chapter 2

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I loved to learn but today was pretty much the worst day. Careers day went terrible but apparently this school is big on careers because now we have a bunch of trips planned to different companies, a law firm, an architect firm , a tech company and finally none other than dad's company. I swear he agreed just to annoy me. Last night we had argued about me not wanting to go. I don't even know why I didn't, I guess part of me  knew he would probably do something embarrassing.

Today was the day and I sat next to Beth with Nathan sat behind us on the school bus. "I can't wait,  your dad made his company himself. It's so inspiring" Beth said as she continued to tell us both facts about my dad's company. She knew way more than me which made me feel bad.

When we finally arrived, Beth could barely sit still. "Why didn't you react like this when you met my dad" I ask curious at how excited she was. "because this is his company, this is where he makes his business deals, it's his main office. Do you think he's here now" she explained and Nathan rolled his eyes but like me he smiled. "Yeah I think so. He knows about the trip that HR apparently signed off on but I think he had something to do with it" I tell her and she looks even more happy. "Of course he did, nothing goes on here without his approval" she says as we get off the bus.

Three employees met us at the entrance. "Hi guys, we are going to split you into three groups for the tour. Whilst you are here it's best you don't wander off. We will be looking at the lower flours. As this is the main building, there is a limited amount to see as mainly meetings go on here" one of the employes announced all the students nodded, eager to see this place. Another employee continued. "Elijah West is one of the youngest Billionaires, he created this company from scratch, that's not say he didn't come from money. His family own several companies around New York.  His main focus is buying run down companies and making them successful however Mr West decided to expand the company last year so now we are currently developing a range of technology"  everyone looked amazed by this, even Beth who had told Nathan and I all this on the bus. The third employee continued. "Mr West doesn't like messing about" he had to pause as I covered up my laughing with coughs. Dad messed about so much. "Is something wrong" the employee asked. I shook my head, he didn't know who I was as I'd only been here once and not met any of them. "Great. As I was saying Mr West will not tolerate any messing about. This is strictly a workplace. Anyone found goofing off will be sent out" god he was so serious, I hoped I didn't get put in his group.

I did. I was in his group but luckily with Beth and Nathan along with several other students. There was 15 of us in total.
Beth had us stand at the front directly behind Mr Sanders, our tour guide. I had to admit, the company was interesting. Elijah never really mentioned his work only he had business meetings to attend.

"And over here is one of the labs, we use this for any experiments. Mr West thought it would be beneficial in case we thought of something to invent" he explained.
"Has anything been invented yet" Beth asked. Mr Sanders seemed to apriciate that question. "Yes actually, however Mr West prefers things to be kept quiet until they are released to the public. I can say alot of prototypes were tested in here" he explained.
"I'll ask him tonight" I whisper to Beth when I see how dissapointed she was.

We continued the tours, it was going good, I had nothing to worry about.
Or so I thought.

"Now we have a guest speaker so if you make your way into the conference room"

We met up with the other groups and some of us sat, whereas others stood. I was one to stand.

Zach entered and I was glad it wasn't dad.
"Hi guys, I'm Zach Eaton I work closely with Mr West. He has a emergency meeting right now so he sent me.  However he might make an appearance later, I'm here to anwser any of your questions"  he introduced himself.
Everyone's hand raised and I felt awkward as I didn't have any questions.
"Yes you"
"Hi my name is Sally, I was wondering what's your position and how long you have had it"
"That's a good question, I'm basically the manager. I have had this job since the beginning, Mr West wanted my opinion on his company idea and from there he hired me as his manger" he explained then pointed to the next student.
"I'm Thomas, I was wondering how much profit is made"
"That's an interesting question, profit depends on what we are doing. On average we make just under a million a week"
I'm sorry but what the fuck.
"Mr West might be a harsh boss but a job here sets you up for life, that's if you don't get fired.
Zach gazes over the group, probably deciding who to pick next. His eyes met mine and on instinct I lowered mine, I still had a problem with eye contact. He points to Beth and Beth looks like she's about to explode with excitement. "Bet she asks him something he can't anwser" Nathan whispers and I nod "I'm actually so suprised she didn't explode when she met him" I say refering to when she met my dad. "Probably because she was in shock" I nod and we both turn out attention to Beth talking about the company and how it was made, as well as employment rates, funding, different companies that dad had bought. Zach looked overwhelmed as she continued which made me snicker.

"Seems I have a fan"

Everyone including me turns and dad walks in with a smirk.
"Yeah she knows everything" Zach told dad who nodded.
"Better up your game Zach or I might have to replace you" which earned him a eye roll from Zach. Dad then turned to Beth and proceeded to anwser all her questions.
"Do you think she's going to ask for an autograph" I heard a girl stood close by me mumble.
"Why would she" I ask.
"Because she's obsessed" another girl anwsered and I rolled my eyes.
I thought this school was bully free. It didn't matter though because I wasn't about to stand and let her be bullied.
I raised my hand and dad's attention was instantly on me, I swear he had been watching me throughout his conversation with Beth.
"You okay" he asked, I think he forgot to use his business tone.
"Yeah, I was just wondering what would cause you to fire someone or more precisely to not let someone in the building" I ask.  Dad looked confused but answered "not doing their work to my standard, disrespect of me or anyone else in the building." As he spoke I glanced at the two girls who gulped. Good. "I didn't mean it to be rude I swear" one of the girls exclaimed and dads attention was on her. "Mean what" he asked in a deadly tone. "I just was wondering if Beth would get your autograph and Char was calling her obsessed"  Nathan snickered at how afraid they looked. Dad didn't say anything instead he took Beth's notebook. "May I" he asked and she nodded. He signed it and then gave his signature business smile. "I believe it's lunch time you may all go thr cafeteria" alot left quickly. I stayed behind and when it was just me and him I spoke "why are you being distant" I ask to start. "thought you didn't want us knowing each other" he told me making me feel guilty. "Yeah I did but I don't like it" I confess and he smiles "your friend Beth seems to know her stuff" he told me and i nod. "Shes a massive fan. Maybe you can mentor her or something" I ask and he looks conflicted. "I don't have time for that. You can tell her to apply for an internship when she turns 18 though" I frowned at his words but he continued"did she tell you to ask me" I shake my head. "No. No she didn't. She doesn't know. Don't blame her" he just nods. "she's too young" he says and I nod, knowing it was a long shot. "Go get lunch,I'll see you tonight" he told me. "Can we at least have pizza for dinner"  I ask, hoping he would agree. "We shall see. Now off you go"


I figured Avery didn't want me treating her any different but it was hard to do. Luckily after the Q&A she told me she didn't like it, I didn't either.
I headed back to my office thinking about how she asked about Beth. I have to admit, I never knew Beth knew so much. I couldn't mentor her as that wasn't something I'd do. An internship would require how to be 18 but maybe I could make an exception. She did know alot and it wasn't like she would be interning under me. Maybe I'll make an exception.

Ok hope you enjoyed,  I  just wanted to add something. So if anyone thinks Elijah is trying to replace Avery, this isn't the case. He sees potential in Beth as she knows everything,she's also his daughters best friend so he's obviously going to be nice to her. Whereas Avery if asked he would teach her everything but Avery isn't interested right now. She's going to have her own path first.

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