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CW: Mirror sex, slight dirty talk 
And I can't help but notice you reflect in this heart of mine 
If you ever feel alone and the glare makes me hard to find 
Just know that I'm always parallel on the other side 
- Mirrors, Justin Timberlake - 


Having sex with Tine was intoxicating and Sarawat supposed that he was addicted to how beautiful Tine looked when Tine came writhing under him.

The tear-streaked face, puffy eyes, and the high-pitched whines that escaped from those temptingly swollen lips after Sarawat had kissed them repeatedly as he f'cked into Tine.

Nevertheless, Sarawat thought it was a shame that Tine couldn't see how beautiful he was when he tightened his rim around Sarawat's c'ck.

And Sarawat pledged to make things right.


Sarawat and Tine had just finished their dinner when the security office dialled Tine's number.

"Wat, the security office called and told me that we have a parcel down there, do you have any idea about that?" Tine frowned and pouted cutely as he disconnected his phone call with the security office earlier.

Lately, they had been doing their groceries online due to their busy schedules, but Tine couldn't recall if he had just placed another grocery order yesterday.

"Oh, is it? I would get it up when I put the recyclables into the shed later then."

Sarawat could barely contain his excitement, he was biting his lower lip and digging his nails into his palms.

"Fishy." Tine narrowed his eyes.

"What?" Sarawat made sure to look extra innocent as he put on his lost-puppy eyes.

"You look way too excited for that parcel, Mr. Guntithanon." Tine poked at Sarawat's shoulder.

"Really? I might or might not had bought something to surprise you."

"Oh? Why?"

"Can't I spoil my very adorable boyfriend?"

This time, it was Sarawat who pouted, pretended to be extremely depressed, as if Tine had told him that they were going to fake-date again.

"Yes, you can, but I don't want you to waste your money on me." Tine fidgeted nervously.

"Baby, look at me, it wasn't a waste of money, okay?"

Sarawat lifted Tine's face until their gazes met, his thumb stroked gently against Tine's milky cheeks.

Time sucked in a large gulp of air before nodding reluctantly.

"I'll head down and collect the parcel from the security desk now, wait for me to come back."

Sarawat quickly pressed a sniff kiss against Tine's cheeks before leaving.


When Sarawat finally finished setting up the full-length mirror with a gold edge in their bedroom, Tine was already peeking from the living room impatiently.

Tine's eyes twinkled like the starry night outside when he saw how well the mirror went with their bedroom. He had always thought that the corner near the closet was too empty.

Now, with the new mirror that Sarawat had gotten, the room seemed a little more spacious.

"Wow, this fits well with our room."

"Glad that you approved my taste."

Sarawat scrapped Tine's nose fondly before he circled his arms around Tine's waist. They were both looking in the mirror as Sarawat embraced Tine from the back.

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