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[A/N- Haha sorry no smut last chapter 🙃]

"You were turned on?"


"I don't see a problem with it."

"Jimin! It was Hoseok!"

"Yeah, so?"

Yoongi groaned and continued pacing around Jimin's room. He kicked Taehyung out a long time ago, so he was clear to gay panic.

"Jimin, I'm gay panicking so hard right now! Help me!" Yoongi looked at Jimin, whining. "I can tell, hyung, you're blushing!" Jimin laughed. "I-" Yoongi screamed quietly; keeping his mouth closed. "Shut up! Help me!" He turned back to Jimin, his head spinning. "How?" Jimin sat on his bed while Yoongi paced in circles. "I don't know!" Yoongi threw his head back in a whine.

Jimin giggled.

"Not funny!" Yoongi sighed. "You know what, it's fine." He took a deep breath. "It was just a kiss." He let go of the breath. "There you go." Jimin smirked. "Eeeeeee!" Yoongi started gay panicking again, blushing and squealing all over again. "Hyung!"

"What did you do, hyung?" Taehyung asked, staring at Jimin's closed door. "I didn't do anything." J-Hope chuckled nervously.

He honestly didn't know if he had done anything bad or not.

"Well, Jimin doesn't just kick me out for no reason." Taehyung crossed his arms. "I thought Yoongi hyung kicked you out?" Namjoon laughed. "Exactly." Taehyung sighed. "It's been ten minutes, what are they doing?!" Jin scoffed playfully, sitting next to Namjoon and laying his head on his shoulder. "No idea." Jungkook shook his head.


Yoongi stormed out of Jimin's room. "Um." J-Hope stood awkwardly, scared for what was about to happen. Yoongi walked up to him, Jimin standing at the beginning of the hallway with an unidentifiable facial expression.

"Be my boyfriend." Yoongi got close to him, looking into J-Hope's eyes. J-Hope's heartbeat quickened in his chest. "O-okay." He was blushing. "You my boyfriend now?" Yoongi asked. "If it means you're my boyfriend, then, yes." J-Hope smiled nervously. "Okay." Yoongi turned back to Jimin.

"IT IS OKAY THAT MY BOYFRIEND TURNS ME ON!" He yelled to him. "UM-" J-Hope raised his eyebrows in surprise. Jungkook hid his face in a pillow and Jin and Namjoon died laughing. "I KNOW! I WAS TRYING TO TELL YOU THAT!" Jimin yelled back. "YOU WERE GAY PANICKING AND I TRIED TO TELL YOU IT'S OKAY HOSEOK HYUNG TURNS YOU ON, BUT YOU WOULDN'T LISTEN TO ME BECAUSE YOU WERE GAY PANICKING!" He told Yoongi. "I love this." Taehyung chuckled, leaning back against the couch and watching it all happen.

"Mine." Yoongi turned around and clung to J-Hope. The younger could feel his very fast heartbeat and smirked. "I don't know what this is-" J-Hope laughed. "It's me taking a big step because I'm the top in this relationship." Yoongi hid his face in J-Hope's chest, but only to hide his blush. Jimin laughed but cut himself off by putting his hand over his mouth. "IS YOONGI HYUNG A BOTTOM?!" Jungkook perked up, seeing Jimin trying not to laugh. "OMG HYUNG IS A BOTTOM!" He was shocked. "KEEP YOUR HETEROSEXUAL MOUTH SHUT! AT LEAST I'VE DONE SEXUAL STUFF WITH SOMEONE ELSE!" Yoongi stuck his tongue out at Jungkook. "YOU GUYS DID DO THE DO!" Jungkook gasped, looking at Jimin.

"NO WE DIDN'T!" Jimin yelled at him. "No we didn't!" Yoongi clung to J-Hope, taking in his scent. He loved this mans. And millions of others did too, but he was now his number one.

And he squealed quietly.

"Hyung?" J-Hope looked down at Yoongi. "Eee you're my boyfriend!" Yoongi squirmed, bouncing on his feet from being so happy for some reason. Namjoon laughed. "Hoseok is my boyfriend!" Yoongi squealed. Each time he said it his heart skipped a beat. "Yoongi hyung is my boyfriend." J-Hope smirked, hugging Yoongi.

