💕 I Promise You 💕

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I promise that one day I'll be around 
I'll keep you safe, I'll keep you sound 
- Never Be Alone, Shawn Mendes - 


That was the most painful fortnight Sarawat had ever experienced in his entire life.

His Tine was so disappointed and hurtful when his Tine saw him hugging Pam in front of the club room.

He watched his Tine being dragged onto Mil's car, slumping into the passenger seat so lifelessly.

His Tine didn't want to come home with him after his Tine was discharged from the hospital.

And the last thing that made him lost all his motivations to live normally, was that pick bracelet that his Tine had intentionally left behind on the study table.

Sarawat felt a hole slowly forming at the left side of his chest, where it was forcefully punctured to rip his heart out from the rest of his body. He felt empty without Tine in this room, he felt suffocated as he assumed that Tine was spending the night with Mil, he felt his head pounding as he thought of the tragic turn of events that all unfolded within hours.

The bed felt wider tonight, as Sarawat extended his fingers to trace that space where Tine used to sleep in, trying to capture the streaks of Tine's warmth in the room.

The next morning came earlier than Sarawat had anticipated, he was wide awake for the entire night, silently wishing for Tine to be back. His heart was shattered into pieces over and over again as he kept peeking at his phone screen. There was still no sign of his Tine. He knew he had to be at the band practice soon but he didn't have the motivation to lift himself up from the bed.

2 days later, dark circles were prominent under those Bambi's eyes, he felt a sting of pain agitating from his stomach, spreading upwards to where his heart was located.

Gastric. Just like Tine.

Even in his pain, Tine was the only thing that reminded him about his existence on earth.


Mil had knocked some senses into him. And there was a particular line that made him flamed in anger.

"If my band wins the contest this year, I'll ask Tine out. And if you can't take it, don't dare show your face at the contest."

Luckily, or maybe not, Ctrl+S won the contest, and he also managed to get his Tine back.

"Do you trust me if I tell you Pam and I are just friends?"

When he slipped the pick bracelet back to where it should be, Sarawat felt sunshine pouring from the bottom of his heart and not to mention Tine's smile, which made him feel all giddy from the inside.

Tine knew he was a coward, he didn't want to face the truth in which Sarawat would tell him that he was just Pam's shadow. He was tired bodily and mentally. So he did the stupidest decision he had ever made in his life, to run away from Sarawat and crash at Fong's place.

He returned to the same spot where he had taken a photo with Scrubb's poster years ago, the same spot where Sarawat and he had shared their first photo together. He felt his heart shuddered when Pam called him out, the urge to run away from her was bubbling in his mind.

Luckily, or maybe not, he accepted Pam's invitation to have a chat. Tine finally got to know the truth behind the mystery chord sheets he had found in Sarawat's guitar case.

And this time, he did the wisest decision to attend the contest, cheering for Ctrl+S as Sarawat played skillfully on the stage.

"I wouldn't be here if I don't have faith in you."


They kissed passionately and stumbled into their apartment after the celebration for Ctrl+S's victory, Tine was already a little tipsy from the beers but Sarawat insisted that he didn't want to drink tonight. He only wanted to get drunk in Tine's love.

When their lips met again after Sarawat had shut the front door. Sarawat felt the fresh sting of tears at the back of his eyes.

For the past few nights, he had returned to a pitch-black and quiet room. He missed those plump lips that would crash into his whenever he got home and the warm body that would press into his whenever he played Scrubb's songs on the couch after dinner.

He missed his Tine so, so much.

Even the stars would know his deepest secret buried in his heart as he cried himself to sleep every night. He hadn't been sleeping on their bed, he was too afraid to do so.

When he finally fell asleep for the first time since Tine had left him alone, he woke up from a nightmare, a nightmare where Tine had left him. When he snapped his eyes open horridly, he realised that that wasn't a dream, it was the reflection of reality where he was physically in. He ended up moving his duvet and pillows onto the couch and slept there until last night.

They continued their kiss fiercely as Sarawat caged Tine between the door and his body, their chest touching and members throbbing sensually. Tine's cheeks were cupped between Sarawat's large palms, he couldn't move his head but to give in to Sarawat's kiss.

Tine's hands were running desperately over Sarawat's body. He felt his Wat's shoulder blades that had grown sharper, the slimmer waist where his trousers were hanging loosely on it.

Neither of them wanted to stop the fiery exchange of emotions until Tine's hand ran through Sarawat's moistened cheeks.

Wat, why are you crying?

He tapped on Wat's shoulder twice, a silent language that they had both agreed on if they wanted to take things slower. Sarawat had no choice but to withdraw himself reluctantly from Tine's lips.

They were both a mess. Both of Tine's cheeks were warm from the alcohol infused into his system and from the zealous kiss moments ago. Similar to Tine's swollen lips, Sarawat's bow-shaped lips were also ruined, but he was shaking violently as he cried like a lost child.

Tine angled his finger, lifting Sarawat's face up until their eyes were levelled. He could clearly see those eyes that held only brokenness and fear.

His Wat, who was once so confident, is now so broken because of him.

"Wat, I'm so sorry for being an idiotic coward. I should've given you a chance to make things clear between both of us." Tine rested his forehead against Sarawat's.

"Tine, I'm so sorry for not telling you the truth earlier. You have every single right to be mad at me, I've deliberately hidden things away from you." Sarawat's voice was cracking despite he was trying his best to calm himself down.

"I promise you, I will never ever run away from you again." Tine placed a peck on Sarawat's forehead.

"I promise you, I will never ever be a coward anymore." Tine nudged his nose gently into Sarawat's.

"I promise you, I will be a better person for you." Tine kissed Wat's every drop of tears away from Wat's eyes to Wat's cheeks, feeling the tang of saltiness bloomed into reminders of how deep his Wat's love was for him on his tongue.

"I promise you, I will love you, forever and beyond, no turning back." Lastly, Tine pulled Sarawat in into a chaste kiss, sealing his promises to Sarawat. 



Another one loosely based on Move ไปไหน. I can't stop writing one-shots that are based on the song lately, help! So today, you have two things on your to-do list after reading this, (1) stream Move ไปไหน and (2) vote for our Bird and Worm for Line TV Awards 2021 na kha! 

Anyways, hope this is better than the high 5? 🙄🙄 See yah! 💖💖

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