Chapter 27

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I stood amongst the rubble of the Autobot's base. The ruins still smoked, and I could feel the heat in the air. The sky was dark, the sun blocked out by the smoke and ash. It was all gone. Everything that I had ever known, was gone.

"I'm glad they got out," Solus said, her legs fuzzy as she stood in a piece of rock. She didn't seem to notice it though.

"Me too," I muttered softly, quiet enough so the others wouldn't hear me. The Jackhammer and Iron Will had fled shortly after the base was destroyed. They had disappeared through the smoke, the last anyone had seen of them. Two predacons had followed, and I could only hope that they were okay in the end. Having the two still out there meant that there was still hope to defeat the Decepticons."It means I can't help Megatron any more."

"He's not going to let you leave."

"I know."

"Come on," A vehicon said, interrupting Solus and I's conversation. We both listened, heading back up to the warship. Megatron wasn't happy when the vehicon's told him the news. Throughout the warship, Megatron's rage could be heard.

"I want proof!" He yelled, his voice echoing off the surfaces. "I want to see bodies, artifacts, something."

"Are you sure they weren't just destroyed in the blast?" Knockout asked. He was largely unfazed by his leader's rage. "We don't know how much energon they had holed up in there."

"A lot." I thought.

"I want assurance that Optimus and his insufferable Autobots are rusting in pieces. I need proof!" Megatron's fist slammed down on the warship's console. A few of the Vehicons gathered took a few steps back. I remained where I was, watching the warlord with a little bit of amusement.

Megatron shook with rage. "Do whatever you have to, but find me those bodies!"

"Of course, Lord Megatron." Like that, the team of Vehicons left again. I turned to leave with them.

"Smokescreen." I stiffened at my name. "Come here." I was obliged to listen, my body forcing me to go to Megatron's position. Solus followed me, offering me her comfort and showing me I wasn't alone. "Where did the Autobots go?"

Inside, I smirked. That was one answer he would never get. Although, I was forced to answer honestly (I really wanted to say some sarcastic comment). "I'm not aware of any other bases they could have gone to, or any location they would feel safe going to."

"What would their plan be?" Megatron pressed, clearly showing he wanted some information, no matter what.

"Possibly scatter and hide, until the way seems safe. It was never discussed."

I could see Megatron's frustration, but it quickly vanished. "Go and get a new alt-form. Something a little less... conspicuous." Megatron's purple optics flashed to the 'thirty-eight's on my doors. I groaned: I really liked them! But I had to listen, so I followed the team of vehicons. As soon as we arrived on the ground, I transformed and drove away from the explosion site, heading towards town. At least I still had a choice, even if it had some perimeters.

The residents of Jasper didn't seem too fazed about the smoke outside if their town, only a handful of people pointing towards it. I drove amongst them, looking for a car that I liked. There wasn't a lot to choose from, sadly. But, I could drive for as long as I wanted. Megatron hadn't set a return time.

"Perhaps a different paint job?" I mused. That technically counted as a different alt-form. I could deal with that.

Soon, I stumbled upon a used car dealership. I quickly found a colour scheme that I liked. It was dark blue, a gold-ish yellow, with a bit of white. It would work. I scanned it, making sure no human saw me, then drove away. The screaming thirty-eights that I had grown to loved were no more. I would miss them.

Transformers Prime: Shrouded Truth (#4) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now