Chapter 8

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"Cloakers," Optimus said, his eyes scanning the room around us. "Move. Now."

I didn't question it any more as I moved, standing underneath the prime. In the back of my head, I doubt that this was the safest place to be standing, but if Optimus wanted me here, then I would listen.

Optimus stood at the ready, his swords out and eyes scanning the room. He seemed to be tracking some sort of movement, one that I couldn't see.

I brought my hands together, trying to form a sphere. Nothing happened, and I tired harder, gritting my teeth.

"Come on, come on," I commanded, pulling at the power of the amulet harder.

"Why won't you work?" I demanded. Even when I spoke to the amulet, hopeful that Alpha Trion would explain, no answer came. There was almost a wall up, built so I couldn't get the abilities. My best guess, was that it was from the stone that I had almost touched.

I was snapped from my thoughts by Optimus. He foot came down right beside me, and his sword shot something backwards. He crouched over me, letting another figure barrel over and miss him.

I dropped into a crouch, hands coming over my head as Optimus stood to his full height, his blade hitting something else.

I couldn't really see what he was attacking, only the vague outline. Whenever he made contact with one, for a brief second I could see what they were, but not who's side they were on, or if any.

Optimus moved with fluidity, dancing around me and fending off our attackers. He never came close to stepping on me, but I could tell having to protect me restricted his movements. I moved with him, trying to stay in the center of his feet. Despite not being able to see what he was fighting, Optimus' technique was flawless.

Swing sword, ducking, sidestepping; Optimus did it all, and never tripped up.

In the background of the fighting, there was a pounding in the door, no doubt Ratchet trying to get our attention or break in.

Suddenly, the shadow over me was gone. I covered my head as Optimus was tackled. The leader hit the ground hard, and as he tried to rise to his feet, a figure held him down. From the vague outline, I could make out a sword. Optimus raised his own to block it, his face filling with determination as he held the sword back with all his strength.

"Lora!" He yelled, his optics landing on me. Without knowing what was happening, I rolled the side, a sword descending where I had stood a moment ago. I staggered back at the impact, the wind being driven towards me. "Move!"

I clambered to my feet and started to run. It took all of my effort to notice these vague shapes. I barely moved out of the way in time as a sword swiped over me. I ducked and slipped, sliding towards Optimus.

With one last effort, the prime shoved upwards, sending his attacker stumbling backwards. He quickly got to his feet and propelled himself over me, the leader of the Autobots tackled my chaser, both of them hitting the ground behind me.

Optimus got to his feet first, backing up and readying his blade. Little sparks danced off of the cloaker, and I was finally able to tell what he looked like as his cloaking device flickered on and off.

He was a dusty red, looking like he was rusting. The only weapon he had was his sword, which he held at the ready.

Without a word or so much as a glance, Optimus and the rusting bot launched at each other, swords already slashing.

"Where's the second one?" My eyes snapped around, as I looked. Finally, I spotted the shadowy figure, and launched forward. I didn't know what I was going to do, but I had to act.

Slowly, the second attacker crept forward, all of his attention on Optimus. I had to move, faster. My mind wandered back to the fateful day, the day when my speed had failed me. This, time, I would not let it be so.

I pushed at the wall separating me from the amulet. I pushed and pushed at it, calling Energon to me. With one final shove, it shattered.

I leapt into the air, an Energon orb appearing underneath my feet and giving me more air. Instincts took over, and my hand stretched out, calling something. I felt an object impact the palm of my hand, and in one graceful arc, I sent the bot tumbling backwards.

I landed on the ground, rolling to my feet. The bot attacking Optimus stopped at the sight of me, backing away from the prime. He ran to his friend, helping the now uncloaked bot to his feet. There was a dent in the bot's armour, caused by me.

Optimus moved to my side, his stance ready.

"You're the life's protector," The bot I had hit said, looking at the object in my hand. Slowly, he stood, both of our attackers backing away.

"What do you know about it?" I demanded.

"Enough to know that the staff in your hands means that you are meant to fulfill the mission," Rusty said, his own cloaking device off, letting me see him without complications.

My brow scrunched, and it took me a minute to look at the object in my hand.

It indeed was a staff, made of pure blue Energon. Its consistency was that of Alpha Trion's twin swords. When had I learned how to do this?

"What mission?" I asked, looking away from the staff in my hand.

"It's why you were drawn to the monolith," Rusty said. "It's meant to teach the bearer of the amulet of life what they must do to succeed against the amulet of death."

"Who are you?" Optimus asked.

"We have forgotten our names. All we know is that we must protect this stone, and only let the life enter," dent dude said.

"Then why did you attack us?" I demanded.

"We only attacked because he threatened the stone." Rusty pointed towards Optimus. "We thought he was with death."

"He's a prime, he is on my side," I said. "And why do you say 'life' and 'death', not their names?"

"Because that's what they are: the amulet of life is life and everything associated with it. The amulet of death is the same concept." Dent dude paused for a second. "And it's faster to say, much fancier."

Rusty rolled his optics at dent dude. "If you are really the bearer of the amulet of life, and you have summoned your weapon, then you are meant to finish what Primus started, along with all of the bearers before you."

"And what is that?" I asked. Somehow, I knew how to let the staff disappear. I relaxed my stance.

Optimus' sword slipped away, and he relaxed too, but his face shield didn't move. He still didn't trust these guys. My amulet wasn't humming, so these guys meant me no harm.

"That's what the monolith will tell," Rusty said. "It's why it called you here, to show you what you must accomplish. All you need to do is touch it, and it will show you everything."

Optimus shared a look with me, his optics telling me to do what I felt was right.

I went with my gut and approached the monolith. The calling that I heard earlier ensued once again as I approached, but this time I had full control. 

I passed one last look to the three bots.

With that I touched the cold stone.

Transformers Prime: Shrouded Truth (#4) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now