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"Yoonie wan' cwuddles...pwease."

"Aw, baby...You still have a high tempature." J-Hope sighed when he removed the thermometer from Yoongi's forehead, reading '1.03'. "I'll give you cuddles in a minute, baby." He smiled sadly at Yoongi and turned to leave when Yoongi grabbed his arm.

"Nu don' weave Yoonie awone!"

J-Hope turned back around. "I don't know why you're talking like that but it's super cute." He kissed his warm forehead, earning a giggle in return. "I need to go get something for you, I'll be right back." He walked away, taking the thermometer with him.

"How's his temp.?" Namjoon asked when he saw the other in the kitchen. "Still 1.03..." J-Hope sighed, grabbing a bottle of water. "He's still throwing everything up, but he's got to get hydrated." He turned around to face Namjoon, leaning against the refrigerator. "Hobi, Yoongi hyung's just a little sick, everybody gets sick. He's gonna be alright." Namjoon reassured him, walking closer to put a hand on his shoulder. J-Hope smiled sadly, looking down at the floor. "I know." He responded.

"He's just been acting so...off, lately. He's been talking to me like a child and being super sensative to everything. He keeps asking to pass something, and I'm just so worried something bad is wrong; not just a sickness." J-Hope put his head in his hands. "Hey, it's gonna be okay." Namjoon stepped next to him and have him a side-hug, a thought crossing his mind. "Maybe he's...just- he might be a little delusional from whatever bug he has, and that happens sometimes." He assured him, taking the water bottle from him since it looked like J-Hope would start crying soon. "But that means something bad is wrong!" J-Hope looked up, huffing. "Hobi, listen. You-"

The front door opened, catching both of their attention. It was Taehyung.

"Finally you're back!" Namjoon left J-Hope. "Why...are you soaking wet?" He asked. It looked like the younger got caught in rain, but it was early in the morning; clear skies. "Naeun and I were at the park last night, and then it started pouring down rain." Taehyung chuckled, sitting down to take his shoes off. "So I gave her my jacket leaving me freezing cold, and then she decided it would be fun to play in the fracking rain, which got my jacket soaked and me too." He explained, ruffling his hair to get it out of his face.

"And why are you still wet?" Namjoon asked him. "She has a pool and her dog literally pushed me in." Taehyung rolled his eyes playfully, smiling. "So why are you still-" "It was this morning, and she looked so cute sleeping, I didn't wanna wake her up. I took me and my wet jacket and left." Taehyung looked up at Namjoon. "Could you get me a towel so I don't track water everywhere?" He asked, smiling. "Sure." Namjoon shook his head, traveling to the nearest bathroom and to grab a towel.

"So, that means you spent the night?" J-Hope playfully wiggled his eyebrows at the younger. "Yes, hyung, I did." Taehyung glared at him. "We just watched movies, is all." He told him, undoing his belt to help dry the hem of his pants. "Mhm~" J-Hope teased, giggling. "We've only been dating a few weeks, it's way too early for that, hyung." Taehyung rolled his eyes at him. "Don't roll your eyes at me, I'm still your hyung!" J-Hope scolded him, smacking his arm. "Okay, hyung, I'm sorry!" Taehyung giggled, causing J-Hope to shake his head.

"We're just going to ignore the fact Yoongi just yelled 'daddy'- here's a towel, Tae." Namjoon returned, handing Taehyung a towel. "He what?" Taehyung laughed, taking his wet shirt off and drying his toned torso. "Yoongi hyung is sick, and- yep, Hoseok is acting like he's dying." Namjoon nodded to himself when J-Hope ran off to his room to check on Yoongi, completely forgetting the water bottle on the kitchen Island.

"Yoongi-" J-Hope stopped when Yoongi had a child's binky in his mouth. He was fast asleep, still feverish, but asleep. There were tear stains on his red cheeks too.

Where did he get a binky from? Why did he have it? What the hell is going on?

