Chapter 23

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I started jerking against my restraints.

"You know as well as I that that won't do a thing," Knockout chuckled. I stopped, gritting my teeth in anger.

"What did you do to me?" I demanded, my optics following Knockout as he walked around me.

"We gifted you a new life." My head snapped to the doorway, watched as it shut behind Megatron himself. The warlord's servos were clasped behind his back as he approached me, the dark star saber glowing on his back.

"The cons bring an autobot back the dead." I huffed. "Like I'll ever believe that."

"Where is the Autobots base?" Megatron asked. He stopped at the foot of the table, his red optics staring at me with the fierce intensity they always had.

"You may have 'supposedly' brought me back, but there is no way I'm telling you anything. You'll have to go find yourself a different autobot, because you're getting nothing out of me."

"You will tell me, one way or another."

"Yeah, I don't think so." I grinned at him, taunting the leader. "It's never happening."

Megatron didn't seem concerned. Megatron raised his servo, beckoning two vehicons forward. "Take him to his new residence. He'll be here awhile."

"And wrong again," I chuckled. The restraints came off, and the two vehicons roughly grabbed me and pulled me to my feet. They slapped a simple metal band on my wrist, to keep me from accessing my weapons. "I'm getting out of here, and there is no way you can stop me."

Megatron stepped in front of me, his face inches away from mind. "I'd like to see you try."

I couldn't help the another smile growing on my face. "I'll take that as a challenge." Megatron motioned with his head, and the vehicons led me out of the room, moving me around him. "You hear me!" I yelled. I struggled against the cons. "You can't keep me here. Once the Autobots know I'm here, you are so scrapped."

"I'd like to see them try," Megatron yelled back, the automatic door shutting as his word hit my audio receptors.

I let the vehicons drag me to my cell, memorizing my route and noting exits. I would have to play this right, and I didn't entend to mess it up.

The two cons chucked me in, shoving me roughly inside. They offered no words as the door shut, locking behind me. It didn't matter to me, they would take me out of here eventually, and that was when I would make my move.

I rose to my feet, brushing myself off. In here, the lighting was dim, and the area small. There was another slanted table, and I instantly recognized the room I was now in. This was the same cell where the cons first held Lora. I vaguely remembered seeing her in here when I had phased through the wall. How long ago now had that been? It didn't matter, they were only trying to throw me off, and I wasn't going to let them, not now, not ever.

I walked to the walls, running my servos along them. There seemed to be no imperfections, nothing here that I could use as a weapon or way out. The closest thing was that table, but it was bolted down. It was useless. Still, better than nothing.

Grabbing it, I heaved, trying to pull it from its base. When that didn't work, I moved to the stand, pressing my shoulder into it and shoving in hopes of snapping it.

"That's never going to work."

I let out a screech of surprise— which I will admit I wasn't proud of— and shot up, banging my head on the table. I stood, rubbing my head while I looked to who had spoken.

It was a femme. She had a small but sturdy frame, a sword sheath built on her hip. It was empty. She looked depressed and wore thin, but her blue eyes were as bright as anyone's.

Transformers Prime: Shrouded Truth (#4) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now