he didn't listen. Hopefully the wrecker had a plan. One that didn't result in us splatting on the ground.

"Wheeljack," Optimus warned.

"I've got this," the wrecker assured, yelling over the whine of the engines.

The ground was too close for comfort. Wincing, I braced myself and readied to use the amulet to protect us all.

Suddenly, Wheeljack reefed the controls up. The ship suddenly levelled out. Optimus and Grimlock fell back and slid along the floor. I jostled in Grimlock's grasp.

The Iron Will made contact with the ground of the hanger, shaking the ship. Grinding filled the ship as we slid across the ground.  As we passed the others, I saw them shielding the humans and turning away from us.

With one last jostle, the ship finally stopped.

"That's going to bruise," I groaned.

"Told you I had it," Wheeljack said, standing up from the pilot's seat. Grimlock, Optimus and I all looked at him.

"Ow," was my only response.

Transformers Prime: Shrouded Truth (#4) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now