"Yoongi...?" J-Hope gently nudged Yoongi's shoulder, confused and concerned. He sat down next to him and nudged him again, waking him up. "Baby, where did that come from?" He asked first. He had so many questions he became speechless. Yoongi opened his eyes, confused on what he meant. There was something in his mouth so he panicked and took it out, only to go wide eyed when he saw it was a binky. A baby's binky. "Um..." Yoongi didn't know either, but he still felt terrible. "But, I need, the bath-" He motioned towards the bathroom, covering his mouth because he did not want to puke on his precious bed. "Oh, okay." J-Hope quickly picked him up and rushed to the bathroom, placing Yoongi down on the floor in front of the toilet.

Yoongi lied, he didn't have to puke. He only said that to avoid the conversation; although he didn't feel good, he didn't need to puke either.

"Hobi, t-there's something I never told you." Yoongi leaned back up and got close to J-Hope, afraid to admit his secret. "I'm a little." He admitted, closing his eyes since the room started spinning again. "Little...what?" J-Hope asked, ever so gently placing his hands on Yoongi's stomach. "A little is a p-erson who age regresses to cope with stress or anxiety, it helps them get away from it." Yoongi explained, hiccupung at one point. "What does that mean?" J-Hope was still confused. "Just Google it." Yoongi sighed. He always had a hard time explaining it to someone who didn't know anything about it.

J-Hope pulled out his phone, still carefully holding onto his sick boyfriend.

"Maybe, it's like the innocent side of subspace, I guess." Yoongi thought out loud. "Like, subspace but without the sex or the kinks, or anything like that." He told him.

'That could be where my subspace came from.' He thought to himself. A few minutes later, J-Hope looked up.

"Why didn't you tell me this?" He asked. "Isn't it like a big thing for you?" He felt sad Yoongi didn't tell him. "I was just really nervous, I want to go back to bed." Yoongi told him, reaching up and cuddling close to J-Hope for warmth. Once Yoongi felt the warmth of his nice bed, it felt like the sickness had left. He felt a little better than the two days previously, but he knew he wasn't actually better. "I haven't slipped into little space in years." He admitted to J-Hope, wondering what could've triggered him to slip. "I thought I had gotten rid of it..."

"Do you not like it?" J-Hope asked him. "I do...it makes me feel happy and all light and fuzzy inside, and after I'm so calm...I just thought I got rid of it, is all. I won't slip again, and I'm sorry I never told you about it." Yoongi told him, a soft smile on his face. He was remembering all the cute things Namjoon would let him do when he slipped in his studio, back in 2010. "You know, Namjoonie used to be my caregiver..." Namjoon would give him a huge piece of paper and all the writing utensils in his studio, and let the little draw, write, or color whatever the hell he wanted. He would bring his favorite snacks- he even still had a secret bag behind his couch, in case Yoongi one day slipped again and needed him. "So Joon knows...okay." J-Hope was on the road of processing it all.

"I do miss little space, but I think without it I'm more focused on my work and ARMY and things. Plus, when I go to the military, it's not like there's gonna be someone there to take care of me if I'm stressed about dying." Yoongi chuckled, allowing J-Hope to pet his hair. "I don't even wanna think about you leaving for the military." J-Hope pouted, immediately turning sad at the thought of Yoongi leaving him. "I know...but, it's coming up. Five months, Hobi." Yoongi sighed. "We've all been stalling as long as we can, Jin hyung leaves in two months. We have to serve." He was worried about what would happen after he left. He was scared J-Hope would forget about him and be with somebody else...

"I know that." J-Hope didn't want to let him go, but he knew he had to. "But, hey, we might see each other in the military since we're only a year apart." Yoongi smiled hopefully up at J-Hope, his skin more pale than usual from sickness. "I doubt it...I'm gonna miss you so much." J-Hope gave a gentle kiss to his head, again. "Maybe we can still chat...we'll just have to see." Yoongi kissed him on his lips.

"You should just get some sleep, baby." J-Hope avoided the conversation, cuddling close to Yoongi. Yoongi nodded, agreeing, and closing his eyes. "Good night, my love." J-Hope whispered to him, rubbing his back since he was cuddled into his chest. "Good night, Hoseokie..."

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now