Chapter 28

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I sat parked outside the prison. Primus, I hated this. This whole plan, I hated it. I had to go in the prison, follow Ravage's led, and find Silas' cell. I was to watch Ravages back as he....

Ravage growled from the backseat. He raised his clawed foot, going to swat at the door.

"Don't you dare," I snapped, halting the cat. He let out another growl, his tail twitching in annoyance. His foot dropped, his optics stared at the steering wheel, clearly ordering a silent command at me. "Yeah, I get the point." I popped open the door for him, which he leapt out. He hit the ground, spun around and staring at the driver's door. "Impatient fool," I grumbled. My holoform phased into existence, and I stepped out.

I had to say, I liked my new look. My holoform now wore rich blue jeans, with a crisp white shirt. A golden yellow sweater finished the look off, whose hood I pulled over my head. I looked really fine, if it wasn't for my purple optics. I still had a hard time looking at them.

Ravage turned, his tail flicking, which could only be taken as a beckon. I grumbled, but followed Soundwave's minicon, who lead me towards the prison. Ravage cleared the chain link fence in one leap, turning and looking to me.

"Show off." I grumbled. I touched my 'watch' turning the phase shifter on. I simply walked through the fence.

I don't know how, but the cons had grabbed the phase shifter from the explosion, which had miraculous been unharmed. It was a familiar weapon, and Megatron had gifted it back to me without much complaint. We both knew how well I used it, and I was to be their new 'warrior' (like I ever would be), they would need me at my best. I was just happy to have it.

Ravage gave me no time before he walked off. I grumbled again but jogged to catch up with him.

Now, it was my turn. I touched Ravage's tail, and stepped through the door, the phase shifter allowing us easy passage in.

Ravage avoid all the cameras and security patrols, telling me that the cons had been watching and observing this location for quite a bit. I was forced to follow in his exact steps. If it hadn't been for Megatron's strict command not to be discovered at all, I would have sabotaged this mission long ago. Surprisingly, the cons wanted to remain low profile.

Ravage stopped in front of a door. He looked at me expectingly. I let out a sigh, touched him again, and walked through the door and into the breaker room. Ravage instantly set to work, nosing his way to the back of the room. He found what he was looking for, a power cable, and swiped through it. The effect was instant.

The lights went out, darkness surrounding us. Ravage wasted no time leaving. I touched him again, then we took off running down the halls. Two seconds after cutting the power, the backup lights came on, the halls become in red. I knew the alarms had already been raised, but Ravage and I had already arrived at our destination.

I kicked open the door, the sturdy bolt breaking like it was nothing. It banged against the wall, revealing Silas himself.

The former MECH leader looked half dead, his eyes sunken and an untamed stubble growing on his jaw. Even with that, he was on his feet as soon as the door flashed open, defiance in his eyes and a strength about him that never left him.

Silas eye's widen when they saw me. Even wearing a new outfit, and with purple optics, he recognized me. It was clear in his posture and voice when he said, "You."

Ravage gave him no more time before he leapt at him. His paws caught the leader in the chest, catching him by surprise. I couldn't look away as Ravage's jaws latched around Silas' throat. This was wrong, no matter how much Silas had done to all of us, he didn't deserve this ending. But I couldn't do anything, just remain by the doorway and listen to Silas' gargling and struggling. The sounds were enough to scar.


"I don't see why we needed to do that," I said. Megatron wasn't looking at me, only out his window that he always looked out of. Ravage sat at the always silent Soundwave's side, looking pleased with himself. All the blood was gone from his claws, as well as his teeth. Solus stood near me, unsure of what had happened. I would fill her in later. Probably. "Why are we killing humans?"

"Silas was no friend of yours, so why do you care?" Megaton finally turned around. "He inflicted harm upon your human pet, I thought you would had enjoyed seeing him met his well deserved end."

"He deserved to be brought to justice, as he was doing, until Ravage murdered him," I spat.

"That was Ravage's revenge. I intend to give you that same curtesy. Autobots and their rules," Megatron muttered, turning and walking around me. I remained facing forwards, hands clenched in rage. "Soundwave has just recently discovered another enemy of yours, Derek Selvick. You have twenty-four earth hours to kill him." Megatron leaned close to my audio receptor. "Be grateful I'm letting you do this." With that, he walked back to the window, looking at the planet below with a hungry gaze. I didn't wait to be dismissed before stalking off, Solus following.

"What happened?" She asked as soon as we left Megatron's unwelcoming company.

"I don't want to talk about it," I spat. Solus left it alone. We entered my cell, and that was when I snapped. My fist connected with the wall. It hurt, but the pain was welcoming. I stayed there, fist in the wall and breathing hard. Solus stayed behind me, watching me with concern.

"Silas and Derek were apart of MECH, an organization that caused the Autobots a lot of issues. They kidnapped and experimented on Lora, but we eventually took them down," I finally said, head hanging. "I won't deny that I wanted to see them dead, but Autobot rule number one is to never kill or harm a human. We are to protect them, and I just watched Ravage tear Silas' throat out, and now I have to kill Derek." I gritted my teeth, turning to face Solus. "How can I ever look at myself the same again? How can I..." I shook my head, turning away. I sat down on my berth, head in servos.

Solus didn't move for a bit, but eventually sat down beside me. She rested her servo on my shoulder, though neither of us could feel it. "They're trying to break you," the prime said. "Megatron is destroying everything you stand for, he's trying to weaken you."

"You don't think I know that?" I couldn't help but be bitter.

"You just have to see through the loop holes."

I raised my head and looked at her. "What?"

"You have to listen to Megatron's command, that's what the amulet does. You can feel the pull to fulfill the order now, don't you?" I didn't answer, I didn't need to. It was always there, forcing me one way or another. Solus continued, "There are always loopholes in the commands he gives you, ones that you can use. You can't avoid killing Derek, but Megatron has never said anything about not contacting the Autobots."

"They can't know I'm alive," I said.

"Why not?"

"What would they think? Of this?" I stood in a rush, gesturing to all of me, mainly my optics. "What would Lora think?" I sighed, taking a seat again.

"You can't let that stop you," Solus said. "You are their ally on the inside, you can warn them of attacks, give them Megatron's plans. Even just letting them know you are alive is enough."

"They can't know."

Solus shook her head. "Think about it. You'll see my side."

Transformers Prime: Shrouded Truth (#4) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now