Yoongi squealed again. The sentence gave his tummy butterflies.

"We should take a picture of us kissing." Yoongi looked up at J-Hope. "Why?" J-Hope laughed. "Because I want everyone to know!"

"Really?" J-Hope asked in surprise. It's been a long while since he's seen Yoongi this happy. "Mhm." Yoongi smiled up at him. "Okay..." J-Hope dragged out the 'o'. 

Yoongi kissed J-Hope on the lips and took a picture, catching the younger by surprise. He giggled and placed a caption on it, then immediately posting it on Twitter. "Jimin, what did you do to him?" Namjoon turned towards Jimin. "He was gay panicking and I was trying to help. I didn't do anything." Jimin laughed. "Why was he gay panicking?" Jin asked him. "Because something Hoseok hyung did." Jimin giggled.

"Look it! We're already trending!" Yoongi showed J-Hope his phone. #SOPE was trending on Twitter. "Yeah, I bet." J-Hope wasn't sure what Yoongi was doing or why he was suddenly so happy, but he wasn't complaining. "I love you, ba-" "Nah uh!" Yoongi put a finger over J-Hope's lips. "Not in front of everybody." He mumbled quietly. "Alright then." J-Hope giggled.

Now he knew Yoongi's weakness. One word: baby.

"What are we not allowed to know?" Jungkook peeked over Yoongi's shoulder. "Nothing! Sh!" Yoongi turned around and shushed Jungkook. "Did you guys do the do?" The maknae smirked. "Horny jail!" Yoongi pushed Jungkook to Jin's room. "Did you not hear me days ago?! I HAVE RJ IN THERE!" Jin stopped him. "STOP PUTTING HORNY PEOPLE WITH MY CHILD!" He playfully pushed Jungkook away from Yoongi. "Just because I make a sex joke doesn't mean I am horny!" Jungkook stomped. "Exactly!" Jin agreed with him.

"Then stop making inappropriate jokes!" Yoongi looked at Jungkook. "Fine!" Jungkook stuck his tongue out at him. "Because if I was horny, my dick would be-" "JUNGKOOK STOP IT!" Namjoon cut him off. "I'M TRYING TO PUT MY POINT ACROSS!" Jungkook pouted. "WE KNOW!"

"Guys, PD-Nim is calling!" Taehyung changed the subject, looking at his phone. "Everybody, act normal!" He answered the phone.

Jungkook and Jin started dancing to Dynamite, acting normal. Namjoon face-palmed.

"Hello PD-Nim!" Taehyung said rather loudly, knowing exactly what he was calling about.

Yoongi hugged J-Hope, hiding his face in his chest. Now he was nervous.

"You know what, I'll be in my room." Yoongi turned around and left the living room. "Wait up!" J-Hope ran after him playfully. Everyone sighed but laughed after.

"What are you gonna do?" J-Hope asked when Yoongi went into the bathroom. "Clean my cuts." Yoongi grabbed a washcloth from the small rack next to his sink where he had his towels at. "Oh." J-Hope stood awkwardly. "It's important, especially this time. It won't take long." Yoongi turned on the tap and waited for the hot water to come out. "How come you didn't do it before?" J-Hope asked. "Well, normally I wait for them to scab over then I clean them, then it's like they were never there." Yoongi ran the cloth under the hot water.

"I'm happy we're officially a couple now." J-Hope stood behind him and hugged him, not too tight since he was doing something. Yoongi simply hummed, carefully running the warm rag over the lines on his arms. It definately looked like he had tried to commit.

"What is it?" J-Hope asked immediately, hearing Yoongi hiss quietly and pull his hand away. "I dunno, it still hurts a little." Yoongi pouted, watching his arm turn a light red from what he guessed was sensitivity. "Maybe you should wait-" "I always clean them out a few days later, it never hurt before." Yoongi accidentally cut him off. He went to go clean the scar but it still hurt.

Then it hit him.

Since he fell in love with Hoseok he's been feeling more things. When he cut himself he felt more of the pain than usual. When he stayed late in the studio he felt more tired, more exhausted and hungry, thirsty.

Oh God.

He was feeling again...

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now