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Namjoon almost kicked the paramedic when they snapped his arm back into place, screaming out in excruciating pain and throwing his head back. He could feel an IV or something get poked into his right arm he had feeling in, and looked over to see a needle.

And J-Hope.

His eyes went large at how much blood J-Hope was covered in, he was completely knocked out and his body was limp. From a lot of feet away, Namjoon could see the red blood squirting out from his leg.

He laid his head back down on the concrete as tears fell from his eyes. All he could think about was Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Jin, Yoongi-

"We're going to take you to a hospital, your left arm has three fractures and you have a hard concussion." The male above Namjoon told him, and he could feel himself define gravity. He saw the roof of an ambulance, but before he did, he saw Jin.

But he didn't get pulled out from the car. In front of it.

"Wait-!" The doors closed and the loud sirens went off, before Namjoon could even finish his sentence.

When he got to the hospital, he was rushed into the Emergency Room, and moved onto another bed.

He turned his head away from the chaos, everything was too loud and he was in too much pain.

Then he saw Jungkook.

"Jungkook!" He called out and tried to sit up, but the nurses pushed him back down by his chest. He saw a red cart get rushed over to Jungkook, and two silver paddles came into view. He averted his eyes up more, and saw a flat line where his heartbeat should be.


Namjoon watched in horror as Jungkook's body jerked up with electricity, his eyes were closed and he was completely knocked out cold.

"Sir you're going to need surgery, you have internal bleeding." A doctor told him and shut off a machine, and before Namjoon could process what she had said, he was moving again.

He passed Jungkook and reached out to him, but he missed and continued to be dragged farther and farther away from the only person he could recognize.

- 3 Minutes Later -

Jin woke up with a forceful cough, and felt a cold liquid splash onto his neck. He couldn't feel anything, he couldn't hear the sirens in the distance.

His head spun wildly, the sky seemed to change color above him. He looked down and saw blood everywhere, his arm was cut open and his leg looked broken.

Suddenly, things started to come back.

They must've gotten hit on the highway, Yoongi was too good of a driver to wreck on purpose or on accident.

He coughed again and felt something run up his throat, and felt it leave his mouth like puke. It became harder to breathe, his chest felt tight and congested. He looked up when he saw someone talking to him, but he couldn't hear them over the ringing of his ears.

He was dizzy and nauseous, he felt he was going to get sick.

Jin closed his eyes, and when he opened them, he was at a hospital.

That fast?

He didn't see anyone he knew, or his members. Was his manager on the way? Did he know?

He still couldn't hear much, all he could hear was the heavy ringing in his ears. He felt cold, very cold- frozen, almost. It was the only thing he could feel.

Then he could feel himself shivering, so he opened his eyes to speak. He was about to, but he felt that liquid rise up in his throat again and spill out of his mouth. Why did he keep throwing up?

Finally his ears popped, which caused a painful cry to echo in the ER.

"Sir, can you hear me?"

The woman asked for the hundredth time, but Jin actually nodded this time. He could barely make out if the person above him was female or male, and everything was darker shades of red.

"You have internal injuries and are going to need surgery, there is also blood behind your eyes so things might look red." She explained, but it was all slow and dragged out for Jin.

Where were the others? Were they okay?

"There's also fluid and blood in your lungs, so it's probably very hard to breathe." She informed him, and Jin felt the bed he was on start to move.

With a terrible vision he saw Jungkook in another room, but he didn't know if he was bad or if it was just his vision that was making him look bad.

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now