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"Ayo hyung, do you want my chicken-"

Taehyung stopped when he saw Yoongi panicking next to J-Hope, his breathing was rapid and irregular and it sounded like he couldn't breathe.

J-Hope looked panicked himself, his hand was on the elder's back trying to help him calm down. But Yoongi was in total panic mode, he was crying and coughing at the same time, making him choke. The feeling of not being able to breathe was making everything worse.

He didn't know what to do.

Taehyung looked down at Yoongi's phone and saw he had missed calls from his brother.

He must've already heard the announcement...but, how?

"Hyung?" Taehyung kept his voice calm as he sat down in front of Yoongi, who was now half bent over with a hand clutching his shirt around his chest. "Hyung, can you look at me?" He asked. He had an idea what to do. Well, he's never done it to someone else before, so he was just going to wing it and say what he would want someone to say to him. J-Hope's panicking wasn't helping.

Yoongi barely managed to look up to Taehyung.

Taehyung smiled softly at him. "Can I have your hand?" He asked, looking down at Yoongi's hands that were stuck tense and in fists. It took a while for Yoongi to register what he meant, but he eventually released his hands and grabbed Taehyungs'. "Thank you, hyung." Taehyung rubbed the back of his hands with his thumb, and he could soon feel the muscles in Yoongi's hands loosen. He smiled.

"What can I, or we, do to help you right now?" Taehyung asked, keeping his voice quiet and calm, yet hearable. Yoongi calmed down just the slightest and moved closer to Taehyung, and the younger suprisingly understood what he meant.

Taehyung reached forward and pulled Yoongi into his lap, keeping him facing him so he wouldn't have to see J-Hope. Yoongi clung to Taehyung hesitantly, wrapping his arms over his neck and hyperventilating. Taehyung could feel his rapid heartbeat.

He wrapped his arms around the top of Yoongi's back to hopefully make him feel safe, and rested his head on his shoulder so they were closer. He knew the physical contact actually helped.

For a while, Taehyung thought he wasn't helping. Yoongi wasn't calming down at all, he just kept uncontrollably crying against his neck and shaking with anxiety. But before Taehyung could say anything, he started to even out his breathing. Taehyung moved so Yoongi could feel his calm heartbeat.

J-Hope was about to call Jimin, but he was fast asleep already. He knew Yoongi and Jimin had a special connection.

"Hyung, can you tell me what this was about?" Taehyung asked, even though he had a pretty good idea of the answer. Yoongi didn't know what to say.

He wasn't in love, but he wasn't not thinking his friendship with someone was more than that. He just didn't know; that was his only answer.

"Can you let me go now?" Yoongi's voice trembled slightly, he still felt light and fuzzy. "Sure." Taehyung unwrapped his arms and let Yoongi sit back down on the floor. "I don't know if I'm even that, I haven't even looked to Bang-PD since I started even just thinking about it, I don't know how he knows. I don't even know 100%, and he just told the entire f*cking world-" "Hey, hyung." Taehyung cut him off. "It's going to be okay." He told him confidentially. "Once you calm down and are thinking straight, we can call PD-Nim together and talk." He suggested.

But Yoongi shook his head. "No, I have to talk to him myself. Please, forget my mental breakdown." Yoongi stood up and grabbed his phone. "Um, please, uh, get out." He cleared his messages from his brother. He would have to talk to him later.

Taehyung nodded and left the room with J-Hope, leaving the second eldest by himself. The door locked.

"Hyung's gay?" J-Hope asked Taehyung. "If you listened, he's not completely sure. He's going through something and needs space. And if he is gay, we will accept him because we're his friends. Right?" Taehyung told him. "R-right..." J-Hope said awkwardly. "Does the word gay make you uncomfortable, Hosoek hyung?" Taehyung cocked. "No." J-Hope laughed nervously. "Whatever." Taehyung sighed and walked off.

"It's getting late, we should go to bed. We can talk to Yoongi hyung tomorrow, okay?" He turned back around. "Yeah, okay." J-Hope nodded. They wished each other good night, and that was the last conversation of the night.

His Blue Dog | Sope BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now