Chapter 5 (Year 1 Christmas)

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Draco's POV

"Dora, what are you doing waiting outside the boy's bathroom?" I asked. She got off the wall she was leaning on and shrugged.

"Mum just owled me that you're not coming to Christmas," she huffed. I signed.

"Yeah, I'm not going to." I started walking to the great hall, hoping she will leave me alone.

"And why not? Who said you were allowed to stay here?" Dora yelled as she followed me to the Great Hall.

"My mother?"

"No, I mean I never said you could stay!" I stopped in my tracks, looking at her, confused. She almost bumped into my chest, stumbling back a little.

"Why would I have to ask you?" Dora glared at me.

"Because you're leaving me all alone this Christmas! You can't do that!"

"Dora, you'll be fine,"

"I know I will, but that doesn't mean I want to be!"

"Sorry, I already told my parents I would stay and written my name down to stay at Hogwarts," I said, she signed.

"Fine," she huffed, storming into the Great Hall. I shook my head, rolling my eyes, following her in, and walking to the great hall.

"What was that all about?" Harry asked,

"Dora's just mad cause I won't be at Christmas this year with her," I answered, putting food on my plate.

"Why would she care?" Hermione asked,

"We'll because my Mum and her Mum were best friends during their time at Hogwarts. Now they do everything together. Every holiday, every birthday, every bloody family vacation." I shrugged, Ron laughed from next to me.

"You should see the baby pictures."

"Shut up, Ron!"


"Happy Christmas!" Ron yelled. I sat up, mumbling back a Happy Christmas, as Harry got up.

"Happy Christmas!" He yelled as I walked over to my Christmas presents.

"I've got presents!" Harry said, surprised. Ron and I glanced at each other, confused.

"Of course you have, Harry."

"What'd you expect? In your hands from Hagrid. And by the looks of that lumpy one, Mums sent you, a Weasley sweater."

"And my mum sent you some chocolates," I added, a little embarrassed, but Harry seemed pleased.

"'Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you," Harry read out loud as we opened our presents.

"What's the gift, Harry?" I asked. Harry ripped open the gift wrapping.

"It's some kind of cloak?" He said, holding it up.

"Well, try it on," Ron said. Harry threw it around his shoulders and his body started disappearing.

"," I said, as Ron's mouth fell open.

"Harry, do you know what this is? It's an invisibility cloak. They're really rare. Who gave you this?" I asked,

"There's no name. It just says, 'use it well,'"


"Ron! Draco! Wake up!" Harry yelled, pulling the covers off of us.

"There's something you've got to see! Come on!" He yelled, I yawned,

"If someone's not dead, then leave me in, bed!" I yelled,

"Get up!" Harry yelled, pulling on my leg to stand up. I groaned, standing up.


"Come look! It's my family!" Harry yelled, pointing at a mirror. Ron and I yawned, glancing at the mirror, seeing only Harry.

"That's only you," Ron said. Harry pulled us closer.

"No! Look closer." We walk closer and freeze. I stood with a broomstick in my hand, and a captain badge, next to the head boy badge, with my arm thrown around a girl who looks quite like Dora, but older? We both looked older, maybe like we were in a sixth or seventh year.

"Me. Only I'm Head Boy! And I'm holding the Quidditch Cup and, bloody hell, I'm Quidditch Captain too! Harry, do you think this mirror shows the future?" Harry looked heartbroken as he turned to me.

"What do you see, Draco?"

"The same thing, except there's a girl. I think she's my girlfriend?" I said, confused. Ron started laughing.

"A girl, that's gross!"

"Does it show the future, Harry?" Ron asked again, as I rolled my eyes.

"How can it be, if all my family is dead?" Harry asked, looking heartbroken.

I glanced at the mirror again as we walked away, glancing at the mirror again before disappearing.


"Want to go play chess?" Ron offered Harry as we slumped in the great hall.


"Want to go visit Hagrid?" I offered. He shook his head again.


"Harry, we know what you're thinking. But don't. There's something not right about that mirror." Ron warned, Harry nodded.

"I'll see you guys later," Harry said. We nodded as he walked away from us.

"So, who was this girl you saw?" Ron asked, turning to me. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not telling you." I shook my head.

"Why not? We're best friends, aren't we?"

"Yeah, but I'm still not going to."

"Why not!"

"Because I don't even know who it was, so how are you supposed to?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Come on!"



"Did you have a good Christmas, Dora?" I teased, sitting down next to her in the library. She glared at me, slamming the book shut.

"Oh yes, very fun! You know what our fathers talked about?"


"How annoying Ministry people are! Do you know how interesting that is?"

"Very interesting, correct?"

"Shut up! Then our mums talked about the new Rita Skeeter article. Oh, and I saw your wonderful baby pictures." My smile falls, nervously.

"Not the-"

"Naked ones? Don't worry, I made sure to excuse myself"

"Now I need to go throw up, bye Dora."

A/N- Sorry short chapter.

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