Chapter 77 (Year 6)

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Theodora's POV-

"No! No! You are staying here for the night," Pansy said, as she grabbed my arm.

"I need a bath," I growled, angrily. My plan to kill Dumbeldore had been fooled once again. The wine bottle I had sent to Slughorn to give to Dumbeldore was drunk by Weasley.

Weasley of all people!

"Pansy, you should let her go... she looks tense," Daphne said,

"I look tense too, rub my back?" Theo asked her. She glared at him.

"Yeah, I do, alright. I'll see you all later," I mumbled, before walking out the common room.

I walked all the way up to the Prefect's bath, muttering the password, before stepping inside. I turned the water and bubbles on before stripping, putting my wand next to the bath, before sliding into the bath.

I groaned, enjoying finally being able to relax for just a moment even though I still hadn't finished the wardrobe and Dumbledore was still annoyingly alive.

I grabbed the necklace over my chest, opening it again, and seeing Draco's grinning face at me, I rolled my eyes.

If only you knew what I did for you, then I wouldn't have to hide it.

I thought, as I shut the locket and stared at the dark mark. I rubbed my thumb over it. There were some nail marks in it that were healing. I shut my eyes, shaking my head away from my thoughts before I took a deep breath and slid under the water.

It felt like I was only under a minute when I heard the door for the bathroom open; I gasped as I shot out the water covering my chest before I opened my eyes.

Draco stood there with his hands over his eyes, his face bright red. He obviously hadn't seen me.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't think anyone would be in here." He stammered I laughed.

"Oh calm down, Draco. You can look, I'm covered." I smirked. He uncovered his eyes and breathed out, relieved.

"Oh, it's just you."


"I should go," He said, I huffed,

"Oh, it's not like I haven't seen you naked before, and it's not like you haven't seen me naked before? What's the problem?"

"Well I-um," Draco rubbed his neck awkwardly.

"Your choice, I'm not forcing you." I shrugged, going back underwater, but not before grabbing my wand. The water stung my eyes, but I didn't care as I pointed it at my mark and muttered a concealment charm. My mark disappeared before I ran out of air.

I broke through the surface, taking deep breaths seeing Draco had just gotten in.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to drown?" He asked as I put my wand back on the tile floor.

"That would be nice, wouldn't it?" I laughed as I covered my chest again.

"You seem... strange this year," Draco said.

"How did you even get in here? You're not a prefect." I asked as Draco stared at the necklace he had bought for me.

"Ron told me the password last night before his... accident. Why do you still wear that?" Draco pointed at his chest, which I had been trying to avoid looking at.

"Just cause we broke up doesn't mean I should throw it away, I like it. I use a... different image now." I lied as I wrapped my hand around it.

"What did you do with yours?" I asked. Draco shrugged.

My Slytherin- Draco MalfoyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum