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3 Days Later

Yoongi hyung isn't

Is he okay?

He's not responding
to me either

I tried calling
him and it said his
phone was off

He's not answering

Me neither

Kookie's responding!

The world is



Do you think
something's wrong?

I mean, he's
surrounded by
sharp objects...

Let's not worry, I'm
sure he's just sleeping

He hasn't answered
in two days

I'll try calling again...

Just as Jungkook texted that, Namjoon's phone rung with an incoming call. He looked at the ID and saw it was the hospital. He answered curiously, a little nervous. "Hello?"

"We have an important update for your friend Yoongi, but we would rather discuss this in person. Would it be possible for you to come down to the hospital today?"

Namjoon's heart skipped a beat. He knew it wasn't good when the doctors wanted to talk in person. Did Yoongi hurt himself again? Was he dependable on machines to keep him alive now?

"Yes, um, actually, yeah...w-we can come now if that's alright." He was nervous and scared. After a few more explanations, Namjoon knew something was wrong. He was scared.

The hospital
just called

We need to go there
now, they said

Everything okay?

I don't know

They said we should
discuss it in person

That's never good...

I'll get my shoes on

Everyone went in their own car to the hospital, except for Namjoon carpooling with Taehyung. They all loved each other till death, but they enjoyed their short time away from each other when they could get it. Especially in an anxious time like now, they all just needed to let their minds roam in silence.

They all arrived around the same time, except for Taehyung and Namjoon because they both wanted something to drink from being so nervous.

"We're here to see Min Yoongi...?" J-Hope spoke to the front desk first. They needed to confirm they weren't just random people, because of fans, and a few minutes later a nurse took them into the elevator to Yoongi's room.

They passed the floor he was last on, they went down instead of up.

'Oh my god, please- please don't let him be dead.' J-Hope freaked out as the doors opened. They weren't in the basement, good. Yeesh.

"Right this way..."

"This is the ICU..." Jungkook called out once they entered a new zone. "Oh, yes, Yoongi was moved here yesterday." The nurse told them, leading them down the hall. They finally reached the room with Yoongi on a bed, sleeping with many more machines in him now. J-Hope had to place a hand over his mouth, he was shocked and horrified. What had happened?

"What happened?" Jin asked first. "Why is he here?" He turned to the nurse. She took a breath, hiding the clipboard she had in her hand against her chest.

"We are, aware, that, Yoongi attempted in suicide when he was brought here. He, must've used something old, because on Wednesday he spiked a fever and coded from nowhere. It was difficult for him to breathe and his fever was above 105.8, so we took some tests..." She looked in Namjoon's eyes. "Mr. Min has a blood infection that spread from his arms to the rest of his body, including his heart. We didn't catch it until Wednesday, where it was almost too late...he coded, somehow pressing the code blue button on his own while he was crashing. He went delirious, unable to think clearly, and that's how we knew something was wrong."

'So he wasn't high on healthy drugs?' Jungkook thought. "He texted us Wednesday, and now that I remember, he, was acting weird..." Jimin admitted, looking to his other members. "Yoongi is in a very sensative state right now, why he's in the ICU. The infection reached his heart and lungs which is fetal, but we are keeping him on machines to help him breathe. When he wakes up he will be in much pain, so much so he will have a heart attack, so we are keeping him in a medical-induced coma."

"COMA?!" Taehyung flipped out. "Medically-induced. Medicines are given to him to keep him asleep until he is strong enough for a surgery. Right now thing's aren't looking too good, the infection is blocking his blood stream so it is very difficult for some parts of his body to receive blood. He is also at an extremely high risk of blood clots, so we have nurses and doctors checking in on him every thirty minutes to insure nothing worse happens." The female nurse sighed, looking inside the room at Yoongi's pale, worn out body.

"If he wasn't in good physical shape he would've passed by now." She looked at Jimin, then to Taehyung. "It seems he exercises regularly so his heart is used to working harder than normal sometimes, so it could all definately be worse. His body is perfect, his diet is helping his body fight as well." She nodded in assurance. "We're going to keep Yoongi in a medical-induced coma for a few days, make sure nothing goes wrong, and if his blood count is up then we will perform a special surgery to help get rid of the infection; this isn't your normal flu infection." She explained to them.

"Is there anything we can do? When will he be okay?" Jungkook started to cry. "It could take a long time for this to calm down; the infection. He was only here for a day or two, his blood count didn't significantly rise but enough to prepare him for what happened Wednesday. I know this is difficult to understand, and the only thing we can really do is hope..." The nurse looked back in at Yoongi's vitals. Stable and strong. "Can I talk to him?" J-Hope asked. The nurse was hesitant at first, she was told not to let anybody except certain people inside the room since he was a K-Pop idol- a very popular one at that. She let J-Hope in, while the others discussed what they were going to tell Bang-PD and ARMY.

They could see J-Hope break down, hold Yoongi's hand like it was a torn leaf and one push too hard would rip the rest of it. He was almost scared to touch him, but he had to. He kissed Yoongi on his lips, pleading for him to try his hardest to fight. He listed the things they would do once he got released, hoping Yoongi could hear him, somewhere far off.

J-Hope left the room ten minutes later, but each member had to talk to Yoongi so they didn't leave until four hours later.

On the way back to their dorm, everyone broke down. Jin had to pull over onto the side of the road because he couldn't see from the tears gushing from his eyes, and Jimin stopped at a gas station to recollect himself.

They all remained silent once they got back, everybody went to their rooms to have alone-time. J-Hope kept his lights off and sat in the corner of his room, blocking out the sun and crying into his knees. He wore his gray hoodie since Yoongi had his black one, grabbing a blanket and cuddling with it. He slept against the wall, crying himself to sleep- not knowing the other members had done all the same.

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