chapter 10

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"Because you're too over protective I don't like it. In fact I hate it"

So she hated that I was over protective. I rolled my eyes, she was being a little bratty today.
"So you hate that I don't want you getting hurt again" I ask and she glares at me.
Well shit.
"I hate that I have no life, you are always watching me. I want time to myself not time with the guards"  she snapped in the same tone she used earlier.
I sighed, I understood where she was coming from but after everything that had happened I wasn't going to risk her being taken.
I just wish she would understand I wasn't doing this to annoy her, I was doing it to protect her.
I would definitely have to speak to them about being less obvious.

"You have a life Avery, the only time I'm watching you is when we are together"  I tell her calmly not wanted to argue with her. "Where is all this coming from, is everything ok" I ask knowing I didn't like this new tone she was devolping but also it wasn't Avery, which concerned me. "Everything is fine I'm just fed up of the guards" she replied calmer. "Ok if you're sure, but you can come to me anytime if something is bothering you" I tell her having no choice but to take her word for it.
"I'm sure when I'm not ok your guards will have already told you"
And the attitude was back. Don't get me wrong I loved that she challenged me, it meant she wasn't afraid of me like she was when we first met but I wasn't about to let her speak like this to me.
"You might as well install cameras because clearly you don't understand privacy either" she spoke harshly and I froze.


"I'm nothing like him"

"No but you keep tabs on me like he did"

Now I was debating removing the guards, maybe these guards were a trigger for her. She didn't like being watched, but what if she got taken like the note implied.

"Fine, once I've found the person who wrote me the note I will remove them. They don't constantly watch your every movement, only when you are in public places and half the time they are watching the people around you" I compromise knowing no matter how much it made her uncomfortable, her safety was my priority.

If I removed the guards and she got taken I don't know what I'd do.

"No. Get rid of them Elijah"

"You can either tell me what's gotten into you or drop that attitude"


I had enough of being watched, that was the problem. It had nothing to do with Garrows but I implied it anyway which I know was a bitchy thing to do.

"Nothing, I'm going to my room, would you like to put a guard in my room too" I say and before he can anwser I walk out.

I was being childish and even I thought I was treating him awful but I couldn't help it.
Everything I did was reported back to him which wasn't fair.

There was a knock at my door and I rolled my eyes not wanting to talk to him.
"Can I come in Avery" I rolled my eyes at his question.
"Sure" I knew he would only  come in at some point anyway.

He walked in with a smirk then becconed a women in. I gulped, what the fuck was he up to. "Avery this is Anna, Anna this as you know is Avery" he introduced. "It's a pleasure to meet you miss" she said and I couldn't help but be skeptical.
"She's your guard,since you were so rude you can have her in your room for a bit" he said with a smirk. I should not have walked out after saying that.

"What if she hurts me"

"She won't. Besides if she wanted to hurt you, she would have done it by now, she's one of your body guards" he said and walked out leaving me alone with Anna.

Anna smiled at me "don't worry I won't disturb you"


I smirked as I left her room. Anna was in charge of her protection and she was doing a check on the house so I decided to invite her in and have her watch Avery.
Maybe I was being a bad father but screw it.
She walked out after she was rude so why not. Besides Anna was loyal and would never hurt Avery. Even if she was going to, she would have done it by now, she had been watching Avery from a distance but now that they are meeting maybe Avery will feel better about having someone watch her.

I'll keep my daughter safe even if I have to go against her wishes. My Princess was the important person in my life and I would go to extreme measures if I had too. Of course I take her happiness into consideration always but this time I can't risk it.

The guards stay.

Her being safe and not kidnapped was more important than her want to be independent.
After all the suffering and abuse she's faced I wasn't going to let that happen again.
No matter what lengths I will have to go to.

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