Chapter 13

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When Arcee pulled into the Autobot's base, the mood was depressed. Everyone was quiet, and the worst part was Agent Fowler's face.

"Lora, can I get a few minutes of your time?" He asked as soon as Jack and I swung off of Arcee. Jack passed me a shrug, both of us unsure what it could be about. Regardless, I listened to the agent, heading up the stairs and to his office. Fowler held the door open for me, shutting it firmly as I entered.

"Take a seat." He motioned to the chair on the opposite side of the desk. I listened, sitting down as he too took a seat. My leg vibrated and hands grew clammy. Why was I so nervous? Probably because Agent Fowler had never called me to his office. This couldn't be good. Now, fear grew in the anticipation for whatever he was going to say.

"What is this about?" I asked, my eyebrow raised. Agent Fowler let out a sigh, clasping his hands together. Something was bugging him, something he didn't want to tell me.

"Last night, Derek was murdered," he said.

I suddenly understood why the atmosphere in the base was so somber. I didn't know why, but my heart seemed to clench. I was... mad, but not at Derek, or Fowler, or this murderer, but rather at the fact that Derek was gone. How could he have let that happen? Why? After all of it; the pain he had given me, his involvement in MECH, even him being defiant when questioned him, how could he be dead now? I was mad that I couldn't have been the one, to get my revenge, to finally get justice after everything he had put me through.

"I know you two had a very rough past, but I though you should know. I understand—"

"How did it happen?" I interrupted.

Fowler let out another sigh. He pulled his computer out. After typing in a few commands, he spun it around for me to see.

The film was black and white, unlike the previous security footage of Silas' death. There was no sound, but I didn't need it. To be honest, I was glad there wasn't any. I couldn't bear to hear Derek's voice again.

He was sitting on his small bed, reading something. A light appeared at the bottom of the screen, and Derek was instantly on his feet. He watched the door. At first his face was filled with fear, but it quickly changed to a smirk. He said something as the light disappeared, the cell door probably shutting. At the very edge of the screen was a mechanical cat, and a figure standing beside Ravage. I couldn't see if the person said anything back, but judging by Derek's confused look, they had. There was barely anytime for Derek to react as the figure launched forward. That was when Agent Fowler paused the video.

"You don't need to see the rest; I'm pretty sure you can assume what happens from there."

I just nodded my head.

"Did you know of any enemies Derek had? His involvement with MECH?"

"No," I said, my voice shaky. I hated how it sounded, but I continued on. "Growing up with him, he never spoke of his career, never mentioned it, never hinted it, nothing. The only thing I knew him as was an abusive man with a terrible drinking problem. The only time I learn of his employment with MECH was through a piece of mail, and that was the same day Smokescreen," I paused after my late guardian's name. "saved me from that hell."

Agent Fowler nodded his head. "Is there anything you can think of that stood out, anything at all, no matter how small?"

"No. You're thinking a human did it?"

"We have to look at every angle. And, whoever this person was, they didn't exactly act like a con; they killed him like they knew him, had a grudge on him. If the cons did this, I don't see why they would even target Derek. Silas, I could maybe understand, but Derek was just a lackey. Heck, the cons teamed up with MECH to get you and Slash. They even protected the base when the bots raided it to get you out." Fowler threw his hands in the air, rising to his feet. I could see the frustration on his face, the dislike for knowing so little.

"So, you really have no clue who is behind this?"

"Unless the cons decided to team up with some human—which I highly doubt—we have nothing to go off of, only that the cons were somehow involved because of that cat." the agent's finger jabbed at Ravage on the paused screen. Soundwave's ally hadn't moved for the whole video, instead remained by the door as the man, or holoform, attacked Derek.

Fowler forced himself to take a seat. "I'll let you go. Sorry for putting this on you this early in the day, but you needed to know. If you remember anything about Derek that might help, it would great help. I know that's asking a lot because I know for a fact those memories aren't pleasant."

"I'll keep you posted," I assured to agent. I rose to my feet.

"Thank you."

I let myself out, Jack, Miko, and Raf's eyes landing on me as I left Agent Fowler's office.

"Sorry to hear about..." Raf trailed off, his expression telling me he was unsure about saying Derek's name.

"It's all good," I said. The three of them moved over, letting me have a place on the couch. No one spoke, the paused game sitting on the screen. "You know what's weird?" Three sets of eyes looked to me. "Even after everything Derek did to me, all the scars he gave me, after hearing what happened, it hurts. I should hate him, hate him with everything I have, and I did, but I can't bring myself to feel happy that he's gone. I don't know what's wrong with me." I rested my head in my hands.

"It just mean you have compassion, even for those who gave you harm," Miko said. Her hand rested on my back, gently pulling me to rest on her shoulder. "There is nothing wrong with that. Now come on, it does no good to dwell on what you should and shouldn't be feeling. That man deserves none of this self pondering. Let's play a game."

I couldn't help but smile. "You know, when you're not being hyper, you can give really good advice."

Miko grinned, holding out a fourth controller to me. "I know. I just think hyperness suits me much better."

I grabbed the controller, and together, Jack, Miko, Raf and I played a shooter game, switching between teaming up on each other and yelling furiously, to fighting as a team, wave after wave. That was pretty much all our day consisted of. Over lunch, we browsed the conspiracy website, noticing that others seemed to be taking down photos too. After that, we played some board games with the other bots, often winning as they didn't quite understand most of the games. Although, strategy games and Jenga almost always resulted in us humans losing, but we didn't care, it was a fun day, one that we all needed after the news and events that had happened. When it was finally time to return home, we all piled into Bee, taking the backroads and racing down them.

"I must admit, that was an awesome day," I said, turning around in the passenger seat to look at Jack and Miko in the back. Raf nodded from the driver's seat.

"We have to do that again, but backroads first," Miko exclaimed.

"Of course that was the highlight of your day," Jack chuckled. There was nothing but happiness in his voice.

I turned forward again, listening to the background music that played softly through the speakers. It had been a truly pleasurable day.

The highway back into Jasper surprisingly had a lot of cars on it, all of the drivers eager to get home. I didn't mind the packed road, it only meant more time to spend with my friends.

A horn blared through the air. Suddenly, a car swerved in front of us, cutting off Bumblebee. The breaks were slammed on, and all of us whipped forward, straining against our seat belts. My breath left my body, and I was left with black vision, stars filling it.


Bee let out a loud beep, which could only be interpreted as a swear. Slowly, he eased on the gas.

"Everyone okay?" Jack asked.

"Yeah," Raf groaned.

"What a jerk!" Miko yelled.

Stars, that was it, the answer all along. "Bee, turn around." I commanded.

"What?" Miko, Jack, Raf all asked in unison.

"I know where the other Dinobot is."

Transformers Prime: Shrouded Truth (#4) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now