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3 Days Later

"Do you think something's happening with Yoongi and Hoseok hyung?" Jungkook asked, knowing for a fact Yoongi's been at the dorm all day and taking over an hour in the shower. "They've been really private recently, and they're talking to each other a lot too." He added on. "I don't know." Namjoon shrugged, doing something in the living room while Jungkook was making himself dinner. The maknae pouted and turned the stove down a little so he wouldn't burn himself.

Speaking of the devil, the front door opened revealing J-Hope.

"Oh, hyung!" Jungkook left the kitchen and ran to his hyung. "Is, anything going on with you and Yoongi hyung? We've all noticed you two have been talking to each other a lot recently." He explained, earning a glance from Namjoon. "Everything's okay." J-Hope took his shoes off at the door. He seemed anxious about something. "Are you sure?" Jungkook asked, his tone softening a little. "Yeah." J-Hope nodded, hanging his keys up. "I'm gonna head to bed, I ate on my way back- sorry I'm so late." He explained, looking at Namjoon. "Good night, hyung...Yoongi hyung's been in the shower for a while, but I bet he's asleep now." Jungkook told him, going back to the kitchen to finish his dinner. "Namjoon hyungie, do you want some?" He asked with his bunny smile, peeking around the corner at his leader. "I'm alright Kookie, I'm gonna go to bed soon." Namjoon smiled at him. Jungkook nodded and went back to the stove.

J-Hope took a deep breath before opening the door to his shared bedroom with Yoongi, excitement and adrenaline running through his veins.

"Yoongi...?" He called out when he didn't see him. His heart was pounding in his chest like a kid with a sugar rush. He was a little surprised to find condoms and lube on their bed. He completely forgot about that, he was glad Yoongi remembered.

How did he get them?

"Baby?" J-Hope looked in the bathroom. He wasn't there. Yoongi told him he stayed home today, where was he? Did he panic and back out of it? Was he not ready? Where was he?!


J-Hope turned around and saw Yoongi in the doorway. "Hey, baby, I was looking for you." He smiled and walked over to him. "J-Jungkook told me you were back, I was trying to do a few little last things before you got back." Yoongi stammered out, a little taken back. He thought J-Hope would be back later. J-Hope gave him a short kiss and after he pulled back Yoongi entered the room fully.

"I- um, I was trying to-" "You seem nervous." J-Hope chuckled nervously. Yoongi took a deep breath. "No, I'm just- well, I am a little, but I'm also excited." Yoongi told him with a small smile. "What else do you need to do?" J-Hope asked. "Maybe I can help." He smiled at him. "I was just gonna, um, change quickly." Yoongi told him, rushing over to his closet. "Whatever you wear is gonna come off anyway, babe." J-Hope laughed, causing Yoongi to blush madly. "You're right." Yoongi shook his head, embarrassed. "Yoongi, if you're not r-" "I am, I promise." Yoongi cut him off. "I am." He sat down on their bed, looking up to J-Hope from there. "...I want you."

J-Hope smirked and made his way over to Yoongi, standing in front of him and kissing his lips softly. "That's hot." He told him, which made Yoongi blush even more. "I doubt I'll beg for you, that's all you'll get." Yoongi smirked and pulled J-Hope down ontop of him, so the younger was bent over between his legs. "We'll see about that." J-Hope kissed him again, slowly making his way onto their bed. Yoongi schooched back a little so he could get up, moving the two scattered items away.

Somehow, J-Hope managed to get Yoongi on his back and got between his legs on top of him, eventually getting into a comfortable position. Yoongi didn't even realize he was grinding up on the younger until he groaned, then he started to blush again at the realization.

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now