chapter 68

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"Avery" Beth shouted when she spotted me. I smile and go to her. It was good to see them again.

They didn't know what had happened, Elijah had thought it best to tell the school that we had a family situation or something.

"Hi Beth" I greet.

"Oh don't you hi Beth me, I've been worried sick about you, you're okay now though right?"  Beth said trying to remain serious but she was failing and looked way to excited.

"I am" I tell her and she smiles "great because you have missed lots. Come on I'll catch you up on the way to class"

Beth pulled me along telling me all about what had happened.
Apparently Nathan now had a girlfriend who Beth hated.
I couldn't help but laugh when she described his girlfriend due to the amount of hate she had for her.
There was a few new students, one in which Beth had a crush on.
Beth's father had told her about some class trip which we could apply to go on. She had signed me up as I missed the due date, she said I didn't have to go if I didn't want but she wanted me to have the option.
I thought that was really nice of her and I was grateful she did.

"Oh and Xander" Beth started and I couldn't help roll my eyes at the look she gave me.

"I think he misses you, did you two have an argument though, when you first left he didn't want anything to do with you but now he misses you"

I nodded, I knew I was in the wrong back then but in my defense, Xander was immature about it all too.

"What happened to you" Beth whispered. We were now stood outside our classroom.

I wanted to tell her but then I'd have to tell her everything. Maybe that's why I am now missing Xander, I could talk to him about anything, he knew who Elijah was.

I pulled her into the nearest bathroom, I couldn't not tell anyone. I quickly checked that we were alone.

"Don't tell anyone, not even Nathan" I tell her. She nods "okay"

"So it turned out my mum was alive all along and let's just say she hated me because my dad paid more attention to me, so she took me from him and it's taken a while for my dad to find me"  I sum up.

"She kidnapped you" Beth exclaims.

"Yes" I reply looking away.

"The bitch. Well you're back with your dad now, that's all that matters now" Beth reassured.

I nod. She was right. Elijah has been great so far.

"Let's just get to class, you can point out your crush to me"

Elijah pov

I sighed as I watched my daughter leave the car. It's been a hectic few days. I was beyond happy to see her healing but I was also extremely worried now that she was on her own. Her comments this morning were amusing but i wasn't going to let her get away with mocking me, so after I did her hair, I went and took the ice-cream from the freezer. It was petty but I couldn't use my l normal methods so I had to improvise and get creative. It wasn't going to be the only thing I'd do to her. She messed with me so I'm only going to return the favour.

Today was going to drag however since she was at school, I didn't have to explain where I am going and that place would be a little visit to Sarah's.

I plan on making her pay further, I want information and I want torture her. Both shall be done.

Avery pov

It was lunch time now and Beth, Nathan, his girlfriend, Tara  and I sit together on a table. Our other friends were busy with various stuff.

Beth was right about Tara, I really didn't like her either.

Xander was across the canteen with a few of his friends and the new kids.
"Which one" I whispered to Beth, she had yet to tell me.
"The one on the right. Luke" she mumbled. I smirked, a plan already forming.
"Avery don't" Beth seemed to have caught on.
"What does she want to do" Tara asked.
"Im just going to talk to them" I tell them all.
"Bad idea, they don't talk to anyone but the people on the table. You don't stand a chance"

I ignore her words and walk over. I looked and saw Beth face palm herself but at the same time she looked over with hope.

I must have been insane, I don't usually talk to people willingly and now this. I guess what happened with her, made me want to prove I'm okay to everyone.

"Hi"  I say after reaching the table.

"Not interested love, go away" one of the new kids said.  I cringed at the name. For some reason  I couldn't help compare him and Jacob, I knew Jacob did it for a reaction, he meant nothing by it but this guy, it was weird and uncalled for.

"Don't worry I'm not interested either. Hi Xander" I reply completely ignoring the guy.

"Avery, you're back" Xander turned around, he hadn't seen who it was before this but when he saw me he began smiling. We hadn't seen each other today yet so I don't think he knew I was back.
"Yeah I'm back. Who are your new friends" I ask.
"Oh that's Luke, James, Cal and Daisy" he points them out.

I look at Luke first, he seemed like a nice guy. He smiled widely at me and quickly greeted me.
James nodded in acknowledgment, Cal who I found was the one who told me he wasn't interested didn't even acknowledge me.
Daisy seemed like a stereotypical stuck up rich girl.

"Are you stopping"  Xander asked.

"I have to get back to my friends" I wanted to stop with Xander though.

"Oh okay, we should catch up though"

I nod. It has been too long.

"Jesus, why don't you both go catch up now" one of Xanders friends said. I couldn't remember his name.

Xander looked at me and I nodded. It's better to do it now.

"It was nice meeting you Luke, youre welcome over at our table anytime" i say just before Xander and I walk away.

We get outside and head to a secluded spot.

"So my parents told me what happened, I did ask to visit but you were only seeing family" Xander started.

"Yeah it was a rough few weeks" I tell him.

"I bet. I'm just glad you're back"  he opens his arms and I hug him.

I think this means we are okay.

"How about we go into town at the weekend. We can have a proper catch up"  he suggested.

"Elijah might not approve" I tell him.

"He can't possibly say no to two friends having a catch up after so long, we are just friends after all"

I nod "I'll ask".

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