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[A/N: As some of you have noticed this is my longest book I've ever written, wow, okay, bye bye.]

"Where's Jimin and V hyung?"

"Good morning, baby."

A gentle kiss on his head from J-Hope woke up Yoongi at the table, causing him to lift his head and open his eyes. "-'morning." He hummed tiredly, blinking at the bright light. "Does anybody know where Jimin and V hyung are?!" Jungkook called out again from somewhere in the house. "Yeah, where are they?" Namjoon asked, looking at the couple as if they would know. "No idea." J-Hope shrugged, giving a light but good massage to Yoongi's shoulders while he waited for the rest of breakfast to cook. Yoongi moaned into the touch, and with every hard press it relaxed him- he definately felt like he needed it after last night.

"I'll try calling Jimin-ah." Namjoon got out his phone and found Jimin's contact, tapping the green call button and waiting. He put the younger on speaker when he answered, while J-Hope left to finish his breakfast.

"Hi, Joon hyung, it's Tae." Taehyung answered from the other side. "Why do you have Jimin's phone?" Namjoon chuckled, confused. Yoongi laid his head back down on the table, which was another comedy in itself. "Yoongi hyung didn't tell you? Aish, hyung..." Taehyung laughed from the other end. "Well, he's not exactly fully awake yet." Namjoon looked at Yoongi's closed eyelids, and his smooth breathing pattern. He was asleep again.

It genuinely amazed Namjoon how Yoongi could go unconscious so quickly and so suddenly.

"Usual hyung...so Jiminie and I are at the hospital, because he-" "Hospital?!" Namjoon cut off Taehyung. "Yeah. Jimin has two broken ribs and a fractured one, that one bent up and went straight through the two above it so he needs surgery for it. He just left for it." Taehyung explained, rather calmly. "I told Yoongi hyung last night so he could tell you guys this morning." He added on. "I'm waiting in the waiting room for him..."

"Which one are you at? We can come." Namjoon asked, still, somehow, majorly confused. "No, I think it's fine-" "Which one, Taehyung?" Namjoon asked again. Only this time, it didn't quite sound like a question. "I've got some staff here with me, we're good, hyung." Taehyung told him. "Where are you?" Namjoon asked more firmly. "Kangbuk." Taehyung answered, a defeated sigh leaving his lips. "Alright then, we're on our way."

"Why are we going to Kangbuk Hospital?" Yoongi awoke, again, lifting his head from the table and rubbing his eyes, looking exhausted. "If you would stay awake long enough, maybe you would know." Namjoon snapped at him, standing up. "Well I'm sorry I'm a depressed f*ck and can't sleep at a normal time." Yoongi snapped back, resisting the urge to stretch. "You were probably screwing around with Hoseok anyway- we're going to the hospital because Jimin-" "Did you just call me a whore?" Yoongi cut him off. His tone and look in his eyes made him appear he's been awake for hours. "What?" J-Hope looked confused as hell when he walked into the dining room to eat; and of that he was.

"Well, I mean, when you're doing things all the time instead of sleeping, ye-" "Look, Namjoon, I don't know what the hell is going on with you, or whatever pity-party you're looking for, or whatever insecurities you're sobbing over, but you better cut this sh*t out, because it's majorly pissing me off and I will lash out on you, the same way Jungkook did with Sanghyuk. First it was with Jin, then it was with Jungkook, and now you're calling me a whore. Is it Naeun? Are you that broke of a b*tch inside that you're gonna make everyone within a three-mile radius have a suck life? Because that is childish, and you better get your sh*t together, or it is not going to go well for you, Kim Namjoon, I am promising you that." Yoongi hissed, standing up and slamming his hands on the table.

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now