Chapter 45

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Elijah pov

I was a terrible father, I let her go off on her own knowing there was a threat, I wouldn't be suprised if social services take her off me for this. I had no idea idea who took her or even where she was taken.

I hated myself for what I had done.

"It's not your fault Elijah" Gabby tried to comfort me.

"Of course it's my fault, I let her go"

"You did but she left earlier that day nothing happened, she would have left again even if you didn't tell her too and you know it" Gabby tried.

"Doesn't matter I should have protected her" I tell her.

"What's done is done, we will get her back" Gabby told me, I chose not to reply instead I got lost in my thoughts as I drove us to the warehouse.

"Call my dad" I tell Gabby who silently does.

He picked up after several rings and Gabby put it on speaker.

"Elijah what is it" dad asked.

I couldn't say it again, I didn't want it to be true. Saying it made it true.

"Hi sir it's Gabby, Elijah really needs you to get down to the warehouse"  Gabby thankfully anwsered for me.

"Oh Gabby how are you, you know you can call me Matthew, why may I ask am I going down there" dad anwsered.

Gabby looked at me and I nodded for her to tell him.

"It's Avery" she whispered, I don't think even she could say it.

"Ugh what has she gone and done now. Elijah just don't listen to her, you're a good father" dad said making me feel even shitter.

I was the worst father ever. I had caused this.

"I let her go out on her own and she got taken" I snap.

"I'm on my way"

3rd person

Matthew didn't tell Lydia, he just grabbed Max and left. Lydia would worry too much.

"Where are we going" Max asked in the car.

"Warehouse, they have Avery"

"Fuck" Max cursed.

Matthew must have broken a few laws getting there but he didn't care, Elijah and Avery were more important. They were both worried for Avery but more importantly they worried for Elijah, he didn't cope well last time.

"Explain from the beggining what happened" Matthew asked Elijah once they found him, he was currently ordering one of the tech people to track the location of Avery's phone.

"Does it really matter,I did this, it's my fault"

"I have a theory" max decided to speak up. He had been thinking it for a while but knew it was impossible.
"If it doesn't help me find my daughter I'm not interested" Elijah snapped as he turned back to the tech person and ordered him to work faster.

"Flower, the letter received had a dead flower in, called her a flower. Garrows called her that" Max shared his thoughts despite Elijahs annoyance.

"Garrows is dead" Elijah spoke in such a cold tone it sent shivers down everyone who heard him.

"You don't think I've thought of that. It can't be Garrows because he's dead and any connections Garrows had arent actually criminal, the guy may have been involved in criminal activity but he covered it up" Elijah explained. He had already gone over every angle he could think of with Garrows, he had looked into all her past foster parents which made him sick to do so, he had most of them arrested, some of them he threatened and all of them had the kids removed from their houses.
He had dealt with every living person from her past.

"Well there has to be some link" max said knowing he was right.

"A dead flower, she was his flower, it's a threat, a death threat" Max tried again.

"I know what it is" Elijah snapped.

"Enough boys, we will find her Elijah, I'll make a call to a few friends, whoever has her won't be able to leave the state"  Matthew said stepping away to make the call.

Elijah got back onto tech to track the phone,he also made some calls himself, Max was hacking street cameras, Gabby was helping max. There wasn't much to do until they found her.

"Elijah you need to tell us what happened" his dad said seeing the guilt in Elijahs eyes.

"It's my fault, we argued and I let her go" Elijah mumbled, the guilt was getting to him.

"It's not your fault Eli" Gabby tried to comfort him.

"I shouldn't have let her go" Elijah said.

"Tell us the full story"

Elijah reluctantly did so and both max and Matthew were fuming when he finished, they were discusted by her words and how she could suggest such a sick thing.

"We will find her, maybe this will show her you were right" Max said.

"Of course we will, that girl needs a serious attitude readjustment though" Matthew added.


"Boss says we are done, we have our money " one of the men said

"Did the boss say anything about letting us give the girl a few hits" another man said.

They had both been tasked with watching Avery, they were different from before and again they didn't like the girl.

"Afraid not, I wouldn't want to cross the boss" the first man said.

"I suppose, I wish we could though the girl is such a brat, it's sickening how she treated her father. Maybe we could give her a few hits for it"

"Go ahead, boss says you have a few minutes" a man said coming into the room but he quickly left.

The two men looked at each other and smirked. None of them liked the girl and although there weren't allowed to hurt her at least until now, they did hurl a ton of insults at her.

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