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He's always with Hoseok
hyung and it's not

Sorry Jimin-ah but life
isn't fair

Maybe Yoongi hyung
likes Hoseok hyung

Don't even suggest that

He wouldn't

All the signs- he has to
have love feelings for
me, it would be
impossible for him not

Just take a breath

And I know you're
going to be angry with
me, but Yoongi hyung
doesn't like you like

He just sees you as
a friend

And I know that hurts
but it's the truth

And you need to
accept that part of

It's gonna take a while

And it's gonna hurt

But I'm still here for

Always and forever,

Thanks, therapist

I'm being for real


I cope with trauma
through jokes


You're not

Wouldn't you like to
know, weather boy?



I just want to kiss
him again

I know you do

But unfortunately even
we can't always get what
we want

I would say a curse word
right now, but I don't
want to



Yoongi watched J-Hope draw, he was fully focused even with the music in the background. He sat at Yoongi's desk, biting his lip in concentration. It was so cute...

Yoongi blushed when J-Hope turned around. He quickly looked at his phone to avoid being awkward.

"Hey hyung?" J-Hope's voice rang in Yoongi's ears like music. He knew it sounded cringy, but it was true. "Yeah?" Yoongi looked up. "Do you have any colored pencils?"

Yoongi couldn't help but smile. He wanted to wrap Hoseok in bubble wrap while he took all the bullet shots.

"Yeah, under the fourth drawer." Yoongi looked back at his phone. "Okay." J-Hope opened the small drawer and found crayons, colored pencils, sharpies, markers, etc. He took the pack of colored pencils and began to color in the picture, looking forward to showing ARMY. It definitely wasn't as good as Jungkook's drawing, but it was pretty good in his eyes.

Yoongi knew he was in love, it had to be. There were, just...so many questions. Like, why Hoseok? Jimin did have more of a curvy body, but then again, he never really cared about the way his members looked, he loved them nonetheless. Maybe it was because they were completely opposites. All he knew, was that he was in love.

Now that he looks back, he has been for a while.

But everyone he knew who's been in love, was never really happy. Every married couple he knew, got a divorce. And he knew he wouldn't be able to handle that with someone he saw everyday.


God, what was he thinking?! He completely crushed the poor boy's heart, completely blew it up and threw it in the trash.

Yoongi was scared of love. Purely terrified. He wasn't sure if he should tell anybody, or J-Hope at all. Should he tell him?

Maybe he could get rid of these feelings. Maybe if he tried hard enough he could get rid of these love feelings.

"Yoongi-ya?" Jin walked in. "Yes?" Yoongi looked up, J-Hope glancing over too. "Oh, um," Jin paused when he saw J-Hope. "Hoseok-ah, do you think you could give Yoongi and I some time alone for a bit?" He asked, looking at Yoongi then to J-Hope. "Oh, sure." J-Hope stood up. He smiled and passed Jin, closing the bedroom door behind him.

Yoongi gulped nervously, stopping Reflection.

"What's up, hyung?" He asked as Jin sat down next to him. Jin wanted to say 'obviously your dick' but he didn't want to be weird or freak Yoongi out. He had to go at Yoongi's pace.

"Yoongi," Jin looked down at his lap. "I think I know why everything's going on with you." He looked up. "You do?" Yoongi asked in surprise. He hadn't even figured it out himself.

"You're in love with Hoseok-ah."

Yoongi looked back into Jin's eyes, his heart racing in his chest. "It's obvious to me." Jin added on, turning his body toward the younger. "Earlier, he was chasing you for some strange reason. If it were to be anyone else, you wouldn't even put in the effort to run away." He explained.

'True...' Yoongi thought.

"Your connection with J-Hope is different, when you're with him you seem so incredibly happy. And...I like that for you." Jin smiled softly. "Your eyes have a small little sparkle in them, you get the biggest smile across your face, and when Hoseok-ah gets too close your cheeks get pink." Jin smirked. "You don't think I know that..." Yoongi mumbled, looking down. "You let Hoseok-ah do stuff you wouldn't let anybody else do- like take care of you when you're not feeling mentally okay." Jin added. "I know, hyung." Yoongi leaned over and pulled at his hair.

"So...what are you going to do?" Jin asked slowly, not wanting Yoongi to lash out.

"Get rid of the stupid f*cking feelings first. Second, forget everything." Yoongi leaned back up, sighing. "Yoongi, you can't do that." Jin sighed. "You'll be emotionally numb." He tried to catch his eyes, but Yoongi kept looking away. "I don't care that much." Yoongi readjusted his position. "Please, don't say anything." He finally met Jin's eyes. "I won't." Jin sighed again. "But, don't get rid of those feelings, Yoongi, they're what make you human."

And with that, Jin stood up and left.

Yoongi sighed heavily, holding his head in his hands. Jin was right. About everything, he was right. There were so many things Yoongi let J-Hope do he wouldn't let Namjoon or Taehyung do.

"Everything okay?"

J-Hope walked in cautiously, a little confused. "Yeah." Yoongi took in a breath. Now he was stressed out- why did Jin always catch on so quickly? Why was he so smart?

"I'm fine- you can go back to drawing, or whatever." Yoongi smiled over at him. "Okay..." J-Hope sat down at Yoongi's desk again.

'I can't fall out of love with him, Jin hyung's right...it's impossible...crap...what am I gonna do?'

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now