Chapter 16 (Year 2)

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Draco's POV

"Wake up," Hermione yelled, pulling our curtains back Christmas morning.

"Jeez! Hermione! You're not supposed to be in here!" Ron snapped,

"Merry Christmas boys!" She laughed,

"I've been up for nearly an hour, adding more lacewings to the potion. It's ready." Harry almost jumped out of bed,

"Are you sure?" He asked,

"Positive," Hermione smiled, sitting down on Ron's bed.


"Did you trap them?" Hermione asked Ron and Harry. They nodded,

"It was easy with the invisibility cloak, we just pushed them into the closet." Harry laughed. Hermione nodded, bring out the Slytherin uniforms she had stolen. My eyes landed on two skirts.

"Wait! I can't wear this!" I yelled, shoving the Slytherin skirt in her face. Hermione couldn't hide her smile, as she glanced at us.

"I'm sorry! But the only people staying are Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Theodore Nott! And Blaise Zabini! What am I supposed to do?" She asked,

"Well, I am not wearing the skirt!" I snapped,

"Draco, you have to." Ron laughed,


"Because you're the skinniest!"

"I am not!" I snapped,

"Yes, you are! And we have to wear the clothes first before we transform." Ron explained.

"Ugh! I defintily am not the skinnest! I think I am very well fit for my age!" I snapped, grabbing the skirt and walking into the empty stall.

"Come on out, Draco!" Ron teased,

"Ron, I will murder you, in your sleep." I snapped, Ron and Harry started laughing. I rolled my eyes.

"Turn around at least," I muttered, annoyed.

"Okay, okay." Harry laughed, I watched all their feet turn around, I opened the stall and walked out.

"Don't turn around!" I snapped, but they did anyway. They stared at me for a second before bursting out in fits of laughter.

"You three probably planned this!" I glared at them.

"I swear we didn't but are the skinniest," Harry smiled,

"I am not!"

"You are!" Hermione giggled,

"You know what! You'll see! I'll get bigger soon!"

"Enough boys! It's ready." Hermione snapped, she handed us each a beaker and poured the disgusting mixer in them. She handed us each a hair,

"A hair?" I asked,

"Put it in, the potion." I cringed, putting the hair in the beaker, it turned into a light green, which wasn't too unpleasant.

"Ready guys?" I asked,

"Ready!" The three said we all pinched our noses shut, and drank the potion down. I dropped the beaker, taking a deep breath, as my body started to change. I leaned against the sink, as my hair started growing longer, and a deeper shade of blond. My hands started to get a little tinier and skinner.

"Oh, my Merlin!" I yelled, they both turned to me confused,

"What! Is something wrong Draco?"

"I have boobs!" I yelled, looking down, my face turning red. The boys both looked away awkwardly.

My Slytherin- Draco MalfoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang