chapter 44

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First part of the chapter takes place pretty much at the same time as last chapter....around 30 minutes after Avery told Elijah she would be home later.

Avery had been so annoyed she didn't even look to see where she was going, she noticed it was a really rough area, it didn't bother her though, she had grown up in places like this so she wasn't scared of the druggies or alcoholics that were lurking about.

Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a man who was dressed way to nicely for this area, she couldn't help roll her eyes. "Of course he sent someone to watch me" she mumbled to herself.

Her dad was way to paranoid and controlling in her opinion, there wasn't a threat, it was all his doing.

The man spotted her looking and smirked, he wasted no time approaching her.

"I suppose Elijah sent you"  she asked, referring to her dad by name just in case he wasn'tt sent by him but she was certain he was.

The man laughed, it was a dark sinister laugh.
"You know you treat him like crap and he still tries. If you were my daughter id have given you up along time ago"

"So he did send you, no doubt to scare me" Avery ignored his comment.

"No, but we have been watching,  you should have listened to him, he has only ever tried to do his best. I mean the guy had you when he was 19, he was pretty much a child himself still, then he found you again and even though it's only been several months now, he's doing his best, he stepped up and all you did is treat him like shit" the man went on a rant.

"So you are someone working for him, saw how we were and decided to confront me" Avery summed up.

"I do not work for your dad, I don't even want to be here, I was so hoping you would make up with Elijah so I didn't have to do this but I have bills to pay and you dear are worth alot"


The man rolled his eyes, he really didn't want to be here, what he was doing was wrong but he had bills and a family to provide for so he reluctantly grabbed the girl and injected her with a sedative, she collapsed in seconds. He rather be at home then doing this. He grabbed the girl and carried her to his car.

At least the hard part was over.

Avery woke up in a room, at least she thought it was a room, everything was pitch black and there was a cold draft.

"Very funny Elijah, let me out"

Footsteps were then heard and a steam of light entered as a door opened, she took a quick look and she realised she was in a basement.

"When will you get it through your thick head. Elijah is not responsible for this, he was right to try and protect you because I can assure you the threat is very real" it was a different man this time. This man wasn't as nice as he wanted to be there, he wanted to help

"But he"

"Shut up, you know nothing. Elijah got himself shot for you and you still believe it's him. Such a poor excuse of a daughter"

Even the people after her, who had been watching her had found her behaviour disgusting, they all felt for Elijah as they saw the girl they were instructed to watch was a brat.

"When the boss gets here you will be sorry you pushed him away" the man said with a smirk.


After Elijah and Gabby finished their food, Elijah was adement on cleaning up since Gabby cooked.

"You have quite a bit lift" Elijah stated as he picked up the pan which still contained food.

"Well I left some for Avery, in case she's hungry"

Elijah couldn't help but smile at how thoughtful Gabby was.

"Of course, I'd be surprised though if she didn't accuse us of poisening her" Elijah stated.

Gabby smiled, she didn't want to laugh because of how serious Elijah was and she knew from what Elijah had told her, it was probably a possibility.

Elijah continued to clean up, every time Gabby tried to help he would take whatever she had and set it back down.
"I can help Elijah" Gabby said.
"You cooked so I should be the one to clean" Elijah stated for what seemed like the 100th time.
"But I want to help" Gabby said giving Elijah a look similar to puppy eyes.
"Don't look at me like that" Elijah stated and turned away from her.

"Why? Is it working?" Gabby asked causing Elijah to smile.
"No" he said even though it was.

"Fine I'll just sit here all on my own and watch"

Elijah rolled his eyes at how dramatic she was "actually you can't sit here, I need to wipe down the surface and well I can't because you're sat there, and then I will probably have to sweep up. You will have to go sit all alone in the other room" Elijah said in a some what playful tone.

He expected Gabby to complain but she had a smirk on her face and she walked out. She was up to something.

Elijah shook his head and got back to cleaning.
Gabby on the other hand wasnt up to anything really, she knew Elijah wanted a reaction out of her she just decided not to give it him.

Elijah had almost finished tidying up when he received a message, he looked at the ID first before deciding whether to opening it, it was from Avery so he opened it.

The plate he was holding dropped to the floor as he saw the unthinkable.

Two pictures.

Avery unconscious in the back of a car.
Avery tied up alone in a basement.

"Gabby" he shouted in urgency.

"What is it, do you need help now" Gabby  teased, not knowing what had just happened.

"No. Come on, we need to go" Elijah rushed as he put on his shoes.

"Elijah what's happened" Gabby asked as she followed Elijah.

"She's been taken, my little girl has been kidnapped"

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