chapter 54

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The doctors came out of the room, Elijah rushed to them, he still had tears falling down his face and he didn't bother to mask his dispair. "She's stable" the doctor started, the relief that washed over Elijahs face just by that statement was enough to see Elijah would be beyond broken if she didn't live. "Will she be okay though" he asked not wanting to get his hopes up.

The doctor then began explaining stuff, the bottom line being that he really didn't know.

Elijah nodded and went back to her room, he had spent to much time away fr her.

He smiled sadly as he sat down on the chair besides her bed, he started telling her another story as he stroked her hair.

"You scared me Avery, I swear you will be the death of me. I don't like to come across as manipulative and controlling but Avery I swear if you try something like that again....*sigh* just don't do that again okay, I can't loose you, you have to be strong and wake up for me"  he said refering to what just happened, his voice breaking after he sighed.

"When you were born I was already  working quite alot because I had to support you guys and I didn't want to rely on my parents so I worked, maybe too much. You're probably thinking why am I telling you this, it does seem boring to know but I do have a point. So one day I was working and I didn't want you to wake up because you looked so peaceful...ironic I know. But I had to work so of course I started the meeting online instead, I had you asleep on my chest whilst I worked and the comments the board members made, made me feel so proud to be your father, they all loved you and thought you were the cutest baby. After the meeting though you needed feeding but you refused to wake up. I panicked and within the hour we were at the hospital and a doctor was telling me you were woke up on the journey to the hospital but I took you anyway because I was so worried. I swear after the doctor left you had a cheeky grin on your face and I remember how I glared at you, playful of course, I didn't mean it but then I looked at you and my heart melted, I swear if you were older i would have been convinced you were awake all along and pretended to be asleep for a little extra attention, I know that's not the case, but I did give you more attention just I'm case and damn I was paranoid, I don't think I left you alone longer than a few hours if I had put you down for a nap. You matter so much to me Avery, please wake up and maybe I'll try not monitor you constantly, well I make no promises"

Elijah finished his story and sighed. She didn't appear to be waking up anytime soon, even after everything.

"I love you Avery, nothing you do will ever change that but Avery if you don't wake up I'm going to be... angry"

"Damn it Avery I'm sorry, angry wasn't the appropriate word. I'll be heartbroken if you don't. Just wake up okay"

He sat stroking her hair in silence after that. Not long after Max and Gabbi visited.

"How is she" Max asked handing Elijah some food and a bottle of water. He knew his brother wouldn't be eating. "Stable" Elijah mumbled not taking his eyes of Avery.

"We just wanted to check in, I won't stay long but please let me know if anything changes" Gabbi said, she hadn't planned on staying long. She reached out to stroke Avery's hair but Elijah was faster, he grabbed her wrist on reflex "don't touch her" he told Gabbi and slowly let go. Gabbi nodded and smiled nevermind "ok well I should be going I'll leave you both to talk. I'm thankful she's okay" Gabbi said and left.

"Did you really need to grab her wrist like that.

"Absolutely, I'm not taking any changes when it comes to Avery's wellbeing"

Max smiled and agreed. They then spoke for a bit, max would often come and check on Avery's condition thrn for Elijahs sake he would stay and talk.

When it was time for max to leave me said his goodbyes and left.

After the close call today, Elijah didn't bother with his work, he just sat with his daughter, his only focus was her. He knew no doubt his parents would be here tommorow fussing over him and Avery so he took this time to just be with her.

"I love you Avery, please don't leave me"

So I just wanted to include Gabbi in this chapter to show how protective Elijah is and how he will never repeat his past mistakes.

i want to change the story a little where Sarah took Avery and 6/7 months so I can have more cute scenes. What does everyone think?

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