chapter 43

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Elijah was at a loss with what to do with Avery, he couldn't make her see someone because she didn't want to go. He had tried getting her to speak to a doctor, he had tried talking to her himself, he had tried everything he could think off.

Now she had walked out, he had no idea where she was, he didn't even have people follow her. maybe this was an approach he should take. Let her find out for herself, but that could put her in danger.

She had been on her own most of the day today, she would be fine, at least that's how he reassured himself. It was almost 5, so he decided to go home. He didn't know whether she was still in the building so he took out his phone.

Elijah :
I'm going to head home, are you coming.

He really didn't expect her to be in the building still it had been at least an hour.

He didn't really expect a reply either so he was suprised when he got one.

Left already like you said to. I'll be back later.

Elijah sighed of course she wouldn't stay around. He knew she was probably with her friends by now so he headed out.

When he got home, he didn't feel like cooking, today had been hard, back to back meetings in different areas of the building, tons of paperwork and then the fight with Avery.

There was a knock on the door and he found himself wanting to ignore it but he slowly went to the door, it could be important.

Gabby stood at the other side of the door smiling, he couldn't help roll his eyes. He liked Gabby he really did but she was way too....energetic and he couldn't deal with her at the moment, he didn't have the energy.

"You look awful are you okay" Gabby asked when he opened the door, her smile instantly dropping.

"I'm fine"

"No you're not"

"Yes I am"

"Clearly you're not"

"Gabrielle just leave, I cant with you today" Elijah snapped, he didn't mean to but he was tired and didn't need to be questioned.

Hearing him snap was something she didn't expect but she nodded "ok Elijah, Ill leave but I just wanted to come check on you and of course Avery"

Now Elijah felt guilty. He sighed "I'm sorry Gabby, you can come in"

Gabby was hesitant but followed him in. "What happened Eli" she asked not liking how Elijah looked.

"Just tons of work today and an argument with Avery" Elijah wasn't one to talk about his relationship with Avery other than to family, nobody needed to know about Avery but with Gabby he felt comfortable telling her.

"Would you like me to talk to her" Gabby asked as she made herself at home and poured them both a coffee.

"She's not here, I actually don't know where she is" Elijah confessed.

"Why not, what if something happens, we have to go find her" Gabby said in a panic as she put their coffees on the counter.

"She will be with her friends by now. I've been worrying and I still am worried but she needs time. She doesn't even think the threat is real" Elijah said and picked up the coffee and started to drink.

Gabby analysed Elijah for a minute he looked like shit, he looked worn out and she could tell that it wasnt just his work that had him so worn out.
"Have you eaten yet" she asked.
"I'll eat tommorow it's fine"

Gabby didn't like his anwser one bit "you are not skipping meals again, I understood why the first time but I'm not letting you again. I'll cook"

Gabby had watched Elijah skip meals when Avery had first been taken, she would often bring him leftovers but they were practically kids themselves so she really didn't see him much due to her own personal life, she was still in education at the time.

"You don't need to" Elijah protested.

"But I'm going too. Now sit down, drink your coffee and tell me what has happened"

Elijah found himself doing what she said, he wasn't one to take orders but he sat at the island counter and started to tell her the main points in the arguement whilst Gabby cooked.

"Was I wrong" Elijah finally asked after explaining.

Gabby was shocked at what she had heard and she was annoyed with Avery. How could she say that to him.

"No you weren't wrong. What she is suggesting is fucked up. How could she say that" Gabby had a tear coming down her face, she felt for Elijah she really did, it must have been heartbreaking to hear such things.

"It's not the first time she has accused me of being manipulative and controlling" he confessed.

"You are not any of those things Elijah, Ive seen you with her, you love her and I know you would do anything for her" Gabby wasn't happy with Avery at all.

"She has had a rough past I don't want her seeing me as one of them but I'm afraid she does" Elijah confessed.

"Then clearly she needs a reality check because Elijah you are nothing like them, they abused her, you love her, you are just trying to keep her safe"

"She thinks I'm abusing her though. I need to change but I can't risk her safety" Elijah confessed.

"She said that" Gabby was shocked.

"A few weeks ago, yeah, compared me to Garrows"

Elijah hadn't even been this open with his family but he needed someone and he was glad that someone turned out to be Gabby.

"That....ugh I can't even with her. I'm sorry Elijah, you are not being abusive you are protecting her, I was in the car when we got shot at, to think she doesn't understand the dangers yet. And she has the nerve to compare you to him. I'm sorry Elijah, I know you aren't abusing her but maybe she is emotionally abusing you, she's manipulative and she's using your guilt of not being around for her own gain, she's playing you. I get she has problems in the past and stuff but Elijah you can't excuse her past for her behaviour any longer" Gabbi ranted, tears ran down her face, she hated what Avery had done.

Elijah nodded, he hated Gabby was crying and silently stood up and hugged her "it's okay, I'm okay" Elijah whispered as he stroked Gabby's hair in comfort, her head was now burried in his chest.
"What she's saying is so messed up, she needs a doctor" Gabby mumbled as she hugged Elijah tighter.
"I know, let's focus on you though" Elijah didn't want to continue talking about Avery as he saw how upset Gabby was.

They stayed like that for several minutes, neither one of them wanted to let go of each other however the food Gabby was cooking started to burn so she escaped Elijahs hold and quickly went to sort it out. She knew she couldn't let it burn or Elijah wouldn't eat.

When Gabby put the plate in front of Elijah he couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you Gabby"

He said it with such sincerity, the two of them knew he was thanking her not just for the food but for being there.

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