Festival Junkies 2

Start from the beginning

"But then we go home when the festival is over."                     

"And we can have a good life and save up for more and maybe next year." I push his hair back gently and he sighs. It's hard to get out if a come down from a high. "Look at me." I order him and he looks up at me. "Your mind is telling you to take more so you feel that high again."                     

"Maybe." His wise eyes look glossy, I pull him closer and lay down, hugging him.                     

"Look at the stars. Enjoy the little things. Don't think about what's happening next, don't think about what you can do to be happy. Settle for this because these stars are fucking amazing and they deserve your god damn attention right now. So don't make them feel worthless, damn." I rub his back gently and he giggles beside me.                     

"I'm glad I met you."                     

"Stars, Mack."                     

"Ok the stars are good but maybe let's do something else."                     

"What would you like to do."                     

"I don't know." He pouts and looks down.                     

"You're thinking about the possibilities but none are good enough for you." I raise a brow at him and he sighs. "Savour things. We have tomorrow too. And tonight, I'm sneaking to your tent."                     

"Oh yeah!" His smile goes wider than I thought and he stands up. "We should find the others! The festival is closing after this set." We begin our journey again and his hand is holding mine tightly. "Guys!" About an hour later we ding T, K and Liam eating pizza by the exit. Almost everyone has left. A few stay back to explore the forest a bit.                     

"So they aren't checking to see if people belong in camping" Liam smiles.                     

"Technically this festival comes with camping. So he's aloud." K shrugs and bites her pizza. I knew it came with camping, but I wanted to have a shower and a bed. This is the reason I got a hostel. But I couldn't ruin Mack's happiness. It's a different story.                     

"Oh, but I wanted to sneak him in." He frowns and I squeeze his hand gently.                     

"Now I can come for sure tho." I smile and his eyes gleam at me. His fingers intertwine mine and I feel a slight tingle, he's the cutest. We make our way back and T falls in step beside me as Mack runs forward and spins around. I grin as he does a cartwheel and someone whistles in the distance.                     

"I don't think his girlfriend was expecting him to run off alone with someone else while being here." She tells me. I bite my lip at her sudden seriousness and I look down. "Or hold hands with him." She adds. "Tho we kinda all thought he had a sweet spot for guys, don't get your hopes up." She fixed one of her nipple stickers and rubs my arm. "I probably sound like a bitch but I just don't want you to get hurt. He's a sweet guy, but he doesn't seem to notice how he affects people. He's easy to fall for."                     

"Well, he is sweet." I find myself walking a bit farther away from her. "But it's fine to have a girlfriend. I never said I didn't have a girlfriend either."                     

"Do you?" She looks up at me. I watch him fist pump the air and run toward a few benches.                     

"No, but."                     

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