Chapter 84

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Draco's POV-

"Are you guys alone?" I whispered as I opened the door to Ron's room. It had been to a week since we got to the Burrow. Dad had fully healed, but Mad eye Moony had passed away, and George lost an ear.

"Yeah, get in here, before Mrs. Weasley sees!" Hermione snapped, as I shut the door behind me. Harry and Ron were laying on the bed, while Hermione was surrounded by books. I sat down next to Hermione, glancing at all the books she had.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Oh, Draco you must know, that were fighting Voldemort in a mobile library." Ron chuckled.

"Haha," said Hermione, looking down at Spellman's Syllabary.

"I wonder... will we need to translate runes? It's possible.... I think we'd better take it, to be safe."

"How did you manage to escape?" Harry asked. I shrugged.

"I finished my work as quick as I could."

"God, my back is killing me," I groaned,

"That's what happens when House-elves do all your work." She said. I rolled my eyes as Ron threw me a pillow and I rested my back against it.

"I know you said after Dumbledore's funeral that you wanted to come with me," Harry started, Ron and I both groaned, annoyed.

"Here he goes."

"Knew he would."

"You know, I think I will take Hogwarts, A History. Even if we're not going back there, I don't think I'd feel right if I didn't have it with —"

"Listen!" Harry yelled.

"No, you listen Harry! We're coming with you. That was decided months ago — years, really." I yelled,


"Shut up," Ron signed.

"— are you sure you've thought this through?" Harry protested.

"Let's see, I've been packing for days, so we're ready to leave at a moment's notice, which for your information has included doing some pretty difficult magic, not to mention smuggling Mad-Eye's whole stock of Polyjuice Potion right under Ron's mum's nose. I've also modified my parents' memories so that they're convinced they're really called Wendell and Monica Wilkins, and that their life's ambition is to move to Australia, which they have now done. That's making it more difficult for Voldemort to track them down and interrogate them about me — or you, because unfortunately, I've told them quite a bit about you. Assuming I survive our hunt for the Horcruxes, I'll find Mum and Dad and lift the enchantment. If I don't — well, I think I've cast a good enough charm to keep them safe and happy. Wendell and Monica Wilkins don't know that they've got a daughter, you see." Hermione yelled, starting to cry. Ron ran up to her and hugged her.

"I — Hermione, I'm sorry — I didn't —" Harry started.

"Didn't realize that Ron, Draco, and I know perfectly well what might happen if we come with you? Well, we do. Ron, Draco, show Harry what you've done."

"You go first Draco, mine will just make him sick," Ron said. I shrugged.

"Dad's going to put news up, that I have passed away. Because of a freak attack at our home."

"What! You're going to fake your own death?" Harry yelled. I shrugged.

"Yeah. It's just so no one would get suspicious."

"What about a body?"

"Dad has a couple of strands of my hair, he's going to get one of the order members to be, my dead body." I grinned. Hermione punched me on the arm.

"Don't joke about it!" She said as I rubbed my arm.

"Okay, okay. Ron, you go." I said. Ron stood up and gestured for Harry to follow him.

"Are you coming?" Ron asked me,

"And see that thing again? No thanks." I said. Ron rolled his eyes before leading Harry upstairs.


The next day was Harry's birthday Mrs. Weasley had made a cake in the shape of a Snitch but was interrupted when the Minister of Magic came and requested to speak with the four of us, in private. The four of us squeezed into the couch, but it was so tiny that Ron was forced to sit on the arm of the chair.

"I have some questions for the three of you, and I think it will be best if we do it individually. If you three- "he pointed at Harry, Hermione, and I— "can wait upstairs, I will start with Ronald."

"We're not going anywhere. You can speak to us together, or not at all." Harry yelled.

"Very well then, together, I am here, as I'm sure you know, because of Albus Dumbledore's will," Scrimgeour said.

He explained to us what had happened with the will, and why it took so long. He also mentioned that we were all getting something from Dumbledore.

"'The Last Will and Testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore'... Yes, here we are.... 'To Ronald Bilius Weasley, I leave my Deluminator, in the hope that he will remember me when he uses it.'" Scrimgeour read, he leaned down and took out something from his black back. It looked like a silver cigarette lighter. He leaned forwarded and handed it to Ron.

"That is a valuable object. It may even be unique. Certainly, it is of Dumbledore's own design. Why would he have left you an item so rare?" He asked. Ron shook his head.

"Dumbledore must have taught thousands of students. Yet the only ones he remembered in his will be you three. Why is that? To what use did he think you would put his Deluminator, Mr. Weasley?"

"Put out lights, I s'pose. What else could I do with it?" Ron asked before he put it away.

"'To Miss Hermione Jean Granger, I leave my copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, in the hope that she will find it entertaining and instructive.'" Scrimgeour took out a big heavy looking book from his bag.

"Why do you think Dumbledore left you that book, Miss Granger?" Scrimgeor asked.

"He... he knew I liked books,"

"But why that particular book?"

"I don't know. He must have thought I'd enjoy it."

"Did you ever discuss codes, or any means of passing secret messages, with Dumbledore?"

"No, I didn't. And if the Ministry hasn't found any hidden codes in this book in thirty-one days, I doubt that I will." Hermione mumbled, whipping her eyes with her sleeve. The Minister didn't look quite convinced but nodded, anyway.

"To Mr. Draco Malfoy, at the beginning of your sixth year, an owl eagle stopped by my window and handed me this, necklace. No one loves love more than I do." He said,


I thought, as Scrimgeor bent down and pulled out a necklace. The same necklace that Dora has, the one I had bought us, my necklace.

I pried it away from his hands as if he held it any longer. It would disappear, but it didn't. I turned it around in my hands, feeling the metal, before opening it. It was the same picture that was there before I threw it away.

"Do you know what it's about, Mr. Malfoy?" The Minister asked.

"Yeah, I definitely know! He wants me to look fabulous while trying not to die." I smirked. Ron and Harry both bit down in giggles, as Hermione rolled her eyes, but a ghost of a smile on her lips.

After giving Harry his two presents instead of one like the rest of us, the minister finally left, and let us carry on for our gifts but I couldn't even focus, as I put the necklace on, and stared at Dora's beautiful face.

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