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"Hey, everything okay?" Jimin walked into Yoongi's room. "Yeah, just wanted to see you." Yoongi smiled and reached out to Jimin. "You're so weird." Jimin giggled, running over and jumping up next to him. "Says the one who just ran across the room when he could've just walked." Yoongi laughed. "Running is more fun." Jimin smiled.

"Hoseok loves me."

Jimin's expression dropped. "Jin and Namjoon found out and told me, then J-Hope told me and I don't know what to say to him." Yoongi blurted everything out. "Just say what you did when I confessed: that you don't like him like that, only as a brother- not to mention I'm your boyfriend." Jimin pouted. "I know, but...Jiminie, Hoseok-ah has been there for me so many god damn times, it feels wrong to say something so hurtful towards him." Yoongi sighed, running a hand through his hair. "So, what- are you going to break up with me for Hoseok hyung because he stopped you from killing yourself and I haven't yet?" Jimin suddenly snapped.

"What?" Yoongi looked at him, confused. "No, I wouldn't do that to you- ever." He quickly spoke. "Well, that's what it sounded like." Jimin sat up straight (the best he could). "That's not what I meant." Yoongi told him, sort of spiraling out internally. "I'm just saying- you're my boyfriend, I thought we were supposed to tell each other things." He looked at Jimin. "Well yeah, but, not say someone else is better." Jimin looked back into his eyes. "I didn't say it like that." Yoongi defended himself. "Why are you even questioning it? Just say you don't like him, it's apparently not that hard since you screamed it at me." Jimin scoffed. "What makes Hoseok hyung so special? Hm? How come you didn't scream at him when he told you his feelings?" Yoongi could tell Jimin was offended.

"Because he's dealt with my sh*t and my drama unlike anybody else, I can't just hurt him like that, Jimin." Yoongi raised his voice slightly, he was panicking. "I'm asking you what I should do-" "And I answered you." Jimin cut him off. "I'm telling you to do what anybody would do- you're just not listening because it's Hoseok hyung." He crossed his arms.

"Thanks, Jimin, really- you're such a great help." Yoongi stood up to leave his own room. "And yes, you know what, Hoseok is better, because he understands me better than you ever will." He left, slamming his bedroom door shut. He didn't know where he was going to go, but he couldn't stay with Jimin any longer or go to J-Hope.

"What was that?" Jungkook asked, sitting across from Taehyung on the floor of the living room when they all heard a loud bang. "No idea..." Namjoon looked down the hall, but there was nothing. Everyone continued minding their own business, Taekook playing video games and Namjin watching while occasionally getting on their phones. It was weird without J-Hope, Yoongi, and Jimin, but no one was sure where either of them were.

After twenty minutes of almost a completely silent house, other than Taehyung and Jungkook occasionally fighting over who won and if they cheated or not, Namjoon decided to check on his members. They returned to work again tomorrow, and he didn't want his members unprepared.

"Hyung?" Namjoon went inside Yoongi's room, just to find Jimin sitting alone on his phone. "Jimin?" He asked, which made Jimin look up. "Hm?" Jimin put his phone down. "Where's Yoongi hyung?" Namjoon looked around. "No idea." Jimin scoffed, laying down on his phone again. Namjoon sighed and continued looking, venturing to J-Hope's room.

"There you are, Yoongi hyung." Namjoon smiled when he saw Yoongi looking through J-Hope's closet. "What...are you doing?" He chuckled. "Taking one of his hoodies." Yoongi found the same black one he took last time, only it was clean this time. He took his shirt off and slipped the hoodie over his torso. Namjoon pouted when he saw the many different length cuts on his arms, but the good thing was that none of them looked red or irritated, signaling there were no new ones. "Why?" He asked. "Because." Yoongi mumbled, taking his shirt and leaving the room. Namjoon decided to follow him, he was curious on what he was doing.

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