chapter 35

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Elijah was done, he had remained patient too long. He hated what he had to do but she wouldn't listen, she blamed him and he understood, he blamed himself but they came a point where he couldn't take anymore.
He decided to give her one more chance because after all it was his fault or at least that's what he believed.

"I am your father and you will listen to me Avery. You don't want to go Therapy fine. But your attitude is disgusting and if I don't get an apology then I will have to show you that manners are a must"
He warned. This was her final warning.
He didn't want to go there but she didn't apology. "Fine go ahead, lock me in your dungeons for all I care"
Elijah would never do that but for dramatics he smirked "good idea" he said and started the car again.
He was going to take her to the gang house if she didn't apologize anyway. He wanted to show her what his second job was, he wanted to scare her but now she had said that he could scare her more.

He felt like a terrible father but she was out of control. If she wouldn't talk to him then fine that wouldn't be a problem he would wait until she was ready but she didn't just not want to talk to him, she insulted him, in fact he would even go so far as saying she was emotionally manipulating him.

They arrived not long after and Avery gulped. She didn't think he actually would.
"Let's go" Elijah said with a smirk.
"Elijah wait" Avery said as he led her to the entrance.
"No Avery. I have allowed you to call me Elijah because we haven't known each other long and such but you started to call me dad and now calling me Elijah, it's just disrespectful" Elijah spoke, he didn't want to force her to call him dad, he still didn't deserve it in his eyes but he wasnt having her call him Elijah any longer.

"Fine dad wait" Elijah hesitated but continued, she didn't mean it. She was using him. There was a time where he would do anything for her, where he would listen to what she had to say all because she would call him dad. And she knew that.

He opened the door and his people were walking about with guns and knives strapped to them. He pulled Avery inside and smirked. The side he hid from Avery was surfacing and he did nothing to push it away.

"Elijah what is she doing here" Gabbi rushed over full of concern for Avery.
Sebastian was annoyed but he couldn't help but feel pleased at her concern. He rather her be concerned then ignore what was going on. He really did like Gabbi but he knew they could only be friends and despite Avery's attitude, he would put her before any relationship.

"She wanted to be locked in the dungeons" Elijah shrugged.
"What the hell Elijah, you can't do that"
"I am only doing what my angel tells me" Elijah sarcastically said and led Avery down hallways.

"You know we could end this now and go to my parents if you at least apologised"  Elijah said as they continued down the hall.
"Why should I apologise, if anything you should be apologising" Avery said.
"And what should I be apologising for, enlighten me" Elijah replied, he had stopped walking and was now stood facing her waiting for a reply.
"For taking me here"
Elijah rolled his eyes "you pretty much told me too"
"Whatever" Avery mumbled.
"You can always apologize" Elijah suggested.
Elijah didn't say anything else instead he walked down the hallway and stood at a closed door.

"Last chance Avery and believe me you want to take it because after this, we are done. I know you don't believe it because I say it way to often but Avery I will find who is after you and provide you with essentials but that's it, I will keep you healthy and safe nothing else" Elijah warned in such a dark tone it made Avery shudder. She didn't speak up though. She wouldn't apologize.

If this was a cartoon Elijah would have smoke coming out of his ears, he was fuming. He hated all the negative emotions but he had been too soft. He grabbed Avery and within seconds he had opened the door and pushed her in.

He didn't mean for Avery to loose her but she did and fell, he almost rushed too her to make sure she was okay, he wanted to take her back to the hospital to make sure she was still okay.

Luckily she was, at least physically, only she panicked, she closed her eyes and tears ran down her face "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please don't leave me here"
"Open your eyes Avery" Elijahs tone was filled with authority and lacked emotion.
Avery opened her eyes and blinked as she saw her surroundings.
It was just a large room with boxes and other useless items.
"You tricked me" Avery said.
"I never said I was taking you to a dungeon and locking you up" he replied

"I gave you so many chances Avery and you could have stopped it so many times but you didn't and I am a man of my word" Elijah said keeping his emotionless tone.

"And you say your not manipulative" Avery mumbled.

"Stop with the attitude and stand up now"

Avery refused.

"I said stand up, do not  ignore me" Elijah warned.

It was killing him inside to treat her this way but he had to. He had to be strict.

"Fine you can stay here in a house full of armed people, I'm going to my parents"
Elijah walked away.

He was thankful when Avery did follow him because there was not a chance he would actually leave her here.

The drive to his parents was silent. Elijah was feeling guilty but he kept reassuring himself that he didn't hurt her, it's not like he did it straight away he gave her plenty of chances, he only gently pushed her, it's not like he shoved her to the ground.

When they got to his parents, he got out and walked ahead, Avery reluctantly got out and followed behind.
"We are here" Elijah said as they entered.

Lydia and Matthew had been anxiously waiting, Max was in the living room trying to hack the road cameras but he was struggling, someone had placed firewalls, it appeared they had recently been put there, his theory was that whoever did this had also accessed the road cameras and made them more secure as it wouldn't appear as odd as missing time.

"How are you both" Lydia asked coming to them.
"Has max made any progress" Elijah asked, he wasn't in the mood to talk.
"He's struggling with some firewalls" Matthew said.
"I'll have a look" Elijah said, he was determined to catch the people responsible.
"Ok well Avery why don't you come with me and we can get you something to eat" Lydia said. "Go with my mum Avery" Elijah spoke and Avery reluctantly did. It wasn't like he meant it to come out like a order because it wasn't but his cold tone made it sound like it was.

"What happened" Matthew asked as they walked into the living room where Max was.
Elijah explained what had happened during the car journey and what he had done. Both his father and brother were shocked that he had done something about her behaviour.
"Am I a bad father"  he asked them
"Hell no, you give her everything she could ever want. You are only over protective because someone is after her it's not like you have been this way since you met her" Max said.
"And you gave her so many chances even then"  Matthew added.
Elijah definitely had more patience then he did.

"I feel awful, I told her we were done but it's not what I want. I want my little girl back, I accept that she's growing up but where did the girl I knew a few months ago go to" Elijah said.
Both Mathew and Max felt terrible for him.
"I have tried talking to her all the time , I keep reassuring her, I tell her I love her, Ive told her she doesn't need to talk now, I told her I'd wait till she's ready. I don't know what else I could say. She means the world to me and I hate myself for treating her like this but I have no choice, I've tried everything. She can't see she's in danger, I've been shot, she's been beaten up and still she refuses to see it. I just want her safe, the day Sarah took her was one I never want to experience again. Now I  need to be strict though because it's the only thing she will respond too"
Elijah spoke, his voice wavering in certain bits. He paused before continuing, this time his voice cracked slightly.
" She hates me and I guess that's okay, just as long as she's safe. As long as no one hurts her "

So thoughts on how Elijah handled the situation?

Im hating Avery so much it was hard not to write Avery ✨accidently✨ getting hurt.

I also decided to split this chapter into two chapters, so next one should be out in a day or so

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