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If there's anybody who was mad, it was ARMY.

They were enraged at BigHit for allowing Yoongi to go to an unknown interviewer the internet said didn't exsist, not even caring four members of the BigHit staff died. They died so Yoongi could live, but ARMY didn't care. They only cared about Yoongi.

The staffs would have a funeral soon, but the BTS members wouldn't be able to make it. The funeral was in Seoul, but everyone refused to go back without Yoongi. Being as big as a band as they are, a surprise week visit in the other side of the country was no problem.

The second Yoongi woke up, he was tired. He talked and moved slow, only small mumbles leaving his lips from being so tired. He felt physically and emotionally drained now. J-Hope was currently sleeping next to him in the hospital bed, being ever so careful since he was still in the ICU. The doctors told the members to make sure Yoongi was hydrated, water helped the heart make more blood easier in the long run.

Yoongi was asleep as well, cuddled slightly against J-Hope. Their bodies fit together like a puzzle.

"I just can't believe someone would even want to do this." Jimin was also pissed as f*ck. "Me neither...it's always Yoongi hyung who gets hurt." Jungkook pouted. He was mad, but also incredibly worried.

"Mmgf-" Yoongi jerked awake and immediately reached his hand up to his chest. "Hyung?" Namjoon asked and rushed over. "...fine." Yoongi winced in pain, it felt like strong heart burn. "Just hurts." He mumbled, eyes closed in pain. He would occasionally have strong pain in his chest, but the doctors said it would be normal, considering what Yoongi's heart's gone through, physically, through the past month.

Yoongi moved closer to J-Hope the second Namjoon glanced away. His body was warm, and the thin hospital blanket over him seemed cold against J-Hope's body heat. It made his heart stop hurting, physically.

"You should drink something while you're up, hyung." Taehyung cautiously stood behind him with a water cup. Yoongi shook his head. He was going to stay right where he was. He was warm, and felt safe- even if J-Hope was dead asleep. He felt light and fuzzy, but not in an anxious way; in a comfortable way. It was only like this with J-Hope, and it was weird.

"Okay..." Taehyung set the cup down and sat back down next to Jungkook, who had cried his eyes out when he realized Yoongi was actually shot with a real gun that had a more than half percent chance of killing someone.

But Yoongi was above that, obviously.

Yoongi wanted J-Hope to cuddle him back, he was much warmer than this stupid thin a*s blanket, thing. When he looked up slightly to readjust his position so his side wasn't hurting, he saw J-Hope staring at him.

"Hi." He smiled at him. "Why are you pouting?" J-Hope laughed, and Yoongi blushed slightly. "Am not." Yoongi rubbed his chest and pulled more of the blanket over his shoulders. He was too tall, and his feet were now exposed to the frozen air which made him sigh. J-Hope laughed. "I need a blanket too- Kookie can you get me a blanket?" He asked, looking over Yoongi's shoulder. "Sure." Jungkook searched in the closet for another blanket, and soon found one that he gently tossed onto J-Hope's face. J-Hope playfully glared at him and spread the blanket over Yoongi and himself, making sure to get their feet covered. He didn't miss the smile of gratitude on Yoongi's lips.

"Yours is warmer..." Yoongi used that excuse to get closer to J-Hope. "Aw don't worry, I can just cuddle you." J-Hope swung his leg over Yoongi's and snuck his arms under his waist. Yoongi whined and tried to squirm away, making everybody else laugh. "No~" Yoongi groaned out of frusteration; now that the cuddling was public it wasn't fun anymore.

"You know, all you have to do is ask~" J-Hope teased and laughed, while Yoongi just accepted his defeat. If he did manage to escape J-Hope, he would fall onto the floor- and that would hurt.

Yoongi huffed against J-Hope's chest. He didn't want the entire world to know.

Although, he was probably only cuddling him because he felt bad. J-Hope must think Yoongi's in pain, it has to be the only reason he's hugging him.

Yoongi didn't know why he always chose J-Hope. He was the cause of all this, but he always thought of J-Hope when he wanted comfort. It used to be Jungkook, since he was a bit stronger it made Yoongi feel more safe. Then suddenly, all he wanted was J-Hope. It was so weird...


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