chapter 6

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Dad left and the anxiety grew. I had never been alone with Gabbi before,at least not longer than a minute. The first time I met her dad was there then Max and the last, she and a few others were round here but dad was by my side throughout. She seemed nice but so did Jess at first. I had asked for her to come in because I saw how much they both liked each other last time I saw them both together however I was still hesitant to trust her.
"Sooo now that Elijah has gone let's talk" she said and I immediately thought the worst. Was she going to tell me to stay away, tell me I would soon be gone.
"About what" I ask carefully.
"Anything, Elijah and I grew up together, it's only fair that I try to become friends with his daughter, well not friends because I don't know if that would be weird but we can do girly stuff together like shopping trips if you want that is, oh god I'm getting ahead of myself aren't I" she rambled and I smiled. "You like my dad and I can see he likes you but I can't trust you yet. After his last girlfriend I just..." I trail off. "Yeah I don't know exactly what happened but it was bad right" she replied and I nod. "She beat me and had me err well r...raped" I whisper wanting to get it off my chest.

She gasped in horror "oh that bitch, how could she do that. Listen to me, I will never ever do that. I will never ever come between you and your dad. We are friends and sure you might see me around alot but if you ever feel neglected tell me and I'll back off. In fact if you ever have a problem what you can't turn to Elijah for, you can come to me. Like boys or anything" her speech had tears running down my face, she didn't hesitate when she saw them and pulled me into a hug.

I had never had a good experience with men until Elijah came and even if he never told me he was my dad, I had thought of him as one.

But I had also never had a good experience with women.
My mum was a twisted women, most foster mums ignored what their husband's did to me or they took part in the abuse,  and Jess was also abusive.
Maybe Gabbi was different.

After we parted, dad walked back in with a huge smile on his face. He grabbed his grilled cheese and sat down.
His smile disappeared as he looked at me, at first I couldn't help think the worst but he looked concerned "how you feeling Aves" I look at him for a minute because of the new nickname. It was different but I kinda liked it. "I feel better dad" I tell him and his concern remains but gives me a smile. "We will talk a little  more later" he told me and I nod.

Gabbi soon left after lunch and Dad became serious as he led me to the living room.
"Avery I have booked you in to see a doctor and therapist" he says after we sit down. I gulp. I didn't want any doctors.
"But I'll be ok" I tell him but even I didn't believe what I was saying
"Avery I spoke to the doctor, you are showing signs of PTSD we need to get you checked out. I'm not saying you can't talk to me because you can day or night, I'm just not a professional and I feel like after everything you have been through it would be beneficial"
I nod. I saw his point "I'll try it for you " I say not wanting to go but not wanting him to worry more.
"Try for yourself too. Baby I know it's hard to admit but I see how you act and I know it's partly my fault but I want you happy"
"I am happy dad" I try but deep down I knew I wasn't.
"Okay, but these nightmares and flashbacks are effecting your well-being and I don't want you doing anything that will harm you to feel better" he said and I knew he meant drugs, alcohol and probably crime

"You know what I might just start growing my own, gotta start somewhere. I could start my own cannabis farm" I tell him my voice laced with sarcasm but he didn't take it too well.
"Do it, and you will be grounded forever" he was serious and by the look on his face I knew never to disobey him. "Dad I was being sarcastic"  I tell him and although I could see his annoyance he did look calmer.

"Fine, no drugs though" he says and I nod. After my mum I would never. "Don't you do drugs though or at least deal them. It's kinda hypercritical" I say regretting even opening my mouth when he gives me a glare "drugs are for petty lowlife gangs. I am the mafia, we deal with money, weapons and other stuff. I rule New York, and I have power over all gangs in America. To be able to continue they pay me 70% of the profit they make from whatever shit they do and yes it probably some of it is drugs" he explains and I nod.  "The petty gangs sound scarier" I say not even thinking. "Maybe because they have alot of traitors who do whatever the fuck they want. My guys do what I say when I say" he sounded annoyed now probably because I basically insulted the mafia. "Anything else you want to add" his voice was calm as he asked this. There was one thing one my mind. Two crimes that I wanted to know. I don't think I could look at him the same way if he said yes.

"Dad, do you err kidnap people and what about sex you do these stuff"

Please say no.
Please get angry at me for asking.
Please say no.

So do you think he does these sort of things? 
This book will be more mafia Elijah than dad Elijah so it might get more violent.

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