chapter 52

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Elijah watched Jacobs every move, even the slightest moves that had nothing to do with Avery he watched. He was holding Avery as she was positioned against him, he was holding his little girl. Max and Zach were also in the room with guns pointed at Jacob, one word from Elijah and they would shoot.

"What are you doing, you're going to hurt her" Elijah said as Jacob pulled out a syringe.

"If she wakes up whilst I do this then she will be in a lot of pain"

"You are not injecting my daughter, it could be poisen for all I know" Elijah said .

"Fine but if she wakes up you will regret this"
"Are you making a threat, I don't think you're in any position to threaten anyone. Fix. My. Daughter."

Jacob gulped and quickly got to work.

"It's not a permenant fix, she will need to go to the hospital to make sure everything is okay but I'm stopping the bleeding and closing the wounds" Jacob explained as he started the procedure.

It must have taken an hour at least but by the end of it, Avery was stable. "She should live" Jacob said, truth be told he missed her snarky comments, he found it amusing.

"Do we kill him now" Max asked.

"He saved my daughter so no, he could be useful though, have him sent to the cells"  Elijah decided.

Max and Noah responded by putting their guns away and grabbing Jacob. "I really didn't have any idea it was her mother" Jacob said, he felt a ton of guilt.

"Either way you hurt my daughter, you were involved" Elijah said, his attention was more on Avery as he didn't even look up from her. He dismissed them with a wave of his hand.
Elijah was alone with Avery, she was stable, she was safe.
"I could have lost you today baby and I am so so sorry for everything. I love you so much" Elijah held his daughter, stroking her hair as he spoke.

"We are going to get you to the hospital and you are going to be given the best care. And you will wake up and I'll be there, and I'll buy you whatever ice-cream you want, and we can watch movies and we can do whatever you want.....just please be okay, please wake up" Elijahs voice broke slightly as he realised they weren't out of the woods just yet.

He sighed and picked her up, he noticed she had gotten lighter but that was the least of his concern. He carried her back towards the entrance.

Dead bodies scattered the floor, all of them were enemies so he didn't care, he just walked out. The cars had been pulled up now to the place which Elijah was thankful for. Only a few remained as  most of his men had gone back. He got in one which was out front.

The driver looked back in pity and sorrow "should I go to the hospital boss"

Elijah looked down at Avery, she was now stable enough to make it to the warehouse medical area. It would be easier as taking her to an official hospital was a last resort in this case. She would be taken off him for child endangerment, he was fully prepared to take her to the hospital an hour ago but she was stable now.  "No, take us back" He said just as the back door opened and Max climbed in.
"Zach has that boy handled, a few others have just left with Sarah. Everyone else on their side is dead" Max informed Elijah.
"Let's just go" Elijah ordered. He was more focused on Avery than he was to think of all the ways he could kill Sarah.

When they got back, Elijah carried Avery to the medical part and doctors attended to her straight away. The environment was a lot more nicer and Elijah trusted the people working on her so he wasnt as guarded. "I have to say the person who stitched her up has done a remarkable job"  the doctor said as he checked the stitches. "Will she be okay" Elijah asked.

"I don't know Boss, she has alot of damage, we will give her some x-rays to see if there is any damage or should I say how much damage. Was she aware of her surroundings when concious"

"Yes she slipped into unconcious when we were bringing her to be stitched, she hasn't woke since." Elijah stated.

This seemed to panic the doctor as he tested for a heart rate, then he got a torch and shined it in her eyes. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw she was responsive. "Right let's get started" he said and began prepping.
"So far she is stable but preliminary findings aren't looking good. We will just have to wait for the x-rays and hope for the best"

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