Chapter 2

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"Quiet your mind," Alpha Trion said, helping me through the process of locating a relic of Primus.

I was seated on Grimlock's broad shoulder, but was inside the realm of the amulet. Here, my headache was gone, allowing me to do as Alpha Trion asked.

I breathed slowly, calling the amulet's power to me. It grew, and as Alpha Trion had explained before, I released the power. It left me like a wave, my mind being the epicentre. The arc of power travelled, and somehow I knew that it crossed the world, just not where it—or Grimlock and I—currently were.

Just like that, I felt the presence of three objects made by the power of Primes. They all were in the same area that was a fair distance away from Grimlock and I, far away but on the same continent. That gave me a little relief; we were still in North America.

"Now you just have to isolate them," Alpha Trion said.

I inhaled deeply, letting the arc of power resonate with the items. Quickly, I figured out that one was the Forge of Solus Prime, the Star Saber, and finally, the Matrix of Leadership. The latter was the one I focused on. It would be the easiest one in which I could talk to someone, that someone being Optimus Prime. He always carried the Matrix of Leadership with him, in his spark as Alpha Trion had said, and it would be the easiest one since Primus himself had made it.

Concentrating all the power I had released on the Matrix, I hoped that Optimus got my message, or at least felt the power I was channelling towards the Matrix.

"Hold that connection," Alpha Trion said. "Optimus should be feeling your power." I didn't have to wait long.

"Lora?" Optimus' voice echoed around me. I didn't expect the surprise I heard in it.

"Yeah, it's me," I responded, happy that I had successfully contacted an ally. Suddenly, it was as if I was standing in front of Optimus, I could see him in the amulet's realm. It was almost as if it was a phone call, but I could see his surroundings.

The leader of the Autobots was definitely in a military base, and I could see the other Autobots around him, looking to their leader with a questioning look. The Dinobots were no where to be seen in the frame. I could only assume Optimus could see me too.

"Are you unharmed?" Optimus asked.

"Besides a pounding headache, yeah, I'm good. Grimlock's with me too; he's also okay." I could see Optimus relax with relief. "Is everyone over there okay too? Did you guys all make it though okay before the ground bridge blew?" Even though Alpha Trion had assured me that everyone had made it through okay, I still needed the reassurance from someone who was there.

"Yes, we are all safe. Wheeljack just returned from the fight; Ultra Magnus is still unaccounted for. Last Wheeljack heard from him, he is okay. Do you know where you are Lora?"

"That's why I reached out to you like this," I said, starting my explanation. "With the coms still down and all human frequencies no doubt being monitored by the cons, Grimlock and I had no way of reaching out to you guys to get a ride back from wherever we are. As Alpha Trion explained to me, when the ground bridge exploded, Grimlock and I were displaced. Thanks to Alpha Trion using the amulet,  we were unharmed and not shredded in the explosion. He also said that the amulet had a connection to all of the Prime's artifacts so, I reached out to you, and that's how I'm able to do this."

"With this connection," Alpha Trion said, stepping in since he could explain it better than I could. "You will be able to follow it, and find where we are located. Pick up will be difficult without the use of a ground bridge."

Optimus' face turned calculating. By now, the Dinobots had come closer, allowing me to see them. Jack, Miko, Raf, June and Agent Fowler were also closer, standing on yet another elevated platform, this one much bigger than our previous one. Everyone was watching Optimus, their eyes/optics asking for more information, hoping that it was good.  I knew they all would be happy when Optimus explained that Grimlock and I were alive and well.

"We will have to wait for Ultra Magnus to return. His ship is the only efficient means of covert transportation currently," Optimus said.

Alpha Trion nodded his head. "We can wait for as long as needed, as long as our position is not comprised."

"Seek shelter and remain hidden until we can come and get you," Optimus said, his comment directed towards me.  I just nodded my head in understanding.

"I'll keep this connection running in the mean time," Alpha Trion said. "Keeping it open to communicate will use up too much of the amulet's reserve; we'll have to limit it only to the means of tracking." It seemed that the last comment was the last confirmation for our plan of action. The connection that allowed us to speak began dimming, but I needed to say one last comment to Optimus. It had been bugging me ever since I had woken up.

"Optimus," I called out. The fleeting connection stopped as the Prime turned to me once again. "I'm sorry for disobeying your order back in the base. I just couldn't—" Optimus cut me off.

"It is okay Lora," He assured me, a warm smile slowly growing on his face. "There are just some orders that are better to be disobeyed. I am just happy that you are safe."

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