chapter 62

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Jacob was telling Elijah everything once they got to Elijahs office and Elijah had been surprised at how accurate the information provided was. Elijah wasn't going to trust him at his word, he realised it could be a trap, Jacob gave him accurate information to earn his trust then when he stops checking it, Jacob gives him false information.

It wasn't going to happen though because Elijah didn't trust Jacob at all.

"So why mind games, why not beat them up" Elijah asked suddenly, it was strange for him to see someone so young preferring to attack his enemy mentally.

"It causes more damage, it hurts them more" Jacob said with a sickly grin.

Jacob then carried on giving every bit of information Elijah required about Sarah, it wasn't much but it was something.

"The letters and the flower? Explain" Elijah asked, it was a question on his mind ever since he found out it was Sarah.

"The flower was my idea, the letters too, seemed like a good idea to scare you both" Jacob shrugged.

"Why did you choose a flower"

"Well Sarah wouldn't let me do much research on Avery but I knew there was some history with a man Garrows I think, Sarah mentioned he called her flower so I thought why not use it"

Elijah had been holding a glass as he had picked it up to have a drink, he expected the anwser to be something like because I can.

The glass he was holding, dropped to the floor when he heard the last sentence. The glass smashed and pieces laid scattered along the floor. Did Sarah know Garrows?

"Do you know what Garrows did" Elijah asked trying not to lash out.

"He was a foster parent who tried to kidnap her again"

"So you decide to send a flower that would scare her into thinking her abuser his back"

"Oh please, she thought it was you, besides Sarah said she wasn't abused"

Elijah was pissed but then if Jacob didn't know she was abused, maybe he wouldn't have done it if he knew.

"Sarah knows Garrows?"

"I think so? She didn't tell me much okay, maybe they were friends or something, you will have to ask her"

Elijah nodded. The boy was clearly in over his head. He had no idea what was going on but the information provided was useful and so he kept his word.

"I suggest you get out of this line of work and start over," Elijah said once they were done with the information.

"One day I might" Jacob said.

Elijah led him downstairs, he didn't want the boy wandering around.

"You are free to go but if you ever decide to do anything I don't like, I will kill you, even if your half way across the world" Elijah warned.

He wanted to go back downstairs and find out what that bitch knew about Garrows so he was speeding it along.

"Thank you. Do you consider staying in New York something that will get me killed" Jacob asked hoping it didn't. He had grown fond of the place.

Elijah thought about it, then came to the decision. "You can stay but anything you find out, you tell me. You can either quit the shady stuff and live a normal life or you can continue the dodgy shit and tell me information"

Jacob thought for a minute before nodding "you have yourself...."

Jacob was cut off, a red laser appeared on Elijahs head. It would be so easy to let the man die, he could still escape.

But he couldn't do that. Elijah had shown him mercy when no one else did. Without hesitating he dived on Elijah pulling him down.
"What the fuck do you think your playing at" Elijah shouted as a bullet flew through the air. It would have hit him if it wasn't for Jacob.

"Fuck" Elijah cursed, he pushed the boy off him and stood pulling the boy up too.

Just as they were about to re enter the building, another bullet flew through the air, this time at Jacob, whoever was shooting was annoyed that the boy ruined their shot. This time it was Elijahs turn and he pushed the boy inside.

Jacob wasn't as lucky as Elijah though, he had been hit in the arm.

Elijah slammed the front door shut. He was pissed. "Don't just stand there, go find who is shooting at me, take the back exit" Elijah ordered his men.

He then turned to the boy "seems you have a habit of saving people" he said refering to how he had saved Avery and now him.

Elijah took Jacob to the infirmary after that and thankfully the doctor told them it would be a quick job. So whilst the doctor took the bullet out and stitched him up, Elijah stayed.

"You could have let the person kill me and then run off, why did you save me" Elijah asked.

"You let me go, it was the right thing to do after you showed mercy"

"Because you saved Avery, we were even" Elijah said.

"You still could have killed me, just accept I saved you and got fucking shot" Jacob said, gritting his teeth, he cursed at the moment the doctor pulled the bullet out. It hurt badly.

"Very well. I'm going to go see if the bastard has been caught" Elijah was fuming. He promised Avery he would be okay, that he wasn't in danger and now he gets shot. Whoever was behind it would pay.

"You don't go anywhere" he told Jacob.

"Well he can't until I discharge him boss, I'd like to keep him over night for observation at the very least"

"You have stitched him up though" Elijah told him.

"Yes but I just want to be sure he's okay, the bullet could be laced with poisen or anything"the doctor commented.

"Fine he can stay but he goes nowhere on his own"

Elijah left after that he had to make sure whoever shot at him had been caught.

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