Chapter 39

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Smokescreen pointed his gun at me, the purple light in it growing. His posture was ridged, a stark contrast to his always relaxed stance. The regret that he held could be seen all over him. It was enough to tell me everything I needed to know.

My guardian sounded close to tears as he spoke, and if he could cry, I knew tears would be running down his face as he was forced to do this to me. "I'm sorry," he choked out, voice quivering.

Smokescreen would never mean to hurt me. Ever. Unicron was forcing him to do this. I knew that. We both knew that.

The other Autobots surged forward, trying to reach me. I could see their desperation, hear it in their shouts. They were stopped by the clones, either pushed or forced back. Optimus broke past the line, going for Smokescreen. The Fallen tackled the prime, spitting insults as he forced Optimus into a fight. Every move Optimus made was to get to me, but it was never enough. His own eyes were desperate as he watched the scene unfold.

I looked back at Smokescreen. His lips were quivering, and I could see he was shaking from head to toe. It was taking all of his effort to just talk to me, and even more to try and hold back from killing me.

I gave him a smile, the one I had been wanting to give to him since we had first met. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I looked into his.

Deep behind Unicron's control and Megatron's manipulation was still my guardian, the one that I loved like a brother. He was there, and he was fighting.

"It's okay," I told him. I could no longer stop my own tears. I didn't want him to see them and make this harder for him, but they rolled down my cheeks uncontrollably. "Thank you, for everything. I don't blame you, I never will." Smokescreen's face fell, and his breathing grew ragged. His arm shook harder as he fought. I didn't want him to go through this, not any longer. He didn't need this. "It's okay, I promise."

I kept my head up as I closed my eyes. I let the tension leave me and allowed my body to relax. Purple glowed through my eyelids, but I was not afraid. I couldn't be, not when he stood in front of me. I could never be afraid when Smokescreen was with me.

With one last breath, I heard the shot go off.

Intense heat scorched my side, and the roar that followed made my ear drums ring. But I was alive. I could still move, nothing hurt. I felt no different. My eyes snapped open at the sound of an impact.

Smokescreen fell to his knees, his face contorted in pain. His blaster was smoking, a scorch mark on the ground not to far from me doing the same. He held his arm, holding it close. It took all of his effort to keep it restrained, I could tell.

His lifted his head, and I stiffened. The purple eyes were dimmer, a tinge of blue hidden in them. He was fighting it, and he was winning.

"Lora," he managed, his jaw clenched. "Run." Then the purple was back full force. Neither of us had a chance to move.

A ground bridge whirled into existence, and from it eleven figures emerged.

They looked just as they had last time I had seen them. Grimlock stood proud in the front, his fellow Dinobots gathered around him. Predaking and his own team landed on the ground, letting lose roars of challenges, their heads thrown back and wings out in intimidation.

Smokescreen was on his feet, once more aimed at me. This time I was saved.

Swoop launched Scorn at Smokescreen as he flew overhead, the predacons following the pteranodon. Scorn tackled Smokescreen. I ducked as low as I could, covering my head as the two friends flew over me.

Scorn hit the ground and rolled with Smokescreen, transforming and chucking my guardian. He let lose his own roar, and backing up towards me glanced back at me to make sure I was okay. I gave him a nod.

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