🔞 Reward 🔞

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CW: The song pretty much says it all, no?
Yeah, I'll let you set the pace 'cause I'm not thinking straight 
My head's spinning around, I can't see clear no more 
Oh, what are you waiting for? 
- Love Me Like You Do, Ellie Goulding - 


"But what can I do? My boyfriend is smart, responsible, hardworking and handsome." Sarawat pouted as he extended his fingers, counting all the good traits that Tine had exhibited.

Tine really wanted to be the Music Club's secretary and to work together with Sarawat. Apart from that, he had put in a lot of effort to practice for his audition, his fingers were still recovering from all the guitar practices last week.

Sarawat's excitement of knowing that Tine would be working together with him dimmed out when Tine broke him the news about the car accident that happened to the cheerleaders. He was never a clingy person before this but with Tine, he just wanted to be a puppy that followed its owner everywhere. He understood how Tine would feel if Tine didn't take up the offer that P'Fang had asked him earlier.

Sarawat knew Tine would feel really bad about this.

Definitely, he would be disappointed because his longing to be with Tine all day wouldn't be satisfied, but it was all boiling down to his personal desires.

On the other hand, the Cheerleading Club desperately needed a leader since P'Fang injured herself during the accident. And it seemed like Tine was the only suitable and capable candidate for that important role.

"Everyone wants to steal you away from me." Sarawat faked a sigh.

Tine felt a complicated rush of emotions flowing from the bottom of his heart. He was relieved to hear how supportive Sarawat was but also couldn't help but feel a little disheartened.

"What a spoiler!" Tine joked half-heartedly, trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere.

Sarawat's Bambi's eyes widened at that comment. He thought he had always made it clear about his intentions to spoil Tine, he knew his boyfriend was slow but he wasn't expecting his boyfriend to be this slow.

"I only have one boyfriend. If not you, who would I spoil?" This time, Sarawat locked his eyes onto Tine's doe eyes, making sure that he had expressed his feelings to Tine clearly.

Taken aback by Sarawat's serious tone, Tine allowed his eyes to linger on Sarawat's face longer than appropriate until he drowned himself in those pools of adoration.

"Sweet talk, you must be rewarded." Tine smiled seductively.

"Hmmm?" Sarawat lowered his voice by an octave, his pupil dilated and painted with desire as Tine leaned in closer.

Sarawat could feel Tine's plump lips ghosting against his, he moulded his lips into Tine's as Tine hovered himself over Sarawat. Tine's warm breath was fanning against his, causing the room temperature to rise by a few degrees.

Sarawat craned his neck as Tine lowered himself to capture Sarawat's bow-shaped lips. Tine only wanted to peck on Sarawat's lips initially, but the pillowy feeling of Sarawat's lips was so addictive that Tine couldn't bring himself to withdraw from the sense of contentment.

It felt like home as Tine sucked and pulled on Sarawat's lower lip lightly, being reminded of all the things Sarawat had done for him, to reassure Tine that he would always be the main priority for Sarawat.

Sarawat tasted Tine's sweetness, as if he was eating a unicorn cotton candy. It was all magical and surreal as they moved their lips in sync. Sarawat had lost count of how many kisses they had shared since they were fake-dating, but it was a rare treat for him when Tine was being all needy and set the pace for both of them.

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