💖 A Pun-ny Guy 💖

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Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like 
Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like 
- That's What I Like, Bruno Mars - 



"Yes, Tine?"

"Stop sending my cheesy pickup lines and puns! So cringy!"

"I will try not to."

Sarawat let out a soft chuckle while looking at Tine lovingly as Tine pouted like a baby beside Sarawat.


Tine still couldn't really understand how the chic guy fell for someone as boring as Sarawat.

Who on earth actually flirts with cheesy pickup lines and weird puns?

Well, Sarawat did.

It all started when Sarawat registered a new Instagram account and only followed Tine, saying that his mom reminded him to always follow his dreams.

So, he ended up following Tine and only Tine on Instagram.

Tine only responded half-heartedly about how Wat was a keeper because he was playing for the Political Science soccer team. Little did he know, Sarawat had assumed that Tine was a pun-ny guy and spent the whole night collecting puns from the Internet, planning to impress Tine.


It was their official date after things cleared up between both of them.

They were in an Instagrammable café and ironically, Blue Hawaii wasn't on the menu. As usual, Sarawat got himself an iced americano and Tine an iced latte.

"Why latte? You know I don't really like caffeinated drinks right?"

"Because I like you a latte."

Sarawat's rubbed his nape subconsciously and Tine's cheeks grew rosy.

"You could order me a mocha, you know? Less caffeine, and also, you mocha me crazy."

"Well, I thought it was just a Deja brew and you sure your parents don't work as a patisserie?"

Sarawat asked as he took a small bite of matcha burnt cheesecake.

"Nada, nope."

"Really? They made a cutie pie though."

"Urgh, Wat, enough!" Tine groaned frustratingly.


The end of the semester was always a little chaotic for the guitarist and the cheerleader. On top of their usual practices, they also have tons of assignments to finish.

And the worst nightmare? When the laptop decided to take a rest as well.



"My laptop crashed, urgh, how am I supposed to do my assignments now?"

"Well, I am Microsoft, can I crash at yours tonight?"


Tine reached for a throw pillow on the bed and tossed it into Sarawat's face.

"Fine, do you want something to drink then? Since there's really nothing you can do right?"

"There is! You can install Java!" Tine rolled his eyes irritatingly, knowing that his boyfriend was going to throw a pun again.


"Woah Tine, that's the accelerator, not the brake!"

"Oh, they look the same, so confusing, huh?"

Once again, Tine slammed onto the accelerator, instead of the brake, nearly driving the car into a wall.

"Oops!" Tine stuck his tongue out playfully before hitting the brake.

"I guess I am just not born to drive a car."

"Well, we should switch if we want to get home safely."



"I think I know why your driving license was suspended."


"Because you were driving everybody crazy, including me." Sarawat quickly pecked on Tine's plump lips before Tine could rebuke him.


"Off! Off! Your shirt!"

Tine impatiently unbuttoned Wat's shirt as they kissed passionately after a 2-weeks separation. Tine didn't expect himself to be this clingy and needy when Sarawat wasn't around.

2 weeks without Sarawat expo was just pure torture.

"Ai'Tine, this shirt is made of boyfriend material, be careful."


Sarawat's inappropriate puns was a major turn-off for Tine, his sexual needs were quickly replaced by an abrupt fire of madness.

Tine pinched Sarawat's nipples as hard as possible before locking himself up in the bathroom, the pain and the tug sent shoots of pleasure right to Sarawat's c'ck.

Before Sarawat could run his hands on Tine's milky skin, the bathroom door almost slammed into his face.

"Ai'Tine! Let me in! I'm sorry tua woon wai!"

"You know we are like the jumper cables in the storeroom."


"We didn't have the spark to start the vehicle."

"Tine, I'm so sorry. Will you forgive me if I play you a Scrubb's song?"

The bathroom door clicked and Tine revealed himself with rich bubbles on his hair and a seductive smile.

"Do you want to play a Scrubb's song, or do you want to scrub my back?" 



Sarawat knelt on his left knee in front of Tine. Finally, 10 years later since that life-changing concert, Sarawat had the courage to propose to Tine. Tine was covering his mouth, tears were threatening to spill. 

"Can I have the pleasure to spend the rest of my life with my one and only nuisance?" 

Tine nodded wordlessly as Sarawat slipped the platinum band on Tine's ring finger and printed a longing kiss on top of it, sealing his promise. Tine pulled Sarawat into a passionate kiss, as they parted, the candle lights flickered in their eyes, as if they held the universe in their eyes. 

"Sarawat, we are finally tying the knot." 

"What knot? You mean the one in my stomach?" 

"Ai'Wat, you're so annoying." 

"Well, I promised you that if you date me, you don't have to change anything. The only thing to change is your last name." 

"I love you, Mr Guntithanon." 

"As if you're not one Guntithanon." Sarawat scrapped Tine's nose fondly. 



This was actually 100% inspired by Sarawat and Tine flirting on Twitter. Well, I had a lot of fun writing this, I hope my puns and pickup lines aren't too bad, enjoy? 🤣🤣  

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