Chapter 43 (Year 4)

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Draco's POV

"Draco, are you going to Hogsmeade?" Harry asked as I pulled the covers over my head the next afternoon.

"No, I just feel horrible." I groaned,

"Oh, well, feel better," Harry said.

"Are you guys going straight to the place Sirius wants to meet at?" I asked,

"No, we're going to go to Gladrags Wizardwear, first. I'm buying a present for Dobby, and then we'll go."

"Okay, have fun," I muttered, pretending to cough again.

When the door closed, I waited ten minutes for them to leave, before changing out of my pajamas and into some jeans and a Gryffindor sweater, and a black hat and scarf.

I climbed out of the portrait hole and walked out of my room and to the common room. The only people here were second and first years. I climbed out the portrait hole.


I checked my watch; she was running a little late, but I didn't mind. Then the door opened, and Dora walked out, with all her friends behind her.

"I thought we were going... alone?" I said, confused. She signed, annoyed,

"We will," She muttered, glaring at her friends.


"Wait! I would like to have a chat," Nott said. He looked up at me.

"I thought you would be shorter than me."

"Are we really doing this right now?" I asked, smirking. Nott glared up at me.

"Leave," Dora muttered, pointing at the common room.

"You! I don't trust, any Gryffindor, with our Theodora. So any funny business, I smack you across your face." Nott said, pointing an accused finger at me.

"You'll smack me across the face?" I laughed,

"You'll have two smacks! You Q-Tip!" Zabini said,

"Q-Tip!" I yelled, offended.

"Yeah! You're too blond for my taste!" Zabini huffed.

"But, I'm not going on a date with you?"

"Fine! I guess if you want me this bad, we're leaving!" He put his arm around me. I looked at Dora, utterly confused.

"Hey! You two wait for me!" Nott yelled, putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Dora, I feel a little nervous, to be honest," I muttered.

"You two! Get away from him! Draco, we're leaving now." Dora grabbed my hand and pulled me along.

"I'll be watching!"



"I'm sorry about my friends. They wouldn't let me leave," Dora said. I shook my head, amused, as we finally got to Hogsmeade.

"I thought it was funny."

"Try having them follow you around the common room."

"Want to go to Honey dukes? I don't think anyone's here this early." She nodded. We found a small table near the back, away from everyone else. As she sat down, I ordered two butterbeers and brought them back to the table.

Don't be so nervous, you're blowing it.

I thought as I stared at my butterbeer.

Nice weather we're having? No, it's snowing, that's stupid. Do you know I saw you in a mirror when we were eleven? No, that's creepy... why am I always overthinking talking to her.

My Slytherin- Draco MalfoyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu