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8 Months Later

"Hoseok hyung, it'll be okay."

"I'm freaking out, Chim- what if ARMY crashes it? What if it didn't go through? What i-" "It'll be amazing, hyung." Jimin smiled at J-Hope, placing his hands on his shoulders. "You look amazing, because you are amazing." He turned his hyung around so he could see himself in the mirror. "You're cute, hyung. Just breathe."

"Okay Yoongi, it's okay, just breathe."

Yoongi looked up at the restaurant that was packed with people. Hopefully J-Hope made it...

Speak of the devil, J-Hope's car pulled up next to Yoongi's. The elder took in a deep breath, pulling his mask up over his nose and mouth. He really hoped ARMY wouldn't be in there and ruin this.

"Hey, baby." J-Hope walked up to him, kissing him lightly before putting his mask on. "Hey..." Yoongi's hands were already sweating, as if he's never seen J-Hope before. "Are you ready?" J-Hope asked him. "Yeah." Yoongi nodded confidentially.

They entered the restaurant, hand-in-hand, and made their way to the registration booth.

"Table for two, it should be under Jung Hoseok." J-Hope told the female there, and to his relief, the registration had gone through. They walked over to the VIP booths, which still had people but it was more quiet and less crowded.

"Here you are." The woman smiled. "Thank you." Yoongi thanked her and sat down in the chair, looking around for anyone that looked like ARMY or dispatch, or any type of paparazzi.

"Hyung, no one's here." J-Hope noticed his tense posture. "Relax." He tried to take his own advice. "I know." Yoongi nodded, taking another deep breath.

"Good afternoon gentlemen, here are your menu's, what can I get for you to drink this evening?" A waitress walked up to them, handing them menu's. "I'll have ice water, and he'll have Sprite." Yoongi smirked. "Alright then." She smiled, writing them down. J-Hope smiled and shook his head. "I'll go get these for you and be right back." She smiled and left.

"See? It'll be just fine."

4 Hours Later

"Shhh, Hobi!"

"I'm sorry!"

Both of their giggles were hearable from the living room, where all the members were waiting for the two to return from their date.

"Oh- hey, guys!" Yoongi smiled, J-Hope laughing for no reason. "It's late, why are you guys still-" "We wanted to know how it went!" Namjoon squirmed in excitement. "Took forever." Jungkook giggled.

"Oh, it was great." Yoongi laughed. "We went to the restaurant which was absolutely amazing- there were no ARMY's, no paparazzi, nobody we knew so it was great. We still wanted to go out somewhere so we got ice cream and walked in the park-" "Then Yoongi got scared by a freaking leaf!" J-Hope cut him off, laughing. Jimin chuckled. "I was just walking and something crunched under me, I couldn't see because it was like ten at night, of course it scared me!" Yoongi hit his arm playfully.

"That's good that it went great." Jin smiled in gratefulness. "Yeah, it was a miracle we didn't get spotted by ARMY's." Yoongi looked at J-Hope. "Yeah, it was." J-Hope held Yoongi's hand. "Anyway, we still have more stuff to do, we just came back to grab jackets and we're leaving again!" He pulled Yoongi towards their room.

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang